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Scientific developments
1. Methods and technologies of taking semiconductor materials and structures, including nanometers materials
1.1 Nanostructures, formatted by laser technology on the semiconductor surfaces
Lateral sizes of structures ~ (19-50) nm, average height ~ (3.40-9.38) nm. The laser irradiation and the action caused by it, in particular, heating, optical excitation, deformation, shock and subsurface acoustic waves create high concentration of point defects. At excess of critical concentration occurs them clusterization, and are formed hills of nanometer sizes. This process arises at subthreshold irradiation of CdTe and GaAs crystals with single nanosecond pulse of the ruby laser. With increase in power density of laser pulses the sizes of nanosizes in the beginning increase, and then decrease, thus they are ordered in various structures of a relief depending on parameters of pulse.
Authors of the development:
A.I.Vlasenko, Dr. Sc, Prof., Deputy Director, Head of Department № 17, Phone: +38(044)525-12-60, Fax: +38(044) 525-83-42, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
A. Baidullaeva, Senior Researcher, PhD (Phys.-Math.), Phone: + 38(044)525-84-37, Fax:+38(044)525-83-42, E-maіl: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
1.2 Sensitive layers of chemical sensors with gold nanoparticles
Modifying sensor surfaces (quartz resonators) of metal films by formation on a surface of a discontinuous assembly of gold nanoparticles using deposition and evaporation. The nanoparticles were made by reduction of chloroauric acid, with addition of sodium citrate.
Gold nanoparticles obtained from citrate solution demonstrate interesting features concerning water molecules at the QCM surface on molecular adsorption. Contrary to lower alcohols that are adsorbed uniformly over the surface (no matter whether there are nanoparticles on it or not), the process of water adsorption has some features. One of them is thatthe sensor response to water vapor is bigger than that to alcohols (1000 Hz) by an order of magnitude.
One more feature of water adsorption is its kinetics that demonstrates presence of two processes. One of them is related to ordinary homogeneous adsorption, just as in the case of alcohols. Another process starts when the adsorbate concentration on the surface reaches some threshold value. It is related to the mechanism of surface diffusion to gold nanoparticles that serve as drains for water molecules and accumulate them. In this case, the adsorption rate increases considerably, and the amount of adsorbate that could be retained on the surface grows.
The discovered effect opens some additional prospects for analysis ofmulticomponent mixtures containing water molecules. This seems to be of particular importance for solving some practical tasks where the samples under investigation contain some amount of water molecules.
Application fields:
- Method of gas analysis.
- Sensors array for «Electronic Nose».
Authors of the development:
І.V. Kruglenko, PhD, Senior Researcher, Dep. № 5, Phone: +38(044)525-56-26, Fax: +38(044)525-83-42, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
1.3 Technology of light-emitting silicon nanostructures formation
Technology of forming of light-emitting structures on the basis of silicon nanocrystals in the porous oxide matrix with the controlled size of nc-Si has been developed. The technology allows to obtain high-efficiency light-emitting structures on substrates of large area, with given spectral composition of radiation (from 560 nm to 950 nm).
Silicon photonics, in particular, for creation of silicon light-emitting diodes, displays, emission structures, optical gain and lasers.
Technology is patented, the patent of Ukraine on the invention «Method of light-emitting material preparation on the basis of silicon » №75793, publ. in bul. «Industrial Property»,№5 on 15.05.2006.
Authors of the development:
I.Z.Indutnyj,Dr.Sc, Рrof., Phones: +38(044)525-40-20, +38(044)525-55-50, Fax:+38(044)525-83-42, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
1.4 Sensors based on 2D macroporous silicon structures with surface-active nanocoatings
Macroporous silicon fabricated by a method of photoanodic etching, takes a special place among 2D photonic structures. It is connected to an opportunity of manufacturing of structures with necessary geometry, formation of additional optical absorption bands, its photoelectrical properties. Progress in the nanotechnology allows realizing new photonic and optoelectronic silicon devices.
Basic physical phenomenon that determines promising of 2D macroporoussilicon structures as sensor elements is the amplification of absorption of electromagnetic radiation, photoconductivity and Raman scattering as a result of the optical mode interaction with a cylindrical macropore surface. It opens possibilities of development compact uncooled photosensors at the wavelengths in of indirect silicon zone - zoned transition, thermal and biosensors. Additional functionalities of 2D macroporous silicon structures are connected with hetero junction on the «nanocoating-silicon» boundary on a macropore surface, with radiating complex microporous-macroporous silicon structures and at use of macroporous silicon as a matrix for the microtube formation.
Photoreceiving structure with macroporous silicon layer shows responsivity 3 A/W and detectivity D*λ = 1010 W-1cm⋅Hz-1/2 for λ ≈ 0.5 ÷ 1 micron that corresponds to the best parameters of PIN-photodiodes. The increase in absorption in near infrared spectral provides detectivity of bolometric elements on the basis of structures of macroporous silicon up to D* ≈ 109 W-1 cm⋅Hz-1/2. Structures of 2D macroporous silicon structures are sensitive in area 1.2-1.4 micron that opens opportunities to registration "singlet-triplet" transition of the excited oxygen at wavelength 1.27 micron. Photoconductivity was measured in awide range from 0.4 microns up to 4 microns on macroporous silicon structures with nanocoatings SiO2, microporous silicon and SiC obtained by the method of low temperature gas transport reactions. Radiating complex microporous-macroporous silicon structures can be used as sensor controlled the local centers on a macropore surface, which photoluminescence parameters depend by the nature of local centers. Microtubes on a macropore surface as a result of oxidation or SiC nanocoating formation are perspective for the liquid control. The increase in absorption in near-infrared spectral area as aresult of the impurity FrantzKeldysh’s effect provides detectivity of bolometric elements on the basis of structures of macroporous silicon, which surpass characteristics of analogues. It was established that for macroporous silicon structures with heterojunction on the «nanosoating-silicon» boundary on a macropore surface the photoresponse is realized under the conditions of carrier transport through a surface barrier that essentially expands a range of photosensitivity in dependence by nature surface-active nanocoatings.
- Karachevtseva L.A., Sizov F.F., Goltvyansky Yu.V., Konin K.P., Stronska O.J., Parshin K.A., Lytvynenko O.A., UA Patent «Uncooled Thermosensitive Element for Bolometers», №80345 (10.09.2007).
- Karachevtseva L.A., Glushko A.E., «Two-dimensional photonic crystal», the patent application, a2006, №10576.
Authors of the development:
L.A.Karachevtseva, Dr.Sc, Head of Department №20, Phone: +38(044) 525- 98-15, Fax: +38(044) 526- 44-06, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
1.5 Modelling of the nanowire growth mediated by catalyst particles
A software simulator is developed for modeling of catalyticallymediated growth of nanowires and other similar nanoobjects. The program is implemented on a platform of Win32, the programming language C/C++, with the compiler Microsoft VC/C ++ 5.0.
The mathematical model takes into account:
(a) adsorption/desorption of the active gas molecules on the surface of a nanoobject, (b) migration of adatoms and mass-transfer though the bulk and across the surface of catalyst nanoparticle, (d) formation of nuclei and the growth of solid phase in the growth zones of nanowires.
Simulator allows to:
(a) vary the macro-and microscopic parameters of the process and visualize the nanoobject growth itself (b) simulate the real experiment, generating temperature, concentration, size, activation energy etc. dependences for the of growth rate, (c) analyze the contribution of individual stages of the process, identifying in that way its limiting stage, (d) export the data and graphics into external programs (such as MS Excel).
Possible Fields of Application:
- Modelling of different nanosynthesis processes during pilot projects development and the technology labouring.
- Identification of growth mechanisms in the analysis of experimental data.
Application of the results to production. Results were used for control of real synthesis at:
- Quantum Science Research, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA.
- Institut d'Electronique, de Microélectronique et de Nanotechnologies, ISEN, Francе.
- V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductors Physics NAS of Ukraine.
Authors of the development:
A.I.Klimovskaya, Dr. Sc, leading researcher, Dep. №11, Phone: +38(044) 525-70-91, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
A.A.Efremov, PhD, senior researcher, Dep. №11, Phone: +38(044) 525-70-91, Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Method of laser surface doping consists in irradiation of a Cd(Zn)Te crystal precoated with a dopant film by a short laser pulse. Owing to superfast processes of melting and crystallization, action of elastic and shock waves, a thin (d ~ 40-60 nm) heavily doped (N ~ 1019 cm3) layer and sharp p-njunction are formed.
Application. High doping of a thin surface region of the semiconductor, creation of an inverse layer and formation of a sharp p-n junction.
Authors of the development:
O.I. Vlasenko, Deputy Director,Dr.Sc, Prof., Head of Department №17 Phone: +38(044)525-12-60, +38(044)525-84-37, Fax: +38(044)525-83-42 E-mail:
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V.A. Gnatyuk, Senior Scientist, PhD, Phone: +38(044)525-84-37, Assoc. Prof., E- mail:
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S.N. Levytskyi, Scientist, Phone: + 38(044)525-84-37, E- mail:
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1.7 Crystals of optical germanium: ingots and elements for infra-red optics
- Melt-grown crystals of optical germanium in calibrated rods and plates up to 250 mm in diameter or in rectangular blocks up to 160x160x60 mm3 in size;
- Pre-shaped blanks for optical elements (windows, lenses, etc.).
The optical absorption coefficient of grown optical germanium crystals doesn’t exceed 0.02 сm-1 in the 2 to 11 µ m range. The optical transmittance of the 5-mm thick polished window is no less than 46,5 % at room temperature (see the figure). Dispersion of IR radiation in the crystals does not exceed 1,5 %.
Distinctive feature of the proposed crystals: new impurity contamination (different from usually used Stibium) which results in improving some parameters of elements of infra-red optics fabricated from such crystals. The impurity contamination of the crystals has been patented.
Since 1998, the crystals of optical germanium and some types of blanks for germanium optical elements (lenses, windows) have been delivered to the U.S.A., Germany, Austria, Russia and other countries against long-term contracts.
Authors of the development:
G. S.Pekar, Dr.Sc, Prof., Head of the Department No.34, Phone /Fax: +38(044)525-61-91 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
A.F.Singaevsky,PhD, Phone /Fax: +38(044)525-61-91
Applicability of the method. Тhe use of an oscillating furnace for synthesis of materials increases the homogeneity parameters both the synthesized and additionally doped materials. Mixing of the material during synthesis leads to an increase in its homogeneity, uniform distribution of a doping impurity in the volume, improvement of thermoelectric parameters (thermo EMF coefficient, thermal conductivity and resistance ). On the base of the synthesized materials, experimental samples of various microelectronics devices (thermoelectric converters, detectors, sensors etc.) can be fabricated.
