V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine



Academician O.E. Belyaev, Director of   V.E. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics of NAS of Ukraine. V.E. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics of NAS of Ukraine- 58 years in the National Academy of Science of Ukraine



V.P. Kostylyov, A.V. Sachenko. Semiconductor photovoltaics: сurrent state and actual directions of research


V.I. Chegel, A.M. Lopatynskyi. Molecular plasmonics – a novel research field in materials science and sensing. Applications and theoretical background (review) 38

A.V. Sukach, V.V. Tetyorkin, A.I. Tkachuk, S.P. Trotsenko. InAs photodiodes (Review. Part IV)



L.V. Zavyalova, G.S. Svechnikov, N.N. Roshchina, B.A. Snopok. Preparation and characterization of АІ-VІІІВVІ semiconductor films and the functional structures based on them: features and capabilities of the CVD method using dithiocarbamates



L.O. Revutska, Z.L. Denisova, A.V. Stronski. Application of spin-coated chalcogenide films: manufacturing, properties, applicationS (review)



V.Morozhenko. Transmission, reflection and thermal radiation of magneto-optical resonator structures in the infrared spectral range: research and application (review)



V.S. Kretulis, I.E. Minakova, P.F. Oleksenko, V.M. Sorokin. Optoelectronic neflometric meter of the atmospheric environment meteoparameters 



K.V. Michailovska, В.А. Dan’ko, O.Y. Gudymenko, V.P. Klad’ko, I.Z. Indutnyi, P.E. Shepeliavyi, M.V. Sopinskyy. Photoluminescence properties of silicon nanoparticlesinmultilayered (SiOx-SiOy)n structures with porousinsulatinglayers



V.P. Veleschuk, A.I. Vlasenko, Z.K. Vlasenko, D.N. Khmil’, O.M. Kamuz, S.G. Nedilko, V.P. Scherbatsky, D.V. Gnatyuk, V.V. Borshch, M.P. Kisselyuk. The mechanisms of the appearance of visible parasitic luminescence in the ultraviolet LED’s 365 nm



V.P. Maslov, A.V. Sukach, V.V. Tetyorkin, M.Yu. Kravetskii, N.V. Kachur, Ye.F. Venger, A.T. Voroschenko, I.G. Lutsishin, I.M. Matiyuk, A.V. Fedorenko. Peculiarities of manufacture, electrical and photoelectrical properties of diffusion Gep-i-n- photodiodes



Ya.M. Olikh, M.D. Tymochko, M.I. Ilashchuk. relaxation factors of acoustic conductivity in CdTe



K.S. Dremliuzhenko, O.A. Kapush, S.D. Boruk,* D.V. Korbutyak. Properties of highly dispersed cadmium telluride systems obtained by electrospray method



K.V. Kostyukevych, Yu.M. Shirshov, R.V. Khristosenko, A.V. Samoylov, Yu.V. Ushenin, S.A.Kostyukevych, A.A. Koptiukh. Angular spectrum peculiarities of surface plasmon-polariton resonance under investigation of latex water suspension in the Kretschmanngeometry



A. Meshalkin, A.P. Paiuk, L.A. Revutska, E. Achimova, A.V. Stronski, A. Prisakar, G. Triduh, V. Abashkin, A. Korchevoy, V.Yu. Goroneskul. Direct surface-relief grating recording using selenium layers



V.F. Onyshchenko, M.I. Karas’. Relaxation of photoconductivity in macroporous silicon



G.PMalanych, V.M. Tomashik. Formation of polished surface of PbTe and Pb1-xSnxTe semiconductor plates



 G.V. Dorozinsky, H.V. Dorozinska, V.P. Maslov. Features of refractometric characteristics of surface plasmon resonance of motor oils for use



N.I. Karas, V.F. Onyshchenko. Monopolar photoconductivity of the inversion layer and “slow”-surface levels in the structures of macroporous and monocrystalline silicon in condition of strong surface lighting



I.E. Matyash, I.A. Minaіlova, O.N. Mishchuk, B.K. Serdega. Component analysis of phonon spectra dychroidism in uniaxially deformed silicon crystal



Information for authors of «Optoelectronics and Semiconductor Technics»





  6666        titul engl          

  The international scientific journal
Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics and Optoelectronics”
(SPQEO) is an independent supporter of cooperation and collaboration in the field of:

semiconductor physics;
-  hetero- and low-dimensional structures;
-  physics of microelectronic devices;
-  linear and nonlinear solid-state optics;
-  optoelectronics and optoelectronic devices;
-  quantum electronics;
-  sensors.

Since 2018, SPQEO is renewed in content, design and vision for both basic and applied researches. It gives retrospective in given areas of investigations as well.

looks its destination in enhanced vision of future development and application of materials, technologies and devices in such promising areas as semiconductors, quantum electronics and optoelectronics.

SPQEO will present a platform for exchange of ideas, opinions and points of view between East and West for new possibilities to make our environment quicker, stronger and more powerful.

SPQEO looks its destination in support the Ph.D. students and postdocs in not only such promising areas as semiconductors, quantum electronics and optoelectronics, but in adjacent and adjoining ones as chemistry, biology and information-communication technologies.

SPQEO separates papers not only by their scientific directions but by the following headings:

    Science and Fundamentals
    Effects / Technologies / Materials / Diagnostics
    Convergences of technologies
    Applications / Achievements / Toward market
    State-of-the art and Tendencies / View to the future
    News from laboratories / History / Tutorial

SPQEO also accepts information and announcements concerning conferences and seminars on topics related to its scope.

