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- Перегляди: 1595
Бурлака А.П., Ганусевич І.І., Вовк А.В., Лукін С.М. Спосіб прогнозування перебігу захворювання у хворих на рак прямої кишки – Патент України на корисну модель № 118025 від 25.07.2017 – Бюл.№ 14.
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- Перегляди: 5091
Shportko K.V., Barlas T.R., Baran J., Trukhan V.M., Shoukavaya T.V. and Venger E.F. – Spectroscopy of the Surface Polaritons in the CdxZn(1-x)P2 Solid Solutions – Nanoscale Research Letters – 2017 – 12:87.DOI: 10.1186/s11671-017-1880-8.
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- Перегляди: 5129
Shportko K. – Influence of the vacancies on the optical properties of the tetragonal CdP2: VIS, IR, and Raman study – Vibrational Spectroscopy – 2017 – V.92 – P.230-233.
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- Перегляди: 5134
Shportko K., Revutska V, Paiuk O., Baran J., Stronski A., Gubanova A. and Venger E. – Compositional dependencies in the vibrational properties of amorphous Ge-As-Se and Ge-Sb-Te chalcogenide alloys studied by Raman spectroscopy – Optical Materials – 2017 – V.73 – P.489-496.
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Matveeva L.A., Kolyadina E.Yu., Konakova R.V., Matiyuk I.M., Mitin V.F., Kholevchuk V.V., Venger E.F. – Nanotechnology, internal mechanical stresses, optical and electronic properties of nanostructures with germanium films on indium phosphide substrates – Scientific Journal Proceedings of the IEE 7-th International Conference on Nanomaterials: Applications and Properties (NAP-2017) – 2017 – Vol.2, №1 – 01PCSI29-1 (4pp).
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