The technology of synthesis with the use of an oscillating furnace has advantages in comparison with other methods (i.e. LVC) and it is very promising. Experimental samples of thermocouple branches show the technical characteristics at the level of the best world samples and the thermocoples have successfully tested in the thermoelectric devices.
Authors of the development:
O.I. Vlasenko, Deputy Director, Dr. Sc, Prof., Head of Department №17, Phone: +38(044)525-12-60, Fax: +38(044) 525-83-42, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
V.A Gnatyuk, Senior Scientist, PhD, Assoc. Prof.; S.N. Levytskyi, Young Scientist, Master Sci.; M.I. Boiko, Post graduate student; M.P Kyselyuk, Post graduate student; Phones: +38(044)525-12-60, +38(044)525-34-87, Fax: +38(044)525-83-42;Ts.A. Krys’kov, Head of Department of Physics, PhD, Assoc. Prof. Kamyanets-Podilskyj National University; A.A.Krys’kov, Lecturer Kamyanets-Podilskyj National University, Phone/Fax:+(03849)3-16-41,
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Areas of Application. Optical and laser lithography, holography, production of diffractive optics (diffraction gratings, Fresnel lenses and arrays of lenses, etc.), nano-optical devices (subwavelength gratings, with grating period up to 100 nm, photonic crystals), master-discs and rainbow holograms.
Proposed inorganic photoresist is based on thin films of chalcogenide glasses deposited onto substrate by thermal vacuum evaporation. It is known, that chemical properties of such layers can be changed by light or electron-beam irradiation. Using proprietary etching solutions we can obtain positive or negative resisteffect: rate of irradiated resist dissolution essentially higher or lower, than non-irradiated one.
The effects of light sensitivity of chalcogenide thin films and chalcogenide-Ag structures were discovered in V.Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics (ISP) of NAS of Ukraine. Investigating mechanism of photostimulated transformations in such layers made it possible to elaborate thin-film photosensitive media with the numberof unique characteristics.
Also worked out are some technologies of these photosensitive layers (inorganic resists) application in photolithography, for information storage, in diffractive optics (diffraction gratings, Fresnel lenses and arrays of lenses), fordirect mastering of optical discs and so on. Such resists are very promising for interferential pattern registration and reliefphase holograms formation.
Main technical features of these inorganic resist:
Resolution capability - intrinsic resolution of chalcogenide layers – 1 nm
Spectral sensitivity - UV, visible, IR, electron, ion beam
Sensitivity for recording of:
1) Holographic optical elements and contact photolithography - 5 – 50 cm2/J
2) Laser lithography - 300 cm2/J
Method of deposition - vacuum deposition
Postexposure treatment:
Chalcogenide layers - wet etching
Chalcogenide-Ag structure - wet and dry etching
Chalcogenide photoresist is also characterized by thermal stability (up to 400o C), absence of shrinkage under post-exposure processing, high mechanical strength and chemical durability and can be used on both planar and non-planar substrates. Furthermore the useof inorganic chalcogenide photoresists will be advantageous for the technological processes, because chalcogenide films can be deposited very homogeneously and inorganic photoresists can be applied with the same technological processes as functional layers in ICs. Additionally, such photoresists possess a very high refractive index, ranging from 2.3 to 3.0 and even higher, they are stable, do not need any thermal treatment and are transparent in the infrared from 600 nm up to 12-15 µm. These properties allowed applying chalcogenide photoresists in fabrication of effective diffraction gratings, IR microlens arrays, microlenses for optical fibers together with two- and three-dimensional photonic crystals.
The technology is patented, tested, and available for demonstration. Prototype samples of diffraction gratings (with spatial frequency from 600 up to 6000 mm-1), masters of rainbow holograms and optical disks are made and tested.
Prototype sample of diffraction grating.
Authors of the development:
I.Z. Indutnyj, Dr.Sc, Prof., Phone /Fax: +38(044) 525-63-42, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Destination. Optics, optoelectronics, recording, storage and transfer of information, registering media on the base of ChVS for the fabrication of the holographic optical, kinoform and diffraction elements, optical disks, optical protective elements.
Registering media on the base of ChVS are characterized by the super-high resolution capability (on the level of nanometers), wide area of spectral sensitivity (visible, UV, X-rays, fluxes of electrons and ions). holographic optical, kinoform and diffractionelements, optical protective elements produced on their base provide obtaining of the high quality relief patterns, which enables to secure high operational characteristics of such elements; in fabrication of the optical such media provide high density of information recording and storage.
Technology of fabrication of holographic optical, kinoform, diffraction elements and optical protective elements provides high operational characteristics of such elements for example, parameters of the diffraction gratings are close to the theoretical limit and information recording density on the modern level and resolution capability on the level of nanometers provides possibility of the essential further increase of the recording density.
Development is on the level of the modern existing analogs and provides possibility of the further improvement of characteristics.
Development is protected by the patents of Ukraine №65921, №80889.
Authors of the development:
S.O.Kostyukevich, PhD, Head of Department №10, Phone: +38(044)525-62-05, Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
O.V.Stronski, Dr.Sc (Dr.habilitat), leading scientific researcher of Department №10, Phone: +38(044)525-60-40, Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
1.11 Composite thin film materials for chemoresistors and their production technology
Destination. Рroduction technology of chemoresistor sensors for analytical system «artificial nose», composite films for electronics and optoelectronics.
Sketch of technological equipment for three-component nanocomposites films and heterostructures deposition in vaсuum:
1-vacuum chamber; 2- samples; 3- substrates transportation system; 4- transportation system motor; 5- shutter; 6- evaporator- activator; 7- organic molecular compound evaporator; 8- metal evaporator; 9- quartz microbalance for molecular beam and thickness measurement; 10- fibre; 11- cooling walls system; 12- quartz microbalance controller; 13- pressure sensor and controller; 14- control computer; 15- fibre spectrometer; 16- samples transportation system controller; 17- power supply for evaporator-activator; 18,19-precision power supply; 20- ADC, DAC; 21- vacuum installation VUP-5.
Authors of the development:
D.O. Grynko, PhD, Phone:+38(044)525-55-30 30 Е-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
A.L.Kukla, PhD, Head of Department №16, Phone: +38(044)525-23-32 Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
1.12 Highly effective adsorptive material for the gases of the type CH4, H2
Designation:for the use in transportation means of ecologically clean fuel - natural gas and hydrogen.
A sharp increase in the cost on the world market for oil and petroleum products, especially diesel fuel and gasoline, renders assistance to sharp increase of demand for the gas balloon equipment for truck and other transport. In this case grew the demand for the balloons for the natural gas, which work at a high pressure (250 atm.). But it is more economically and is in practice more advantageous - the use of gas high pressure cylinders, which are filled with adsorbent.
As a result fulfillment of development is technology of the production of highly effective adsorbents on the basis of the thin sub-micron basaltic threads, which are covered with carbon and are activated by plasma. This material has high adsorptive properties with the usual and elevated pressure has a sufficient mechanical strength and a sufficient thermal resistance with the heating to the temperature of 9000 С.
If into the usual gas tank at a pressure 200 atm. (19, 6 MPa) inject rocking 200 liters of gas into one liter of volume, then with the use of gas tanks with the adsorbent at a pressure of rolling 40 atm. are adsorbed in one liter of volume the approximately 160 liters of gas, and at a pressure 100 atm. - approximately 250 liters of gas, and at a standard pressure 200 atm. in one liter of volume can be adsorbed 300÷350 of the liters of natural gas. This into 1,5÷1,75 of times is more than usually in the balloons without the adsorbent atthe same pressure (19,6 MPa).
Fundamental technical and economic characteristics:
Designation and unit of the measurement | Technical economic indices | |
Quantity of gas in the balloon with the adsorbent with 40 atm., l/dm3 | 160÷170 | |
Cost of the adsorbent, $ / dm3 | 1,5÷2,5 | |
Final quantity of gas in the adsorbent at a pressure 2,0 atm., l/dm3 | ~4 | |
Number of cycles of rolling without changes in the technical characteristics | 5000 | |
The source material of the adsorbent Basaltic fiber Cost of the source material, $ / dm3 | 1,0÷2,0 | |
Cost of technological processes with the industrial production, $ / dm3 | 0,5÷1,0 |
The developed adsorptive material differs first of all in terms of the principles of adsorption to the external surface of adsorbent. Using thin, mechanically strong threads of basaltic fiber, checks the layer of carbon (soot), which is a adsorptive layer. The assembled and pressed threads with the adsorptive layer serve as the adsorptive material.
Intellectual property:
- Rodionov V.E., the patent of the Ukraine №11361 «Adsorptive thread».
- Rodionov V.E., the patent of the Ukraine №13181 «Adsorptive device».
- Rodionov V.E., the patent of the Ukraine №79689 «Adsorptive device».
- Rodionov V.E., the patent of the Ukraine №80328 «Gas adsorptive storage battery».
- Rodionov V.E., the patent of the Ukraine №13180 «Gas adsorptive storage battery».
- Rodionov V.E., the patent of the Ukraine №18546 «Gas high pressure cylinder».
Transmission conditions or use - general modification, further development.
Authors of the development:
V.Е.Rodionov, Head of Department №40, PhD, Phone: +38(044)525-63-88, Fax: +38(044) 525-61-87, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
1.13 Method of doping and purification of II-VI crystals
The method can be used in fabrication of photodetectors and light emitting devices. The method is based on the drift of impurities in electric field. For this purpose, direct electric field is applied to the electrodes that are put on crystal ends. Under electric field, negatively charged impurity ions drift to the anode and positively charged ones do to the cathode, which results in purification of crystal bulk. To dope the crystal, required impurity is introduced in one of the electrodes and then drawn in the crystal under electric field of suitable direction. As a rule, doping of II-VI compounds is carried out by diffusion from the surface or by ion implantation. The general shortcoming of these techniques is large density of unsteady intrinsic defects that are created due to high temperature of the doping or due to treatment by high-energy ions. The advantage of the proposed method is considerable acceleration of doping and purification processes due to application of electric field, which allows essential lowering of process temperature and avoidance of intrinsic defect creation. The method allows also the determination of diffusion parameters of impurities in different crystallographic directions. The method was verified on highly resistive CdS crystals that were doped with copper and silver as well as were purified from these impurities. It was found that copper diffusion perpendicular to crystal c-axis was essentially faster than that parallel to the c-axis, while for silver diffusion the reverse relation took place.
Doping and extraction of impurities were carried out under electric field Ed = 50=100 V/cm at temperature Td = 300-4000 C and took several minutes ∆td.
The noveltyof proposed method is the use of impurity drift for II-VI crystals purification as well as the choice of sutable crystallographic direction of electric field application to accelerate doping and purification processes.
