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A.I. Vlasenko, M.P. Kisselyuk, V.P. Veleschuk, Z.K. Vlasenko, I.O. Lyashenko, O.V. Lyashenko. Acousticemission of semiconductors and diode structures (review) |
Ya.Ya. Kudryk, V.V. Shynkarenko, V.S. Slipokurov, R.I.Bigun, R.Ya. Kudryk. Methods for deter-mination of schottky barrier height from I-V curves (review) |
E.A. Achimova, A.V. Stronski, A.P. Paiuk, A.Yu. Meshalkin, Yu.Yu. Boiarinov, A.M. Prisacar, S.V. Robu, P.F. Oleksenko, O.S. Lytvyn. Recording of holografic diffraction gratings on carbazole-containing polymer thin films |
I.V. Babiychuk, V.A. Dan’ko, I.Z. Indutnyy, M.V. Lukaniuk, V.I. Myn’ko, P.E. Shepeliavyi. Photostimulated reversible changes in the Ge-Se films as a base of resistive process |
P.I. Baranskii, G.P. Gaidar. Influence of thermoannealings at 450 and 650 oC on the tensoresistanceand anisotropy parameter in mobility of silicon single crystals |
D.N. Khmil, А.М. Kamuz, P.F. Oleksenko, V.G. Kamuz, N.G. Aleksenko, O.A. Kamuz, S.U. Habuseva, L.D. Patsenker. The use of hybrid organic-inorganic photoluminophors to improve color rendering index of white LEDs |
А.S. Stanetska, V.М. Tomashyk, І.B. Stratiychuk, Z.F. Tomashyk, S.М. Galkin. Chemical etching of ZnSe crystal surfaced by the H2O2–HBr– acetic acid solutions |
E.V. Kostyukevych, S.A. Kostyukevych. Optimization of operational characteristics inherent to transducers based on surface plasmon resonance |
Yu.N. Bobrenko, S.Yu. Pavelets, T.V. Semikina, G.I. Sheremetova, N.V. Yaroshenko. Photoelectric converters of UV radiation with graded-gap layers based on CdxZn1–xS solid solutions |
V.F.Onyshchenko. Influence of substrate and macropore surface on photoconductivity in two-dimensional structures of macroporous silicon |
I.E. Matyash. Modulation polarimetry of surface plasmon resonance as the means determining the dielectric properties of gases |
N.I. Karas. Negative photoconductivity and surface-barrierphotodiodeeffect – two interrelated surface photoeffects in macroporous silicon |
M.A. Stetsenko. Analysis of resulta of approximation of the spectral characteristics of surface plasmon resonance of analytic functions |
O.Ye. Belyayev, V.O. Kochelap.Wonderful tripsin blue light |
Informationonorganized 6-thInternationalscientific-technicalconference “Sensor Electronics and Microsystem Technologies” SEMST-6 |