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Corresponding Member of NASU, Dr of Sci (Phys&Math), Professor Deigen Mychaylo Fedorovych (1918-1977) was a prominent scientist in the field of physics of solids and radiospectroscopy. The scientist was born in the city of Hmel’nytskyi, Ukraine. In 1940, he graduated from the Faculty of Physics of the Shevchenko Kiev National University. In 1938, the scientist accomplished his first scientific work dealing with asymmetry of vapor condensation on ions of opposite signs, which in his student years was of great importance for the Wilson camera theory.
From 1947 till 1960, M.F. Deigen worked at the Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of UkrSSR, where he was engaged in developing the electron theory of crystals. Together with well-known physicist-theorist S.I. Pekar, the scientist developed a concept of deformational potential, describing interaction between electron and acoustic lattice fluctuations. Working further on the concept, M.F. Deigen introduced a new notion of self-consistent electron-deformation state -condenson. The theory of polarons employed by the scientist for metal-ammonia solutions allowed explaining their magnetic and optical properties. The theory of local electron centers and excitons on semiconductor surfaces was developed. At this period, M.F. Deigen also accomplished a number of works, on the basis of which he wrote his doctoral thesis “ Investigation of electrons in dielectrics and semiconductors by using the theory of local states”, defended by the scientist in 1959. His further investigations were devoted to developing theoretical foundation of radio spectroscopy of non-metal crystals, in particular, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), double electron-nuclear resonance (DENR) and paraelectric resonance (PR). In 1961, M.F. Deigen became the Head of the Department of radio-spectroscopy at the Institute of Semiconductors of the Academy of Sciences of UkrSSR, which he headed for 16 years. The Department, at which both theorists and experimenters successfully cooperated, became the foundation for establishing by M.F. Deigen the Kyiv School of radio-spectroscopy, which still remains well-known in the scientific world. Held by the Department Seminar, at which leading domestic and foreign scientists reported, and latest scientific achievements were discussed, gained the all-town status. Under the guidance of M.F. Deigen, the first Soviet DENR spectrometer with much higher parameters than its foreign analogues was created by M.O. Ruban. Unique investigations of DENR located far away from the paramagnetic nucleus centers as well as dynamic and electric field effects were performed using the DENR spectrometer. Based on the obtained results, a new method for calculating the structure of energy crystal bonds on the basis of DENR data was developed by M.F. Deigen together with S.I. Pekar and V.G. Grachov. A principally new radiospectroscopic method of investigation, namely, double electron-nuclear magnetic-acoustic resonance, which was practically applied several years later, was offered by M.F. Deigen. The theory of external effects (electric field, pressure, temperature) on magnetic resonance spectra, which allowed obtaining the data about local electric fields, atom shifts near the paramagnetic centre and local pressure modules, was developed by M.F. Deigen together with his disciples. New types of relaxation processes in solids were proposed on the basis of studying interaction between electric plasma and paramagnetic centers. Investigation of ferroelectric materials by using methods of radio-spectroscopy was founded by M.F. Deigen.
For many years M.F. Deigen was a member of the Academic Councils at the Academy of Sciences of UkrSSR on the theory of solids, semiconductor physics and radio-spectroscopy of solids, executed the obligations of the deputy editor-in-chief of the “Ukrainskiy fizicheskiy zhurnal” and read lectures at the Shevchenko Kiev National University. He is the author of more than 200 scientific works and a few composite monographs. Among his disciples there are 3 corresponding members of NASU, 20 doctors of sciences and dozens of candidates of sciences successfully working in many countries of the world.