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Academician of NASU, Honoured Science-and-Technique Worker of Ukraine M.P. Lysytsia (1921-2012) is a prominent scientist-physicist in the area of optics and spectroscopy. He achieved great results in the fields of molecular spectroscopy of liquids and solids, optics of thin layers and multi-layered optical systems, semiconductor physics and optics, nonlinear optics and quantum electronics.
The Department of Optics was founded at ISP of NASU by M.P. Lysytsia in 1961 and headed by him for more than 30 years. Among the pupils of M.P. Lysytsia, there are two corresponding members of NASU, 24 doctors of sciences and 50 candidates of sciences.
M.P. Lysytsia carried out fundamental experimental and theoretical investigations dealing with intra-molecular Fermi resonance and inter-molecular Davydov resonance, on the basis of which the combined Fermi-Davidov resonance was discovered in spectroscopy of crystals later on. He developed an accurate theory of multi-layered systems, which became the basis for creating important optical systems with minimized reflection from optical surfaces, multi-layered polarizers and light reflectors. Functioning examples of solid lasers were developed, and generation mechanisms of coherent radiation as well as phenomena of nonlinear optics were investigated by the Department of Optics headed by M.P. Lysytsia. The scientist was the pioneer in the world scientific practice to use semiconductor quantum dots in glass matrices to modulate the quality factor of resonator and to obtain powerful light pulses. The experimental discovery of a new nonlinear optic phenomenon - giant optical activity in non-gyrotropic cubic crystals with impurity tunnel centers, made by M.P. Lysytsa and his disciples, gained a great respond among specialists of the sphere. During last years of his life, the scientist together with his disciples was actively engaged in scientific programs aimed at developing semiconductor nano-physics and nano-electronics. Problems of physics of living beings were part of his interests as well. The scientist proved the resonance character of interaction of electromagnetic millimeter range waves with living organisms.
As a prominent scientist in the field of spectroscopy, M.P. Lysytsia was awarded by the Academy of Sciences of Czechoslovakia the Yohannes Markus Martsi Medal of Honour as to an outstanding spectroscopist, which testified international acknowledgement of his scientific authority. He was a Laureate of two State Prizes of Ukraine in the field of science and technique.
Academician M.P. Lysytsia is the author of more than 500 scientific works and around 40 author’s certificates for inventions. In cooperation with his disciples, he issued six monographs, including the first in the world monograph “Volokonnaya optika” (in Russian) translated abroad, and the 5-volume edition “Zanimatel’naya optika”(in Russian).