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Research divisions and their activities
Researches and developments are being performed by eight scientific divisions. These are as follows:
Division of Theoretical Problems:
- Research in the field of fundamental problems of solid state physics.
- Research in the field of fundamental problems of semiconductor optics.
- Transport properties of charge carriers and phonons in semiconductors, micro and nanostructures
- High and ultra-high frequency properties of semiconductors and semiconductor heterostructures
- Physics of semiconductor devices for nanoelectronics and optoelectronics
Division of Photoelectronics
- The main scientific and technichal activities of the department are focused on the study of nonequilibrium electronic and ionic processes in semiconductor materials and devices occured under irradiation of light and ionizing radiation as well as under carrier injection from the contacts and p-n-junctions.
- Also there are carried physical and technical studies of semiconductor materials, including physical justification and development of technological methods for producing large crystals and layers of elementary semiconductors and semiconductor compounds (germanium and II-VI compounds), whose parameters satisfy the latest requirements of modern world technology, as well as experimental and theoretical studies of the physical mechanisms of fluctuation processes in semiconductor materials and devices, including the latest ultrasubmicronic semiconductor devices and structures with nanometer-sized elements, and fluctuation diagnostics of semiconductor materials and devices.
Division of Optoelectronics
- Physical bases of the devices of nanoelectronics, technology of Si-on-insulator systems and their electrophysical diagnostics;
- Development and electrical diagnostics of energy-dependent nanocrystal memory;
- Investigation of physical bases and the improvement of technology of light-emitting nano-materials based on a-SiCO;
- Investigation of electric properties and development of electrical diagnostics methods for ultra-thin dielectric films with high dielectric permittivity;
- Development of plasma-hydrogen technology for the ordering of thin film semiconducting structures;
- Physics and technology of graphene
Division of Semiconductor Optics
- Optics and spectroscopy of elementary and collective excitations in semiconductor and dielectric materials.
- Physics optics and semiconductor nanostructures.
- Investigation of Raman light scattering, resonance Raman scattering, Raman scattering giant (SERS).
- Radiospectroscopy semiconductor and dielectric materials.
- Optical and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy polymorphic forms of carbon materials different dimensions (graphite, graphene, nanotubes, fullerenes, and amorphous diamond-like film, coal).
- Optical research of new multicomponent materials for photovoltaic conversion of solar energy (chalcopyrite, kesterity, stanity).
- Optical and magnetic resonance diagnostic materials.
- Physics and Optics of semiconductors and nanoscale structures, multilayer thin films and heterostructures, quantum size effects, devices based on surface-sensitive effects (solar photovoltaic cells, photodetectors, photoconductive). The study of nonlinear optical phenomena and polarization in terms of saturation absorption in uniaxial single crystals and nanoparticles. Development and study options dye lasers, optical diagnostics parameters nanocrystals.
Division of Surface Physics and Microelectronics
- Physics of semiconductor surfaces and nanoscale structures multiphase layered structures and thin films, quantum size effects, devices based on surface-sensitive effects (gas sensors, solar photovoltaic cells with combined barriers).
- Study of photo- and thermal processes in thin-layer structures including thermally phase-structural transformations photoinduced changes near and middle order photostimulated diffusion photostimulated reactions, as well as optical, electro and other properties of thin-layer heterophase structures. Objects of research - amorphous and polycrystalline photosensitive layers, in t. Ch. Based on chalcogenide glass (CS), oxides, heterophase environment. The results of basic research is the basis of applications aimed at the development of high-resolution inorganic resist, thin-film structures for electronics and technologies for their practical application.
- Semiconductor materials and sensor systems
- Physics of low-dimensional systems, micro- and nanoelectronics
Division of physical and technological problems of semiconductor IR-technics
- Modeling, production and research on hot surfaces bolometers for detecting THz radiation.
- Theoretical and experimental research of silicon FETs as THz detectors.
- Development of technologies for creating multiple radiation detectors.
- Development and practical use of technologies of heterostructures used in THz detectors.
- Theoretical and experimental study of the properties of heterostructures applicable to detectors of terahertz radiation.
- Experimental and theoretical studies of photovoltaic, kinetic and fluctuation phenomena in narrow-gap semiconductors and structures based on them
- Investigation of recombination of nonequilibrium carriers in narrow-gap semiconductors A2B6
- Investigation of charge transfer in narrow-gap semiconductor diode structures A3B5
- Technologies of semiconductor photonic structures;
- Optics of two-dimensional photon crystals and photonic membranes;
- Photophysical phenomena in semiconductor photonic structures which involve local surface states;
- Development of technologies of production of active and passive optical and optoelectronic components.
The division is working on the development and research of the highly sensitive photodetectors based on the emCCD. As a result of pursue researches, there were found the main physical and technological limitations, which determinative the working process of the detectors.
The development of designs and techniques of the emCCD detectors manufacturing with format 576x288, 512x512 were conducted.
Now we are working on the development of the detectors with 1024х1024 format.
Division of Technologies and Materials of Sensor Engineering
- High-sensitive refractometry based on surface plasmon resonance
- Research recombination phenomena in atomic and intermetallic semiconductors
- Study of self-heating effects in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs using scanning micro-Raman and PL spectroscopy together with electrical I-V measurements;
- Inter-defect interactions study in Silicon single crystals grown by different methods (Czochralsky method, non-crucible zone-melting (NCZM), NCZM with electron-beam zone melting) and with different doping and impurities (oxygen, carbon, ect.) under different external factors (magnetic fields, elastic and plastic deformations, thermal treatment, radiation, ect.)
- Investigations of interaction of volume and surface waves with micro- and nano-sized objects located near or on the surface.
- Studies of solid state surface structure basing on space distribution of scattered light intensity, its polarization properties.
- Dynamic studies according light scattering data of colloidal micro- and nano-sized particles structure under external fields.
- Application elastic light scattering for control of surface state of semiconductor wafers, optical surfaces like metal mirrors and others.
- Theoretical and experimental studies of the impact of design and technological factors on the sensitivity and accuracy of sensor devices based on surface plasmon resonance (SPR);
- Development and creation of sensor devices based on PPR to use them for research, as well as in medicine, food, chemical, pharmaceutical industry, agriculture and the environment as highly sensitive sensors toxic and toxic substances, viruses, bacteria, tumors, toxic gases in air, drinking water quality analysis, etc .;
- Together with medical, scientific and medical institutions of Ukraine to develop and create specialized SPR instruments and methods of their use for diagnosing cancer, immunological and other human diseases.
- Development of new methods and techniques of production and functionalization sensitive chip for SPR sensors.
- Development and creation of assistive devices and equipment to enhance precision, convenience and reliability of SPR devices
Division of Structural and Elemental Analysis of Semiconductor Materials and Systems
- Scanning probe microscopy complex system conducted to study the characteristics of growth processes in multilayer semiconductor structures with variations of nanostructured elements: quantum dots, threads, circles, "molecules" quantum dots and others.
- Experimental work on management of size, shape and density of Si-Ge nanostructures
- Cycle of works on planar samonapravlenomu growth quantum wires and dots InGaAs
- Physics of Defects processes, structural relaxation and inter-phase interactions in semiconductor materials i systems.
- The physical foundations of X-ray diffraction determining the parameters of multilayer epitaxial structure real films.
- Anomalous X-ray diffraction in semiconductor nanostructures in the range of K-edge absorption.
- Development of nondestructive control methods of structural perfection and elemental analysis of the crystals, epitaxial instrumentation systems and structures.