Authors of the development:
M. K.Sheinkman, Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine
I.V. Markevich, Dr.Sc, leading researcher
N.O. Korsunska, Dr.Sc, leading researcher
L.Yu. Khomenkova, PhD, senior researcher
L.V.Borkovska, PhD, senior researcher
Phone: +38(044) 525 -72 -34
1.14 Method of modification of characteristics of II-VI lightemitting quantum well heterostructures
Description of the method. The method is intended for use in industry for manufacture by molecular beam epitaxy of light-emitting devices with quantum wells based on II-VI compounds.
The method allows improving the light-emitting characteristics of quantum well used as an active medium of the device. The method consists of modification of the structure of elastically strained quantum well based on threefold II-VI compound by introduction in the middle of quantum well during its growth of a thin layer based on binary II-VI compound. This layer has such a lattice constant that its introduction results in the increase of energy of elastic deformations in quantum well. This leads to partial strain relaxation by redistribution of the components of material of quantum well, thin insertion and barriers. Thus the fluctuations of composition of quantum well solution become more homogeneous, namely - the quantity of shallow fluctuations increases and the quantity of deep fluctuations decreases. These result in the increase of the intensity and the decrease of a half-width of lowtemperature quantum well luminescence band. A side effect of the method proposed is an intensification of the processes of interdiffusion of the components of the materials of quantum well and barrier across their interface due to the increase of concentration and elastic gradients.
The method was tested on light-emitting CdZnTe/ZnTe quantum well heterostructures. Fig. 1 presents an example of such modified structure with single 8 nm thick Cd0.4Zn0.6Te quantum well, located between ZnTe buffer layer of ~2 µm thickness and ZnTe cap layer of 40 nm thickness. In such structure, a thin CdTe insertion of nominal thickness of 1 monolayer (0.3 nm) was grown on 4 nm thick Cd0.4Zn0.6Te layer and capped by 4 nm thick Cd0.4Zn0.6Te layer.
Fig. 2 shows the transformation of the low-temperature photoluminescence spectrum of CdZnTe quantum well caused by CdTe thin layer insertion. As one can see, it is accompanied by essential improvement of the luminescent characteristics of the quantum well, namely: reduction in 2 times of a half-width of the luminescence band and increase in 8 times of the luminescence intensity occur. Small shift of a maximum of the quantum well luminescence band in the high-energy spectral region is the result of the intensification of the processes of Cd/Zn interdiffusion across quantum well/ZnTe heterointerface.
Growth parameters.Modification of the structure of CdZnTe quantum well by introduction of thin CdTe insertion occurs under such growth conditions: residual pressure of gases in chamber should not exceed ∼ 8⋅10-11 Torr, for epitaxy the elements of Zn, Cd and Te of 99,9999 purity should be used, epitaxy is carried out on polished (001) GaAs wafers with surface roughness ≤0.3 nm, the growth rate of layers is 0.2 nm/sec, the growth temperature is 350 °C for ZnTe layers and ~300 °C for CdZnTe layers.
The novelty of the method consists in the fact that the authors proposed for the first time to introduce a thin layer in elastically strained quantum well based on II-VI compounds for improvement of quantum well luminescent characteristics.
Authors of the development:
N.O.Korsunska, Dr.Sc, Рrof., leading scientist
L.V.Borkovska, PhD, senior researcher
Phone: +38(044) 525-72-34
1.15 Method of recording of biocomplexes
Description of the method. The method is intended for diagnostics of man diseases and is in fluorescent labeling of biomolecules using colloidal quantum dots (QDs) based on II-VI compounds. Conjugation of QDs with biomolecules and recording of this processare the first stage of such diagnostics.
The method proposed is based on measurement of the photoluminescence spectra of conjugated and non-conjugated QDs and uses the effect of spectral changes of the luminescence of conjugated QDs in comparison with non-conjugated ones. Up to now, detection of biocomplexes using QDs was based on change of QD photoluminescence intensity. However in this case the precision of the analysis can be low, since usually the reaction of bioconjugation does not proceed completely and solution of bio-conjugated QDs contains a substantial fraction of the non-conjugated QDs. The effect of spectral changes of the photoluminescence of conjugated QDs allows proposal of a new method ofbiocomplex detection, which can improve precision of the analysis.
For realization of the effect of spectral changes the drops of solutions of conjugated and non-conjugated QDs were deposited on solid substrate such as crystalline Si or SiC and dried at temperature 500 С. In this case spectral position of maximum of conjugated QD luminescence band shifts to shorter wavelength in comparison with non-conjugated QD band position. This became apparent as distinct change of luminescence color. The magnitude of the shift can amount to 50 nm. The method was tested on commercial 705 nm CdSe96Te04/ZnS core shell QDs covered with a polymer. A part of QDs was conjugated with biomolecules - commercial monoclonal antibodies: IL-10, IL-6, OPG, CAV-1 and P53, PSA, and the procedure of conjugation was carried out using commercial kit for conjugation of 705 nm QDs. The luminescence spectra of non-conjugated QDs and QDs conjugated with CAV-1 antibody are presented in figure 1. Fig.1. Photoluminescence spectra of CdSe96Te04 QDs nonconjugated (curve 1) and conjugated with CAV-1 antibody (curve 2).
The novelty of the method consists in use of spectral changes of QD luminescence caused by QD conjugation with biomolecules for recording of the process of biocomplex formation.
Authors of the development:
N.O. Korsunska, Dr. Sc, Рrof., leading scientist
L.V. Borkovska, PhD, senior researcher
Phone: +38(044)525-72-34
2. Elements and devises of photo and optical electronics
The technology of fabrication of diode structures is in the formation of a p-n junction in a surface layer of high resistivity CdTe crystal by the method of laser-induced doping and vacuum deposition of electrodes.
Application fields of the developed devises. The base sectors of the economy (nuclear power, industry, ecology, transport, medicine, etc.) for detection of radioisotope polluted territories, materials and subjects, in particular, for the prevention of illegal trafficking of radioactive materials, evaluation of the contamination level of mineral, soil and water, and also to control the quality of industry products, to check luggage and cargoes on transport, diagnostics in medicine, to visualize objects in space, etc.
Authors of the development:
O.I. Vlasenko, Deputy Director, Dr.Sc, Prof., Head of Department №17, Phone: + 38(044)525-12-60, +38(044)525-84-37, Fax: +38(044)525-83-42, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
V.A. Gnatyuk, Senior Scientist, PhD, Assoc.Prof., Phone:+38(044)525-84-37, E- mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
S.N. Levytskyi, Scientist, Phone: + 38(044)525-84-37, E- mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For control systems of environmental radiation and objects with a high radiation level.
The pilot experimental batch of radiation-stable (i.e., reliably functioning up to the
doses of the order of 1 kGr, or 105 P) semiconductor (CdTe and CdZnTe) detectors of
gamma radiation is developed and produced. These detectors can be used in the
radiation control devices and exploit under the conditions of high radiation levels
(destroyed ChAPP block, territory of alienation, radioactive waste storages, etc.).
Using the proposed technique for contact deposition, it is possible to fabricate highquality detectors of gamma and X-ray radiation. A smooth transient layer between the
metal and the semiconductor formed by a laser alloying of gold into CdTe can not
only improve the adhesion as compared to a prototype, but also practically completely
eliminate the polarization effect and reduce noises at the metal-semiconductor
interface. The most optimal technique to compensate the energy dependence of
detectors for applications in the gamma radiation dosimeters is the combination of
compensation using physical filters and electronic compensation using multichannel
comparators or analog-digital converters.
Basic technical and economic characteristics of the R&D:
- specific resistance ≥109 Ohm·cm;
- bias voltage ≤1000 V;
- source current ≤0.4 mcA;
- the detector energy noise equivalent ≤5 keV;
- energy sensitivity range 0.02 – 3.0 MeV;
- discrete sensitivity 0.02 – 0.05 pulse/S/mcR/h;
- the range of equivalent dose of gamma radiation power measurements (137 Cs) 10.0 mcR/h – 1.0 R/h;
- range of equivalent gamma radiation dose measurements 100.0 mcR – 1.0 R;
- the detectors are radiation-tolerant within the range of gamma-radiation doses of D ≤103 Gr (105 R).
The estimated cost of the developed sensors is about twice as lowas the analogous sensors produced by foreign firms.
The R&D novelty consists of the establishment of relationships between the fundamental CdTe and CdZnTe monocrystal characteristics (mobility and lifetime of nonequilibrium charge carriers, compensation degree, state of impurity-defect subsystem, etc.) and their detector properties. This allowed us to optimize technological regimes used to fabricate radiation-stabled detectorsof gamma radiation with preset parameters.
Korbutyak D.V., Bobytskyi Ya.V., Budzulyak S.I., Vakhnyak N.D., Demchyna L. A., Ermakov V.M., Krylyuk S.G., Kryuchenko Yu.V., Patent of Ukraine №46513Аof 15.05.2002. The method of fabrication of a gamma and X-ray radiation detectorbased on highresistivity semiconductors CdTe and CdZnTe.
The detectors developed are used to fabricate dosimeters of gamma radiation.
Authors of the development:
D.V.Korbutyak, Dr.Sc, Prof., Head of the Department №47, Phone: +38(044)525-59-44, Fax: +38(044)525-63-91, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Y.V.Kryuchenko, Senior Researcher, PhD, Phone: +38(044)525-63-91, Fax:+38(044) 525-63-91, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
L.A.Demchyna, Senior Researcher, PhD, Phone: +38(044)525-63-91, Fax:+38(044)525-63-91, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
V.M.Ermakov, Senior Researcher, PhD, Phone: +38(044)525-63-91, Fax:+38(044)525-63-91, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2.3 Photosynthesis-active irradiation sensor
Application. Selective-genetics researches in biology and agriculture. Controlirradiation in greenhouses, conservatories and climatic chambers of artificial climate stations (phitotrons) for accelerated of time of agricultural plants selection.
Comparison of characteristic of developed photosensors and photodiodes from leading foreign companies for photosynthesis-active radiation detection (spectral range 360÷720 nm):
Parameter name | Unit of measu- rement | Developed in ISP photosensors ФПД-2 | Photodiode G1127-02 (Hamamatsu) | Photodiode S1787-04 (Hamamatsu) |
1. Sensitive semiconductor material | CdSe | GaAsP | Si | |
2. Photosensitive area | mm2 | 25 | 21 | 6.6 |
3. Spectral range | nm | 330÷720 | 190÷680 | 320÷730 |
4. Maximum sensitivity point, λmax | nm | 620 | 610 | 560 |
5. Photosensitivity at λmax | A/W | 0.28 | 0.18 | 0.30 |
6. Working range of illumination | lx | 102÷105 | Not determined | Not determined |
7. Non-linearity of power characteristics | % | <10 | Not determined | Not determined |
8. Peculiarities of application | Work without additional filters | Work without additional filters | Work with special optical filters |
Authors of the development:
V. N. Komashchenko, Dr.Sc, Head of 4th Department, Phone: +38(044)525-62-00, Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2.4 Radioisotope power sources
Application. Long-term (tens of years), autonomous (there is no need electrical or light energy supply), ecological harmless (used «clean» beta-emitters) power sources for lowpowered sensor devices. Range of use: medicine (including power supply of implanted artificial organs), metrology, navigation, space devices engineering, military techniques, etc.
