Інститут фізики напівпровідників імені В.Є. Лашкарьова Національної академії наук України


Sub-THz active assembly for security applications

Basic technical features:

  • Active mode (using a sub-THz radiation source);
  • Operation radiation frequency: ν ~ 75, ~94, ~140 GHz (bi-frequency radiation sources mode can be available);
  • Detection array: linear array of FET sub-THz detectors;
  • Number of pixels in imagery: >= 2.5*104 (>= 128x200);
  • Detection of dust drugs, pills, blades, ceramics, and other metallic and non-metallic enclosures;
  • Pixel size (resolution): <~ 2x2 / 4x4 mm (in dependence of radiation frequency);
  • Frame rate (detection time): >=0.5 Hz (≤2 s);
  • Rate of item movement to be recognized: >=200 mm/s;
  • Dynamic range >=40 dB.

Fig. 1 (in the top left, click to enlarge). Examples of items images within the rubber sole at ν=140 GHz : razor blade (left, dsole ~2 cm), medical pill (right, dsole ~ 1.5 cm). Scanning rate V=200 mm/s (line rate γ=200 Hz). Images obtaining time t=1 s. 32-element detector array from 128 linear array in process. Pitch l=1 mm.


More pictures at radiation frequency ν = 140 GHz

Scanning rate V=200 mm/s (line rate γ=200 Hz). Images obtaining time t=1 s. 32-element detector array, pitch =1 mm.


Empty lighter at different radiation frequencies.


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