Інститут фізики напівпровідників імені В.Є. Лашкарьова Національної академії наук України



Solidarity with Ukraine ‑ Solidarité avec l’Ukraine

PAUSE program opens a special call for emergency assistance to Ukrainian researchers in danger, through an emergency fund granted by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.

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An emergency financial aid to finance the stay of a Ukrainian researcher, and his/her family if applicable, for a period of three months is proposed to voluntary French institutions. The amount of the financial aid will be a lump sum based on the number of people in the family unit (single person, couple, family).

This emergency hosting in France may allow the researcher to prepare, in connection with a host institution, an application to the PAUSE program according to the regular procedures and criteria of the program, based on co-funding.


How to apply?A simplified application form must be completed online by the host institution, along with the following documents:

A letter of commitment from the head of the institution committing to host the researcher for a period of three months

A bank account details of the host institution

A copy of the passport or, failing that, the identity card of the researcher and members of his/her family, if applicable

A curriculum vitae of the researcher

The application platform is accessible via this link https://candidatures-pause.college-de-france.fr/index.php/pause-ukraine/


Security and Confidentiality

In order to protect against interception of communications that could compromise the security of researchers, we recommend that host institutions and researchers use secure messaging services for their communications. End-to-end encrypted solutions, such as Olvid or Signal for phone exchanges and ProtonMail or Tutanota for email exchanges, are strongly recommended.


Voluntary Institutions

If your institution would like to volunteer to host a researcher at risk, but you do not have direct contacts, we invite you to contact the PAUSE program at Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її. so that we can put you in touch with a researcher who does not have a host institution.

The PAUSE program works closely with all of its partners in order to assist the host institutions in preparing the arrival and installation of the researchers.