Radioisotope power source parameters:
Beta-radiation source | Converter type | Operational current, mkA | Optimal voltage, V |
3H | p-Cu1.8S/n-ZnxCd1-xS/n-CdS | 0.1 | 2.4 |
Domestic analogs absent, industrial foreign analogs unknown.
Authors of the development:
V. N. Komashchenko, Dr.Sc, Head of 4th Department, Phone: +38(044)525-62-00, Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Product can be applied in medical establishments.
The Kiev firm «KRAS» produces multifunction fluorography «ASPEKT» with semiconductor linear sensors of SCTB with PP ISP NANU.
Semiconductor scanning linear sensor does not require periodic service. Due to the active elements which are in it provides the spatial resolution in the patient’s plane of to 4 pairs of lines on mm. It provides to obtain a direct picture just at 0,3 mr in the plane of patient, due to transformation of x-ray photography radiation in a digital signal and high efficiency of registration. For the receipt of picture linear sensor consisting of 2560 elements and having length 550 mm is moved in horizontal direction along thearea of inspection simultaneously with the fan-shaped x-ray photography bunch formed by a crack diaphragm.
Software responds to demands the international protocol OІSOM-3.0, that settles if it is necessary to integrate it in any modern medical information system. The program is developed in close collaboration with roentgenologists, therefore contains not only the generally accepted protocols but also necessary forms of periodic reports. In fulfilling of the program practically unlimited possibilities of treatment of the got image by the special filters are provided for. Archiving of images is carried outon a DVD-disk by a capacity 4 700 Mb (about 3 000 pictures). Nowadays this is one of the most reliable methods of such information saving.
The analogues of such products in Ukraine are absent.
Authors of the development:
F.G. Savorovskyi, Director of Special Design-and-Technology Bureau, Phones: +38(044)525-36-11, +38(044)525-19-57, +38(044)525-96-52, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2.6 Wideband and selective UV sensors
Application. Environment monitoring (to control „ozone holes” and pollution analysis), implementation of obstacles-resistant UV-location (observing objects on the blue sky background), industry (fire security devices, automatizations systems of steam and water heating boilers on TPP), medicine, biotechnology, domestic techniques,detection, power measurement and dosimetry of UV radiation and its separate biologically active regions. Medical, biological and ecological instrument engineering, spectrophotometry, calorimetry, flame detection, etc.
Comparison of characteristics of UV sensors and photodiodes developed by foreign companies:
Authors of the development:
V. N. Komashchenko,Dr.Sc, Head of 4th Department, Phone: +38(044)525-62-00, Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Application. For industry, medicine, environment protection. The sensitive element of the sensor (Fig.1) is the photodetector based on the Schottky barrier (Au/GaAs) with periodically corrugated interface. The surface plasmon resonance (SPR) can be excited here by the light of p-polarization with certain wavelength and angle of incidence. The polaritonic wave is localized on the boundary between air and metal. It is very sensitive to the surface conditions and optical constants of surrounding medias. The surface plasmon electromagnetic wave penetrates through the metal film to the space charge region of the Schottky barrier where it generates electrons and holes. They are being separated by build in electric field of space charge region and generate the photocurrent (Ip,s).
The measurement procedure is to find the conditions where maximum of the photocurrent is observed. Then angle, wavelength or polarization of the light can be found using calibrated curves. In case if all these parameters known the refractive index of surrounding media can be obtained.
This procedure can be simplified by choosing the working point (angle of light incidence) of device at the middle of the slope of SPR so the small changes in the angle of incidence (light wavelength, polarization or refractive index of surrounding media) lead to big changes in the photocurrent. The larger slope of SPR the highersensitivity can be obtained. The quality of SPR can be characterized by parameter of polarization sensitivity (Ip/Is). This is relation between photocurrent excited by p-polarized light where SPR exist to photocurrent excited by s-polarized light where SPR can not be excited.
In comparison with other SPR based sensors the proposed one has important advantages: 1) using the same structure to excite and to record the SPR in consequence of which the mechanical scanning system is simplified (if it is required); 2) compactness and low specific consumption of materials (gold for example); 3) the possibility of big scale production by means of microelectronic industry.
Main technical parameters:
Parameter | Value |
Structure | Au/GaAs |
Active Plasmon Carrying Metal | Au |
Metal thickness, nm | 45 |
Polarization sensitivity, Ip/Is | >3:1 |
Angle half width of photocurrent maximum , ∆Θ | 1.770 |
The limit of sensitivity to refractive index of tested liquid media, ∆n | 0.00016 |
Authors of the development:
N.L.Dmitruk, Dr.Sc,Prof., Heаd of Department №39, Phone:+38(044)525-64-86, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
O. I. Mayeva, Senior researcher PhD, Phone: +38(044)525-50-70;
S.V.Mamykin, Junior researcher, PhD, Phone: +38(044)525-64-86, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
M.V. Sosnova, Junior researcher, Phone: +38(044)525-64-86, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2.8 Development of thermal detector elements
based on two-dimensional photonic silicon structures
Thermodetecting structure operates in next way:
Incident electromagnetic wave is absorbed by silicon structure 1 due to the decay electromagnetic wave formation and transition into Joule heat. The thermal element heat is saved due to low thermoconductivity of the cavity 3 between thermal element 1 and dielectric substrate 2. The change of the thermal element conductivity after heating is registrated by change of potential between metal contacts 4.
Devices on the base of two-dimensional photonic silicon structures can be used for needs of ecological monitoring of an environment, the control over medicine, productions in the industry.
Optical absorption in the range of 3-14 micron is 85-98% for thermal receiver structures of 20 micron thickness. The noise level for macroporous silicon structures 2.5⋅10-9 V⋅Hz-1/2 is determined by Johnson noise. Sensitivity of the thermodetecting element based on photonic silicon structures makes (0.8-1.2)⋅103 W/K, detectivity is to D* ≈2⋅109 сm⋅Hz1/2/W.
Detectivity of bolometric elements based on two-dimensional photonic silicon structures is higher in comparison with analogues due to the greater optical absorption and lower noise level. Optical absorption is much higher apparently thermal detecting structures based on amorphous and polycrystalline silicon. The noise level for macroporous silicon structures is the order value lower of noise in amorphous and polycrystalline silicon. Sensitivity of the thermodetecting element based on photonic siliconstructures is much higher than in analogues.
Karachevtseva L.A., Sizov F.F., Goltvyansky Yu.V., Konin K.P., Stronska O.J., Parshin K.A., Lytvynenko O.A. UA Patent №80345 «Uncooled Thermosensitive Element for Bolometers».
Authors of the development:
L.A.Karachevtseva, Dr.Sc, Head of Department №20, Phone: +38(044)525 98-15, Fax: +38(044)526 44-06, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2.9 Photodetector of laser radiation
The photodetector of laser radiation can be used for checking of laser pulse in the
infrared spectral region.
Principle of operation.
The signal from the photoresistor Hg1-хCdхTe (x=0.185) operated at room temperature is enhanced by a wideband preamplifier.
Areas of application.
The photodetector of laser radiation can be used in scientific investigations, medicine. It
is differ from the pyroelectric analogue by low response time and wide dynamic range.
Semiconductor | Hg1-хCdхTe (x=0.185) |
Wavelength range, µm | 2-11 |
Voltage sensitivity, V/W | 2*10-5 |
Time constant, ns | 1 |
Supply voltage, V | 5 |
Operating temperature, К | 300 |
Area of sensitive element, mm | 1х1 |
Authors of the development:
W.W. Teterkin, Dr. Sc, Prof., Head of Department № 22, Phone: +38(044)525-18-13, Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
L.F. Linnik, PhD (Phys.-Math.), Senior Researcher, Phone: +38(044)525-18-75
2.10 Cooled infrared photodetector
The photodetector can be used for registration of laser radiation in an infra-red range of a
Principle of operation:
Hg1-хCdхTe (x=0,19-0,23) photoresistor serves as a photosensitive detector, which operate at temperature of liquid nitrogen. The photodetector can be supplied by a
broadband amplifier.
Areas of application:
The photodetector can be used in scientific investigations, medicine and thermal imaging
technique. It is favorably differ from the pyroelectric analogue by widedynamic range.
Technical parameters:
Semiconductor | Hg1-хCdхTe (x=0.19-0.23) |
Wavelength range, µm | 2-13 |
Detectivity, D*, cm*Hz1/2/W | 3*1010 |
Time constant, us | 1 |
Supply voltage, V | 9 |
Operating temperature, К | 77 |
Dynamic range | 60 dB |
Area of sensitive element, mm | 1х1 |
Authors of the development:
W.W. Teterkin, Dr. Sc, Prof., Head of Department № 22, Phone: +38(044)525-18-13, Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
L.F. Linnik, PhD (Phys.-Math.), Senior Researcher, Phone: +38(044)525-18-75
2.11 Semiconductor cooled infrared photodetector
The photodetector can be used for registration of laser radiation in the infrared
wavelength range.
Principle of operation:
As the photosensitive detector used photoresistor InSb. Stabilization of temperature is
reached by means of Peltier refrigerator.
Areas of application:
Semiconductor cooled infrared photodetector can be used in scientific investigations for
detection of laser radiation, in medicine and thermal imaging technique. It is differ from the pyroelectric analogue by wide range of linearity.
Technical parameters:
Semiconductor | InSb |
Wavelength range, µm | 2-6 |
Detectivity, D*, cm Hz1/2/W | 2*1010 |
Time constant, µs | 1 |
Supply voltage, V | 9 |
Operating temperature, К | 150 |
Area of sensitive element, mm | 1х1 |
Authors of the development:
W.W. Teterkin, Dr. Sc, Prof., Head of Department № 22, Phone: +38(044)525-18-13, Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
L.F. Linnik, PhD (Phys.-Math.), Senior Researcher, Phone: +38(044)525-18-75
2.12 Noncooled photodetector of irradiation
The photodetector can be used for detection of laser radiation in the infrared wavelength range.
The signal from InSb photoresistor operated at room temperature is enhanced bya preamplifier with multiplication factor 100 and bandpass 100 kHz.
Areas of application:
Noncooled infrared photodetector can be used in scientific investigations, medicine and
thermal imaging technique.
