Інститут фізики напівпровідників імені В.Є. Лашкарьова Національної академії наук України


Silicon-based diode temperature sensor (model DS-A)

№46 Laboratory of Physical and technological problems sensor electronics
V.F. Mitin, V.V. Kholevchuk

03939 2


    Diode temperature sensor can be used for static and dynamic temperature measurements in the 1.5 K to 450 K temperature range.

    The temperature sensing element for thermometer is a silicon p+-n-n+ planar diode.  The size of the diode structure is 0.35 mm x 0.35 mm x 0.2 mm.  This sensitive element is placed in various nonmagnetic packages. At present three types of sensor packages are offered: cylindrical canister package, made of gold plated copper (3 mm in diameter and 5.0 mm long), micro-package (1.2 mm in diameter and 1.0 mm long) and micro-package on plate (2 mm square by 0.15 mm thick).

Main advantages:

•    small size
•    extremely fast response to temperature changes
•    high quality and low price

Operating characteristics:

Voltage, U, and sensitivity, dU/dT, vs. temperature curves at different currents

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