We are looking for authors, readers and sponsors to combine common interests and distribute joint initiatives.

is published quarterly.

More information at: www.journal-spqeo.org.ua 

Communication: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




Optoelectronics and Semiconductor Technique


PERIODICITY: 1 issue per year
LANGUAGE: Ukrainian, English. Summary in Ukrainian and English

ISSN: 2707-6806

ISSN: 2707-6792 (Online)

FOUNDERS: NAS of Ukraine, V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics of NAS of Ukraine


Viktor Sorokin,corresponding member of the NAS of Ukraine (тел.: 050 358 40 71,
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )


EDITORIAL OFFICE: “Optoelektronikа ta napivprovidnykova tekhnika”, V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics of NAS of Ukraine, pr. Nauki, 41, Kyiv, 03028, Ukraine. Tel. (380 44) 525 6205, 525 6097, E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement

Papers on the elements of semiconductor technique, optoelectronics and microelectronics, nanotechnologies and nanoelectronics, elements of radioelectronic devices based on semiconductors and dielectrics, characteristics of semiconductor devices and materials, as well as influence of various factors on them are presented.

      1. Optoelectronics and Semiconductor Technique Vol. 47 (2012)
      2. Optoelectronics and Semiconductor Technique Vol. 48 (2013)
      3. Optoelectronics and Semiconductor Technique Vol. 49 (2014)
      4. Optoelectronics and Semiconductor Technique Vol. 50 (2015)
      5. Optoelectronics and Semiconductor Technique Vol. 51 (2016)
      6. Optoelectronics and Semiconductor Technique Vol. 52 (2017)
      7. Optoelectronics and Semiconductor Technique Vol. 53 (2018)
      8. Optoelectronics and Semiconductor Technique Vol. 54 (2019)
      9. Optoelectronics and Semiconductor Technique Vol. 55 (2020)
      10. Optoelectronics and Semiconductor Technique Vol. 56 (2021)
      11. Optoelectronics and Semiconductor Technique Vol. 57 (2022)
      12. Optoelectronics and Semiconductor Technique Vol. 58 (2023)


The international scientific journal “Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics and Optoelectronics” (SPQEO) is an independent supporter of cooperation and collaboration in the field of:

ü  semiconductor physics;

ü  hetero- and low-dimensional structures;

ü  physics of microelectronic devices;

ü  linear and nonlinear solid-state optics;

ü  optoelectronics and optoelectronic devices;

ü  quantum electronics;

ü  sensors.

Since 2018, SPQEO is renewed in content, design and vision for both basic and applied researches. It gives retrospective in given areas of investigations as well.


SPQEO looks its destination in enhanced vision of future development and application of materials, technologies and devices in such promising areas as semiconductors, quantum electronics and optoelectronics.

SPQEO will present a platform for exchange of ideas, opinions and points of view between East and West for new possibilities to make our environment quicker, stronger and more powerful.

SPQEO looks its destination in support the Ph.D. students and postdocs in not only such promising areas as semiconductors, quantum electronics and optoelectronics, but in adjacent and adjoining ones as chemistry, biology and information-communication technologies.

SPQEO separates papers not only by their scientific directions but by the following headings:

ü  Science and Fundamentals

ü  Effects / Technologies / Materials / Diagnostics

ü  Convergences of technologies

ü  Applications / Achievements / Toward market

ü  State-of-the art and Tendencies / View to the future

ü  News from laboratories / History / Tutorial

SPQEO also accepts information and announcements concerning conferences and seminars on topics related to its scope.

We are looking for authors, readers and sponsors to combine common interests and distribute joint initiatives.

SPQEO is published quarterly.

More information at: www.journal-spqeo.org.ua 

Communication: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

International Scientific Journal

Journal home page:
published quarterly

Scope & aims

Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics and Optoelectronics is an international scientific journal publishing fundamental and applied papers and short notes in the area of:

  • semiconductor physics;
  • hetero- and low-dimensional structures;
  • physics of microelectronic devices;
  • linear and nonlinear solid-state optics;
  • optoelectronics and optoelectronic devices;
  • quantum electronics;
  • sensors.


Journal indexing

All the materials published in the journal Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics and Optoelectronics starting from the Volume 6, #4, 2003 are presented in 32 databases.

Information valuable for post-graduates and doctorants (in Ukraine). SQO journal are adopted by the Highest Attestation Commission of Ukraine as an edition where results of candidate and doctor theses may be published and taken into account when conferring respective scientific degrees.


Information for authors

Manuscripts should be sent to: Editorial Board of "Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics and Optoelectronics", Institute of Semiconductor Physics, NAS of Ukraine, prospect Nauky 41, 03028 Kyiv, Ukraine. Phone: +380 (44) 525 6205, Fax: +380 (44) 525 5430.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


A.Ye. Belyaev    V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv


V.P. Kladko    V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
V.A. Kochelap     V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
M.V. Strikha    V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Executive secretary:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, NASU, Kyiv

Senior Executive Editor:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, NASU, Kyiv


Journal subscription

You can subscribe SQO printed version (ISSN 1560-8034; subscription index 22779) or order CD-ROM with all issues of journal with search ability (ISSN 1606-1365). For more information, please, contact with journal executive secretary.


Journal archives

Article archives are available on the journal web-site.
View archives