Technical parameters:
Semiconductor | InSb |
Wavelength range, µm | 2-7 |
Detectivity, D*, cm Hz1/2/W | 108 |
Time constant, µs | 0.05 |
Supply voltage, V | 9 |
Operating temperature, К | 300 |
Area of sensitive element, mm | 1х1 |
Authors of the development:
W.W. Teterkin, Dr. Sc, Prof., Head of Department № 22, Phone: +38(044)525-18-13, Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
L.F. Linnik, PhD (Phys.-Math.), Senior Researcher, Phone: +38(044)525-18-75
2.13. LWIR photodetector for thermal imagers
Number of photodiode elements | 128 (2×64) |
Size of photosensitive element | diameter 30 µm |
Cooling method | by liquid nitrogen, 78 К |
Temperature resolution of a thermal imager at 300 С when using this FPA | equal or less than 60 mК |
Spectral range | 2-12 µm |
Frame frequency | equal or less than 50 Hz |
Authors of the development:
F.F. Sizov, Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine, Dr. Sc, Prof., Head of Department № 38, Phone: +38(044)525-62-96, Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2.14 Рhotovoltaic panel for space satellites
Photovoltaic panel is intended for power supply of a novel generation of satellites designed in the State Design Bureau «Uzhnoe» within the framework of the Ukrainian National Space Program. For the first time, the panel is assembled ona domestically produced honeycomb frame by means of advanced ultrasonic welding technology. A complete set of photovoltaic panels was used during assembling of the Ukrainian satellite КS5МF2 «Micron» launched on an orbit in December, 2004.
Photovoltaic panel is designed and fabricated in the V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics NAS of Ukraine in cooperation with other national organizations within the framework of the Ukrainian National Space Program. It is the first domestic development of such kind in Ukraine. Formerly photovoltaic panels for space applications were purchased in Russia. Domestic analogues of the developed panel do not exist, foreign analogues are more expensive. The novelty of the panel design is confirmed by the Ukrainian Patent №14924А. Innovation project related to industrial manufacturing of the designed panel is expedient.
Technical specification:
Surface photoactive area, m2 | 0,224 |
Weight in the equipped state, g | < 1100 |
Duration of active life on orbits with altitude up to 1000 kms, years | > 3 |
Electrical output power density (АM0 spectrum, РL=1365 W/m2), W/m2 | 190 |
Properly sized dimensions, mm | 660х380х14 |
Novel design features of the panel
- Application of rigid honeycomb frame improving both massand dimension characteristics, as well as reliability and durability of operation in the space.
- Utilization of high efficiency silicon solar cells developed in V. Lashkaryov ISP NAS of Ukraine.
- Application of aluminum as contact metallization in solar cells andaluminum bus-bars in intercell and inter-modular connections of the panel components.
- Utilization of ultrasonically welded inter-cell connections (instead of traditionally soldered) in photovoltaic modules increasing reliability and active life durabilityof the space power supply systems operating at low and intermediate orbit altitudes.
Authors of the development:
V.P. Kostylyov, Dr.Sc, Head of Department № 41, Phone: +38(044) 525-57-88, E-mail:
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A.P. Gorban, Dr.Sc, Рrof.
2.15 Solar cells for ground-based portative electronic
package and means of mobile communication
Product can be applied in energetics.
It has been intended for using in a structure of solar-accumulative supply units of portative instrumentation that are used in the field conditions, including mobile communication.
Power, W | 4 |
Rated voltage, V | 4(1А), 8(0,5А), 16(0,25А) |
Critical dimensions, mm | 160х190х15 |
Weight, g | 650 |
It is used in a structure of solar - accumulative supply units of portative instrumentation. It will be used in field and marine conditions too.
Power, W | 9 |
Rated voltage, V | 9 |
Critical dimensions, mm | 390х225х15 |
Weight, g | 1150 |
It has been intended for a complete set of dosimetric devices MKS-U ordered by MNS of Ukraine. They completely differ by structural steel hull and full hermetic sealing of photoconverters that provides the highest reliability and increasing of period of using.
Power, W | 1,1 |
Rated voltage, V | 6,0 |
Critical dimensions, mm | 160х85х101 |
Weight, g | 140 |
It was intended for usage in a structure of solar-accumulative supply units of portative instrumentation. It has a minimum weight and it has resistance in negativ condition.
Power, W | 3,0-4,5 |
Rated voltage, V | 2,2-6,0 |
Critical dimensions, mm | (232 – 348)х105х2,8 |
Weight, g | 80,0 – 120,0 |
Authors of the development:
A.V. Makarov, PhD,Head of Department №5 of Special Design-and-Technology Bureau, Phone:+38(44)525-18-66, Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2.16 Solar power station ses-sa1-250
1. Battery photoelectric silicon BFK-50-18
It has been intended for usage in terrestrial fixed and mobile solar power stations.
Power, W | 50 |
Rated voltage, V | 18 |
Critical dimensions, mm | 1000х480х20 |
Weight, g | 3600 |
2. Universal energetic module UEM-SA1-250.2.
It has been intended for usage in quality:
- of the electronics unit in a structure solar and wind power station, which one provides accumulation of electrical energy, which one is worked out by solar cells or wind-generators accumulative battery in voltage of 220 V, 50 Hz;
- uninterruptible power supplies with the increased time of an independent operation.
Nominal capacity, W | 250 |
Output voltage, V | 220 |
Frequency of voltage output, Hz | 50 |
Battery capacity, A/hour | 60 |
Voltage of the battery, V | 12 |
Authors of the development:
A.V.Makarov, PhD, Head of Department №5 of Special Design-and-Technology Bureau, Phone: +38(044)525-18-66, Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2.17 Silicon LEDs for middle and far IR (3 − 12 µm)
The IR radiation sources made on the basis of Si are intended for operation in the systems of optical processing of information. They can be applied also to monitor the parameters of photodetectors, as well as in the gas analysis systems and optoelectronic facilities. Due to high stability of their performance parameters, they can serve as reference radiation sources.
Such radiation sources may find various applications in chemical, oil, gas, and coal-mining industries (IR spectroscopy, thermovision systems, automation of technological processes, alarm systems, gas analysis, measuring instruments etc.).
LED operation is based on control over semiconductor emittance when the crystal and ambient temperatures are different. The emittance is modulated by varying the concentration of free charge carriers in the crystal. In the initial state, an active semiconductor element (being in thermal contact with a heater) is highly transparent in the spectral region corresponding to free charge carrier absorption and, correspondingly, has low thermal emittance. An increase of charge carrier concentration at their injection leads to increase of emittance. At a certain value of control voltage, the spectrum and emittance of the radiation source are the same as those of blackbody at the same temperature. The feature of the radiation source is that it can serve for simulation of blackbody with internal modulation of emittance.
Basic technical specifications:
Spectral range | 3−12 µm |
Emittance | 10-3−10-2 W/cm2 |
Response time | 10-4−10-5 s |
Operating temperature range | 300−400 K |
Emitting area | 0.5x0.5−1.8x1.8 mm |
Contrary to the traditional luminescence LEDs, the Si-based radiation sources operate at high temperatures in middle and far IR. They are characterized by high stability and speed of operation and large emitting areas, produce light fluxes of positive and negative contrasts, and can be made in single- and multi-element versions. High manufacturability of Si (the main material of microelectronics) is of use when producing LEDs, thus resulting in low cost of emitters and possibility of quick large-scale manufacturing of low-energy IR radiation sources that are much in demand.
Authors of the development:
S.S. Bolgov, РhD, Phone: +38(044) 525-61-36, Fax: +38(044) 525-57-97, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2.18 Multichannel optical rotating connector
Designed for the non-contacting transferring broadband digital signals to and from rotating body. Compensation of the optical beams rotating is the basic principle of given connector.
Application of the connector include:
- wide angle azimuth field of view scanning systems in visible and IR
- radar antenna equipment
- different optical communication system for the sensor data signals coupling between members free to rotate with respect to each other
number of optical channels * | up to 20 |
insertion optical loss ** | 3-10 dB |
crosstalk | less then - 60dB |
channel bandwidth | at less 300 Mb/s |
optical signal amplitude modulation with rotating process | less then 15% |
rotational speed | up to 200/s |
temperature range | -50 C0 to + 80 C0 |
diameter | 130 mm |
overall length | 180mm |
* dictated by the user
** insertion loss is influenced by the type of light sources, detectors and fiber optic link
- low signal losses
- easily and effectively screened from electrical noise and interference
- possibility of combining digital optical channel with analog or VHF channels at the expense of free region presence
- relatively easy-to-produce transformer
- compact
The design and size of connector frame is influenced by its application within a network and by environmental factors.
Authors of the development:
V. N. Shapar, Phone: +38(044)525-70-81, Fax: +38(044)525-83-42 E-mail: v_shа This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2.19 Оptoelectronic «rotation angle-data» encoder
Product can be applied in aviation, shipbuilding, robotic, engine industry etc.
Optoelectronic «rotation angle-data» encoder has next advantages:
- absence of mechanical friction in the contact system, that provides the long term of exploitation and stability of metrological parameters;
- possibility to measure the absolute values of executing mechanisms rotation angle;
- stability to influencing of mechanical and climatic factors;
- relative simplicity of reliability increase due to creation of reserve channels.
Now the sensors of such type in Ukraine and FSU countries are not producing.
Comparative technical characteristics of double channel encoder and used today МУ-615А analogue sensor:
Parameter | Developed encoder | МУ-615А |
Electrical contact presence | Contactless | Contact |
Number of channels | Two with the separate power supply | One |
Output signal | Series code or analogy | Analogy |
Measured angle of turn | Work ± 900 | Work ± 300, full ± 600 |
Non-linearity | ± 0,5% | ± 3% |
Overall sizes | 39,5х41 mm | 39,5х54х41 mm |
Mass | 0,16 kg | 0,16 kg |
Operation temperature | -600С...+850С |
Authors of the development:
U.A. Tzyrkunov, Head of Department №4 of Special Design-and-Technology Bureau, Phone: +38(044)525-18-36
2.20 Optoelectronic high-voltage switcher
Destination. Optoelectronic commutator can be used for detection of short high-voltage pulses.
Principle of operation. The resistance of optoelectronic commutator decreases from 1010 down to 10 Ohm under laser radiation.
Areas of application. Optoelectronic commutator can be used in nuclear physics, medicine, scientific researches, and laser physics.
Technical parameters:
Semiconductor | GaAs |
Switching voltage, V | 1-50 kV |
Switching current, А | up to 10 kA |
Time constant, ns | 10 (in strip line execution 10 ps) |
Operating temperature, K | 300 |
Authors of the development:
W.W.Teterkin, Dr. Sc, Prof., Head of Department № 22, Phone: +38(044)525-18-13, Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
L.F.Linnik, PhD (Phys.-Math.), Senior Researcher, Phone: +38(044)525-18-75
2.21 High-reliability intellectual liquid-crystal screens
This solution can be applied in aviation and space industries, shipbuilding and motor- car construction.
The important problems of modern display facilities is the increase of their reliability and provides automatic brightness of illumination of screen monitoring depending on external luminosity of plane of liquid-crystal screen. Placing sensors of luminosity in a liquid-crystal screen is basic advantage of intellectual high-reliability liquid-crystal screens. It allows automatically, without human intervention, regulate the brightness illumination of screen system and provide the high contrast of image and reliability information perception in the conditions of rapid change of external luminosity in wide limits. Disposing miniature sensors of luminosity directly in the operating plane of screen eliminates possibility misoperation of adjusting brightness system or shading sensors by other constructive elements of screen or control panel. In addition, conducting paths in such screen are manufacturing from thin metallic layers, which provides high reliability of screens and reproduced of their parameters and descriptions at manufacturing. The use of the specially developed shadow mask allows practically fully eliminate the spurious reflection of light from the metallized conducting paths and provides the high contrast of image in screen. Construction of intellectual liquid-crystal screen also provides the presence of transparent thin-film heater, which substantially extends the temperature range of their application. Making of liquid-crystal screens from transparent glass-ceramic materials with the ultralow coefficient of thermal expansion allows to lower time of warming up of screen at low temperatures to 0,5 – 1 minutes, at that time as traditional screens require 20 – 30 minutes on warming up.
Intellectual liquid-crystal screens which have not the known direct analogues are developed, the following descriptions are had:
- operating high temperature is +55 0C.
- operating lowered temperature is minus 20 0C without heating.
- operating shot-time temperature is + 70 0C.
- Maximum high temperature is +85 0C.
- Maximum lowered temperature is minus 60 0C with heating.
- A screen provides reliable and error-less perception of information by the observer at night and in the day-time at the level of external luminosity according to GOST 27626-88.
- Represented in screen information visible under the maximum angle of review on a horizontal line ±50 0 and from +30 0 to -10 0 on a vertical line. Contrast of represented information not worse 90%.
In Ukraine the development of high-reliability intellectual liquid-crystal screens for aviation and space the industries was proposed at first time.
Effect from application:
- increase of reliability of liquid-crystal screens;
- increase of ergonomics qualities of screens to the level of international requirements to the screens of such type and setting;
- reduction of time of preparation of screen to work at low external temperatures;
- reference necessity of aircraft building (modernization of existing and construction of new airplanes) and space the industries of Ukraine approximately 10000 item on a year.
Development is the best than analogues existing in world.
Situation in relation to intellectual property (now-how, request on a patent, patent, registered copyright, agreement about a license, other):
- Yu.V. Colomzarov, V.P. Maslov, Yu.G. Tolstih, Yu.A. Tsircounov Declarative patent of Ukraine № 4517 on an useful model “Liquid-crystal display”, bulletin №1, 17.01.2005.
- Yu.V. Colomzarov, V.P. Maslov Liquid-crystal grid of optical radiation. Declarative patent of Ukraine on an useful model № 12551, 15.02.2006, bulletin №2.
Authors of the development:
Department №13 liquid crystals of Institute of semiconductors physics V.E. Lashcarova, NAN of Ukraine, Yriy Colomzarov, senior staff scientist, d.Ph , tel. 525-25-23, fax 525-25-23 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Volodymyr Maslov, deputy of director SCTB with PP ISP NAS U, d.Ph., tel./ fax 525- 05-55, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Applience. This solution can be applied in optical industry for telescopes mirrors manufacturing. A mirror is manufactured from two materials with the similar coefficient of thermal expansion: Si ( lower details) and glass-ceramic ( top optical layer).
The offered technical solution has following advantages:
- high quality of optical surface;
- ecologically clear manufactures technologies;
- opportunity of manufacturing large-sized mirrors;
- simplicity of manufacturing due to opportunity of traditional optical manufacturing equipment applying;
- relatively low cost in comparison with analogues due to opportunity of mirror base manufacturing with powder-like metallurgy method.
Main technical characteristics and parameters of solution:
Diameter of mirror - 150 mm and thickness - 30 mm. Quality of optical surface N varies from 1 to 3, ∆N = 5 , RZ varies from 0.05 to 0.025.
It hasn’t analogues in Ukraine.
Intellectual property: F.G. Savorovskiy, V.P. Maslov “Silicon carbide mirror”. Patent for invention №80398.
Authors of the development:
V.P.Maslov, Dr.Sc, Head of Department №27, Phone /Fax: +38(044) 525-05-55, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2.23 Development of manufacturing techniques of precision optical prisms of external reflection
It can be applied in optical engineering.
The mirror external reflection prisms with a composite structure have some benefits in comparison with the standard prisms: large aperture, low weight and wide operating spectral range (from ultraviolet to infrared). The high-precision prism parts are joined by optical contact. The following process steps for fabrication of the T-shaped 900 mirror external reflection prisms have been chosen:
- polishing of plate surfaces by using the standard optical production process (N=1-3; N=0.5), at that two adjacent angles in each plate were 90 0 ±10";
- vacuum deposition of an aluminium containing coating (several hundreds of nanometres) on the plate surfaces to be diffusion joined subsequently;
- positioning and contacting plate surfaces to be joined;
- thermal treatment at the temperature of about 400 єС for diffusion joining;
- control of the joint quality;
- vacuum deposition of the reflecting coating.
The results of studies have shown:
- for the 90 mirror prisms, the error due to influence of processing factors during their fabrication was 1 to 10 seconds of arc. This result confirms that the developed process makes feasible to fabricate the mirror prisms with an accuracy determined by the accuracy of fabrication of their components;
- exposure to the extreme conditions results in changes in the relative position by 2 to 14 seconds of arc for the different prisms;
- under the normal conditions deviations in the relative position become stabilized and their magnitude has not exceeded 5 seconds in arc over the 2 years period of observation. For the best specimen the deviation was 1 second of arc that is at the same level as the accuracy of measurements.
Authors of the development:
V.P.Maslov, Dr.Sc, Head of Department №27, Phone /Fax: +38(044) 525-05-55, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2.24 The supply unit for electroluminescent lamps BPL-80
The unit BPL has been created for switching on the electroluminescent lamps of various modifications with consumed electrical power 15, 20, 40 and 80 W and keeping their operation regime.
The unit BPL-80 does not use the lamp filament for heating gas inside the bulb. Therefore it increases the lamp duration approximately by 10-fold. It allows also using lamps with burnt out filaments without salvaging. Besides, using of the unit is not accompanying by flashes of lamps with the frequency of the network voltage (50 or 100 Hz) and provides a decrease of power consumption by more than 1, 5 times, because of the unit is a quasiactive load for the network (соs(phi) ≥ 0.96).
Characteristics of the unit BPL-80:
Total power of connected lamps, W | (15–80) |
Power coefficient | not less than 0,96 |
Overall dimensions, mm | 249х55х36 |
Mass, kg | 0,8 |
Product can be applied for energy saving.
Have not analogues in Ukraine.
Authors of the development:
O.I. Shvirst, Head of Department №2 of Special Design-and- Technology Bureau, Phone: +38(044)525-36-11
3. Elements and devises of microelectronics
3.1 Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) structures and CMOS IC -BA86P
Destination. The SOI structures intend for fabrication of CMOS integrated circuits (ICs) low and medium integration levels, which can operate at high level of electrical noises and in temperature range up to 3000 C .
The CMOS IC on SOI BA86P intends for pulse information interchanging in the systems of information collection and processing that work at enhanced temperature range up to 2000 C .
Main technical characteristics and parameters of the SOI structure:
- the thickness of the Si film fabricated on thermally grown SiO2 or multilayer SiO2-Si3N4-SiO2 dielectric is from 100 to 500 nm with thickness heterogeneity of 10%;
- the thickness of buried dielectric is from 400 to 700 nm (thickness heterogeneity – 5%);
- the diameter of the Si wafer is 4”;
- the Si wafer thickness is 300 um.
Main electrical parameters of SOI CMOS IC BA86P in temperature range of 20-2000 C:
- The IC is comparable with the circuits of transistor-transistor logics (TTL).
- The output voltage of high level (IOH=4mA, UCC=4,5V) – not lower than 3,2 V
- The output voltage of low level (IOL=12mA, UCC=4,5V) – not higher than 0,35 V
- The operation current (UCC=5,5B, UIH > UCC -0,4 V, UIL<0,4 V) - 150 uA
- The signal delay time at transition from the high level state or the low level state to the state of «Switch off» (UCC = 4,5V, CL=50pF) - 35 nsec
- The signal delay time at transition from the state of «Switch off» to the high level state or the low level state (UCC=4,5 V, CL=100pF) – 65 nsec
- The input capacitance (UI= UCC or 0V; UCC = 5V) – 18 pF
Authors of the development:
V. S. Lysenko,Dr.Sc, Prof., Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine, Head of Department 15, Phone:+38(044)525-63-95, E -mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
A. N. Nazarov, Dr.Sc, Prof., Phone: +38(044) 525-61-77, E -mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
L. I. Samotovka, Dr., Phone: +38(044) 449-93-63
3.2 Indium phosphide Gunn diode
The Gunn diodes were designed on the basis of InP epitaxial layers grown on a porous nanostructured InP substrate and ohmic contacts using nanostructured titanium diboride layers.
Frequency range: 100−150 GHz
Operating voltage: up to 3.5 V
Operating current: up to 1.5 A
Application areas:
- Microwave engineering.
- Telecommunication technologies.
The Gunn diodes are used in the designs of the State Enterprise Scientific-Research Institute
«Orion» of the Ministry of Industrial Policy of Ukraine.
Authors of the development:
A.E.Belyaev, Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine, Dr.Sc, Prof. Phone:+38(044)525-24-47, Fax:+38(044) 525-83-42, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
R.V. Konakova, Dr. Tech. Sc., Prof., Phone:+ 38(044) 525-61-82, Fax :+38(044)525-83-42, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
3.3 Diode Temperature Sensors DTS-100
New type temperature sensors (in comparison with the existing analogues) are advanced devices with minimised influence of self-heating and noise for temperature measurement, with enhanced sensitivity in low temperature range, accuracy and reproducibility. Sensors are recommended for high-precision temperature control and measurement.
These sensors are advanced devices with high accuracy, reproducibility, radiation resistance, and easily adaptive with electronic equipment when operating with long signal lines. The developed sensors have provided most reliable and accurate temperature measurement for the objects which are operating under conditions of extreme influences.
The sensors have successfully been applied to temperature monitoring of the object «Shelter» under high irradiation background conditions, and for control at cryogenic temperature regimes during the fueling of the rocket Zenit-3SL.
Temperature range Minimum Maximum |
70 K 450 K |
Standard Curve Curve | 100 |
Voltage | 1.11 V at 70 K; 0.4 V at 450 K |
Sensitivity (typical) | -1.35 mV/K at 70 K; -2 mV/K at 450 K |
Accuracy (calibrated) | ± 50 mK |
Short-term stability | ± 23 mK or better (from 70 K to 373 K) |
Long-term (per year) stability | ± 23 mK/year at 77.4 K |
Interchange tolerance | ± 0.5 K |
Recommended recalibration schedule | Annual |
Excitation | |
Recommended | 100 μA ± 0.05 % |
Maximum reverse voltage (diode) | 5 V DC |
Maximum forward current | 500 μA continuos |
Maximum current before damage | 1 mA continuos |
Dissipation at rate excitation | 110 μW at 70 K; 72 μW at 300 K |
Voltage range | 0 to 1.5 V |
Physical Specifications | |
Size | 2 mm ×2 mm ×1.5 mm |
Mass | 40 milligrams |
Number leads | Two (2) |
Features of DTS-100:
- Standard temperature response curve.
- High efficiency for operating with long signal lines.
- Stability under influence of radiation.
- Narrow tolerance band.
- Small size and mass.
Authors of the development:
Yu. M. Shwarts, Dr.Sc, Head of Laboratory of Semiconductor Physical Sensors, Phones/Fax: + 38(044)525-74 63, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
3.4 Ge-on-GaAs film resistance thermometers
Ge-on-GaAs resistance thermometers are intended for static and dynamic temperature
measurements and covering the temperature range for operation from 0.03 K to 500 K.
The thermometers are based on Ge film resistors deposited onto semi-insulating GaAs
substrates using vacuum technology. Ge-on-GaAs film temperature sensing elements are
produced using standard semiconductor processing techniques and provide high device
sensitivity within the range 0.03 K to 500 K. The prepared sensing elements are then
employed in different packages. Nowadays three types of sensor packages are offered: -
cylindrical canister package, made from gold plated copper (3 mm in diameter and 5.0 mm
long), micro-package (1.2 mm in diameter and 1.0 mm long) and micro-package with plate (2
mm square by 0.15 mm thick).
Main advantages:
- wide temperature range for operation (0.03 to 500 K)
- monotonic response over a wide temperature range
- high sensitivity
- high accuracy
- small temperature reading errors for operation in magnetic fields
- small size
- extremely fast response to temperature changes
- high radiation tolerance
- high quality and low price
Operating characteristics:
Temperature Errors, dT/T0 , (percent) as a Function of Magnetic Field and Temperature:
Model | Temperature (K) | Magnetic field induction (T) | ||||
2.5 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 14 | ||
TTR-G | 0.5 | 0.43 | −1.74 | −3.65 | −6.2 | - |
1.0 | 0.0 | −0.3 | −0.8 | - | - | |
2.1 | −0.82 | −2.8 | −6.8 | −11.1 | −24.1 | |
4.2 | −0.4 | −1.0 | −2.7 | −4.7 | −12.5 | |
77.4 | −0.13 | −0.21 | −0.3 | −0.45 | −2.0 | |
TTR-D | 0.1 | 63.9 | 66.7 | 69.5 | - | - |
0.3 | 0.5 | −0.55 | −1.0 | - | - | |
4.2 | −5.0 | −8.1 | −12.0 | - | - | |
TTR-M | 4.2 | 0.5 | 0.37 | −0.44 | −2.0 | - |
Situation concerning intellectual property.
Know-how on micro-packaging technology of sensitive elements.
Authors of the development:
V.F. Mitin, PhD, Sen. res., Phone /Fax: +38(044) 525-59-39, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
V.V. Kholevchuk, res., Phone /Fax: + 38(044) 525-59-39
Dual function sensor (DFS) is intended for concurrent measurements of temperature
and magnetic fields in cryogenic applications. The DFS approach can also be applied to the
problem in cryogenic thermometry of temperature measurements in high magnetic fields,
since, by simultaneous, direct measurements of temperature and local magnetic field, it
enables computational correction of the field effects on the thermometer.
The DFS consists of a Ge-on-GaAs film resistance thermometer and an InSb-on-GaAs
film Hall-effect magnetic field sensor, which at constant current provides an output voltage
proportional to magnetic field induction. These sensors are incorporated in a parallelepiped
package, made from gold plated copper, sealed with epoxy. The dimensions of this package
are 3.5 mm wide, 2.2 mm high and 10.1 mm long. The DFS has eight copper contact leads: -
four leads for the resistance thermometer and four leads for the Hall-effect magnetic field
sensor. Two models of the DFS have been developed and produced for use in the 1.5 to 400
K (DFS-1) and 0.1 to 400 (DFS-2) temperature ranges.
Main advantages:
- wide temperature range for operation (0.1 to 400 K);
- monotonic response over a wide temperature and magnetic field range;
- high sensitivity;
- high accuracy;
- small temperature reading errors for operation in magnetic fields;
- high radiation tolerance;
- high quality and low price.
Operating characteristics - DFS specification:
Operating temperature range for: DFS-1 DFS-2 |
1.5 to 400 K 0.1 to 400 K |
Resistance of DFS-1 thermometer at 1.5 K | 100 kOhm |
Resistance of DFS-1 thermometer at 400 K | 30 Ohm |
Resistance of DFS-2 thermometer at 0.1 K | 100 kOhm |
Resistance of DFS-2 thermometer at 400 K | 30 Ohm |
Input resistance of Hall-effect magnetic field sensor at 300 K | 10 to 20 Ohm |
Output resistance of Hall-effect magnetic field sensor at 300 K | 15 to 30 Ohm |
Magnetic sensitivity of Hall-effect magnetic field sensor at control current of 0.5 mA | 5 to 6 mV/Tesla |
Zero field offset voltage of Hall-effect magnetic field sensor at control current of 0.5 mA | 0.1 (max.) mV |
Temperature coefficient of magnetic sensitivity of Hall-effect magnetic field sensor | 0.03 (max.) %/K |
Magnetic field-induced temperature errors of DFS-1 thermometer without correction, DT/T, at 4.2 K in magnetic fields: 2.5 Tesla, 4 Tesla, 6 Tesla, 8 Tesla | 0.5 %, 0.37 %, -0.44 %, -2.0 % (correspondingly) |
Error in the thermometer reading, dT/T, at 4.2 K after gamma radiation dose 0.76 Grad | -2 % |
Situation concerning intellectual property.
Know-how on micro-packaging technology of sensitive elements.
Form of presentation.
Pilot samples.
Authors of the development:
V.F. Mitin, PhD, Sen. res., Phone /Fax: + 38(044)525-59-39, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
V.V. Kholevchuk, res., Phone /Fax: + 38(044)525-59-39
3.6 Silicon pressure sensors with separating diaphragm
For absolute, differential and gauge pressure measurement of aggressive liquids and gases. | |
Pressure range (kPa): | 0-40, 0-100, 0-200, 0-400, 0-600 0-1000, 0-1500, 0-4000, 0-6000 |
Supply voltage (V): | 6 |
Full scale output (mV): | 50±10 |
Operating temperature: | 400 -+ 800 C |
Accuracy in operating Temperature range (less, %): | 0,2 |
Linear output, high reliability. | |
High temperature and temporal stability at cyclic loading. |
Offered silicon pressure sensors could be used for measurement of absolute, differential or gauge pressure of liquids and gases in the monitoring systems and managements of various technological processes: in oil refining and chemistry, in the equipment for investigation, for extraction and transportation of power resources, processing and distribution of power resources, in power mechanical engineering, in industrial power, in the measuring and control equipment.
Authors of the development:
S.I.Kozlowskij, Dr. Sc, Head of Laboratory No. 25
Phone: +38(044)525-83-38, e-mail:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
3.7 Silicon pressure sensors the IPT type
For absolute differential and gauge pressure measurement of non-aggressive liquids and gases without solid contamination | |
Pressure range (kPa): | 0-1, 0-2, 0-4, 0-10, 0-20, 0-4, 0-100, 0-200, 0-400, 0-600, 0-1000, 0-1500. |
Supply voltage (V): | 6 |
Full scale output (mV): | 50±10 |
Operating temperature: | -400 -+ 900 C . |
Accuracy in operating Temperature range (less, %): | 0,1 |
Linear output, high reliability. | |
High temperature and temporal stability at cyclic loading | |
Low ddimensions (30x25x30 milimeters), small price |
Offered silicon pressure sensors could be used for measurement of absolute, differential or gage pressures of the pure non aggressive liquids and gases: in mechanical engineering, aircraft, in communication systems, in the control of an environment systems, over the equipment for investigation, for extraction and transportation of power resources, for processing and distribution of power resources, in power mechanical engineering, in industrial power, for the measuring and control equipment.
Authors of the development:
S.I.Kozlowskij, Dr. Sc, Head of Laboratory No. 25
Phone: +38(044)525-83-38, e-mail:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
3.8 Switching elements with memory
For use in semiconductor instrument making, in particular for semiconductor sensors, power area, automatic telephone system, computing and at creation of switching systems of different purpose.
The basic technical characteristics.
At imposing a direct voltage there is a switching structure with high-ohmic state in low-ohmic state. Low-ohmic state in all structures is kept during several months at zero voltage. Returning in high-ohmic state is carried out at applying indirect voltage.
Parameters | Hetero structure 1: Te-CdTe:In (ro ~ 102 Ohm×cm) | Hetero structure 2: Te-CdTe (ro ~ 109 Ohm×cm) |
Voltage of switching | U=0,3 V | U=200 V |
Current of switching | I =30 mA | I=0,1 A |
Time of switching | <10-8 s | <10-8 s |
Authors of the development:
O.I. Vlasenko, Dr. Sc, Prof., Deputy Director, Head of Department No. 17, Phone: +38(044) 525-12-60, Fax: +38(044)525-83-42, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
P.O. Mozol’, Dr. Sc, Prof., leading Scientist, Phone: +38(044)525-84-37, Fax: + 38(044) 525-83-42
A.Baidullaeva, Senior Scientist, PhD(Phys.-Math.), Phone: +38(044)525-84-37, Fax: +38(044)525-83-42, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
B.K.Dauletmuratov, PhD (Phys.-Math.), Post doctor, Phone: +38(044)525-84-37, Fax: +38(044)525 - 83-42
4. Measure methods and units
4.1 Set of nanoprobe diagnostic methods for advanced technologies
The set of nanoprobe diagnostic methods is based on the Dimension 3000 NanoScope IIIa scanning probe microscope. Local mechanical and electrical parameters of materials, structures and devices could be collected at the micro- and nanometer scales. The set includes nanoindentation and scratching techniques as well as conductive and capacitive scanning probe microscopy. Mechanical properties are characterized both using indent 3D geometry and load-penetration curves. It provides the hardness (reduced and Meyer's) and elastic properties measurements, as well as registration of defects generation and phase transitions under loading indenter. The electrical properties could be characterized by means of conductivity and differential capacitance mapping at a constant bias voltage and by I-V and C-V curves.
- Load – from 5 pN to 100 μN;
- Controlled depth of indents – from 1 nm;
- Lateral resolution – 10 nm or better;
- Value of measured currents – from 1pA to 1 μA;
- Bias voltage – ±12 V;
- Sensitivity of capacitive measurements – 10-18 F.
Range of application:
- Diagnosis and certification of components for advanced materials, nanoelectronic and novel energetic, information registration and storage, etc.
- Development and diagnostics of smart-sensing systems for nanomedicine and novel biotechnologies.
The set is implemented in the Academy Diagnostic Center «Diagnostics of semiconductor materials, structures and devices» at the V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics NAS Ukraine. The Center provides services for institutes of National academy of sciences, universities and Ukrainian industry.
Authors of the development:
I.V.Prokopenko, Dr. Sc, Prof., Head of Department 11, Phone /Fax: +38(044)525-44-49, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
P.M.Lytvyn, PhD, Senior Researcher, Dep. 11, Phone /Fax: +38 (044)525-59-40, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
O.S.Lytvyn, PhD, Senior Researcher, Dep. 11, Phone /Fax: +38 (044)525-59-40, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Application: using in electronic materials science and technology of silicon-germaniumbased semiconductor structures (including nanostructures).
The technique is based on registering Raman scattering spectra from the GexSi1-x-alloy-based structures with the subsequent analysis of the intensity and frequency position of the peaks corresponding to Ge-Ge, Ge-Si and Si-Si interatomic vibrations. These frequencies depend on composition x and strain e according to the following expressions:
wSiSi(cm-1) = 520.5 - 62x - 815e,
wGeSi(cm-1) = 387+81(1-x)-78(1- x)2-575e,
wGeGe(cm-1) = 282.5+16x-385e.
The precision of the determination of composition x and strain e in the range of 0.1 <= x <= 0.9 is, correspondingly, 2 and 5% for the spectra measured by spectrometers DFS-52 or DFS-24.
Advantages: compared to other methods (for example common x-ray spectroscopy) this technique has significantly higher spatial resolution which is determined by focusing of the excitation laser beam. Using micro-objective the spatial resolution is about 1μm.
Conditions of application: A joint utilization with the technologists developing and producing silicon-germanium structures for electronics.
Authors of the development:
M.Ya. Valakh, Dr.Sci,Prof., orresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine, Head of Department 6, Phone: +38(044)525-85-50, Fax:+38(044)525-85-50, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
V.O. Yukhymchuk, senior researcher, Dr.Sc, Phone: +38(044)525-83-03
The given method is the passive ultrasonic nondestructive express - method which on
signals of acoustic emission (E) allows to reveal in semiconductor materials and structures
the beginning of fast degradation processes due to formation of structural defects by the
action of external fields of the different physical nature in a real time mode.
The basic technical characteristics:
The registration of AE signals can be carried out by acoustoelectric sensors from the
complete set dualchannel acoustic emission device AF-15 in the strips of frequencies 20-200
kHz, 200-500 kHz, 500-1000 kHz and 200-2000 kHz.
Depending on the kind of external influence which induces AE , for example, ultrasonic processing can be necessarily usage of rejective filters.
Amplification (to 90 dB) and the previous processing of electric AE signals can be carried out by AF-15 or by means of the similar device. The further registration and processing is carried out by recorder, oscilloscope or computer by means of the corresponding software.
Authors of the development:
O.I. Vlasenko, Deputy Director, Dr.Sc, Prof., Head of Department 17, Phone: +38(044)525-12-60, Fax: +38(044) 525-83-42, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
O.V. Lyashenko, Senior Scientist, Assoc. Prof. of physical faculty of the T. Shevchenko Kiev National University, Phone: +38(044) 526-05-10, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
V.P. Veleschuk, Senior Scientist, Phone: +38(044) 525-84-37, Fax:+ 38(044 )525-83-42, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The given method is the passive ultrasonic nondestructive express - method which allows to reveal the beginning of fast degradation processes while constant direct current passing in a real time mode in the semiconductor light-emitting structures.
The basic technical characteristics:
Registration of AE signals can be carried out by acoustoelectric sensors in the strips
of frequencies 20-5000 kHz, for example, from the complete set off dual channel acoustic
emission device AF-15 in the strips of frequencies 20-200 kHz, 200-500 kHz, 500-1000 kHz
and 200-2000 kHz with approximate identical relative sensitivity in the middle of a
corresponding strip.
Amplification (at 85 dB and more) and the previous processing of electrical AE signals can be carried out by AF-15 or by means of the similar device. The further processing and registration is carried out by a computer by means of the corresponding software.
Authors of the development:
O.I. Vlasenko, Deputy Director, Dr. Sc, Prof., Head of Department 17, Phone: +38(044)525-12-60; Fax: + 38(044)525-83-42, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
O.V. Lyashenko, Senior Scientist, Assoc. Prof. of physical faculty of the T. Shevchenko Kiev National University, Phone: +38(044)526-05-10, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
V.P. Veleschuk, Senior Scientist, Phone: + 38(044) 525-84-37; Fax: + 38(044) 525 -83-42, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The given method is a passive ultrasonic method which allows on dependence of the
acoustic signal amplitude on the laser pulse intensity A(I) (fig.1) to determine in
semiconductors and semiconductor structures a melting threshold Imelt at a pulse laser
irradiation both in the field of the fundamental absorption and in the field of the transparency.
The essence of the method consists in revealing the beginning of nonlinearity on dependence A (I) at a pulse laser irradiation (fig.1) which corresponds to melting threshold and explains summation of amplitudes of acoustic pressure from an abrupt increase in the bulk under melting, acoustic emission under melting–crystallization, crack formation, the reactive effect of vapors from the melt, and the expansion of a cloud of hot plasma.
The basic technical characteristics:
Registration of AE signals can be carried out by acoustoelectric sensors from the complete set of dual channel acoustic emission device AF-15 in the strips of frequencies 20- 200 kHz, 200-500 kHz, 500-1000 kHz and 200-2000 kHz.
Amplification and the previous processing of electric AE signals can be carried out AF-15 or by means of the similar device and amplifier. The further registration and processing is carried out by oscilloscope or computer.
Authors of the development:
O.I. Vlasenko, Deputy Director, Dr.Sc, Prof., Head of Department 17, Phone: +38(044) 525-12-60; Fax: +38(044)525-83-42, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
V.P. Veleschuk, Senior Scientist, Phone: + 38(044) 525-84-37, Fax: +38(044) 525-83-42, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
A.Baidullaeva, Senior Researcher, PhD (Phys.-Math.), Phone: +38(044)525-84-37, Fax: +38(044)525 -83-42, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
O.V. Lyashenko, Senior Scientist, Assoc. Prof. of physical faculty of the T. Shevchenko Kiev National University, Phone: +38(044) 526-05-10, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
4.6 Diffractometer for measurements x-ray acoustic resonant
Destination (setting). For analyze of monocrystals structure, subsurface region and epitaxial layers and films (Debye-Waller structure factor, deformation).
Setting. Diffractometer DRON-3M, goniometer GUR-8, recording device Robotron-20046, frequency indicator F5311, high-frequency generators Г4-143, Г4-148, voltmeter В7-15, frequency converters out of LiNiO3 with working frequencies 10, 25 and 40 MHz.
No | Parameter | Parameter of RAR-1 | Unit |
1. | Time of single determination | 30-240 | min |
2. | Frequency band | 10-400 | MHz |
3. | Resolution | 0.005 | degrees |
4. | Interface | RS232 | |
5. | Software environment | Win9X, DOS |
Authors of the development:
V.F. Machulin, Academician of NAS of Ukraine
V.P. Kladko, Dr.Sc, Head of Department 19, Phone: +38(044) 525- 57- 58, E -mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
4.7 Methods and devices of polarization-modulation spectroscopy
The physic technical methods of instrument-making for research of interaction processes of the polarized electromagnetic radiation with substance are developed and realized in laboratory of modulation-polarization spectroscopy (MPS) of V.Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Their destination is in measurement practically all polarization dependent effects, which creates the system of the phenomena of linear and circular birefringence and dichroism.
The practical realization of methods is based on working installation on such principles: the relative value of change of polarization state of radiation due to its interaction (transmission, reflection, absorption) with substance contains the information on properties of researched object; the analysis of polarization state with the help of modulation on some orders increases delectability of installation in comparison with similar. The relative meanings of refractive index Dn/n=10- 10, where Dn=nperpendicular - nparallel is value of refractive indexes along axes of optical indicatrix, become accessible to measurement.
It is possible to detect wi th its help under a high delectabil ity such physical quantit ies causing the anisotropy as the deformation, magnet ic and electrical f ield, gradients of temperature and structure of substance, concentrat ion of optical active impur ity etc. The focusing of laser radiation allows to reach a spatial resolution up to size comparable with chip elements, and change of wavelength and depth of its absorpt ion allows detect the distr ibut ion of stresses in thin films and interfaces.
The phenomenon of ref lect ion of electromagnet ic radiation generally also is character ized by anisotropy both ampl itude and phase. Therefore the engineering of polarizing modulation appears effective for detect ion of ef fects both external (metal optics) , and internal reflect ion. The bright il lustration of information abi lity of a method is supervision of the phenomenon of surface Plasmon resonance in a wide spectral range of radiat ions, var ious mater ials and their topological character istics.
The presence of such type of devices in educat ional laboratories allows to carry out tens laboratory works on crystal- and magneto-optics, biophysics etc.
Technical parameters of a working model:
- Spectral range of used radiation, micron 0.2-4,
- Frequency of modulation, Hz – 5*104 , 1*105,
- Sensitivity in relation to a polarization state, rad. 2*Pi*10-6,
- Sensitivity in relation to value of a mechanical stresses, Pa – 10-2,
- Sensitivity in relation to value of absorption coefficient, Da/a – 10-3
- Ability of detection of linear and circular anisotropy, both amplitude and phase.
The principles of devices creat ion on the basis of polar izing modulat ion are stated in 6 patents of Ukraine for useful model.
The practical realization of results of preliminary researches provided creation of the supersensitive devices for detection of induced anisotropy of dielectric properties.
Authors of the development:
B.K. Serdega, Dr.Sc, Head of Laboratory of PS, Phone: +38(044)525-57-78, E -mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Purpose. Ground observations for remote exploration of surface atmosphere layer on a basis of FTIR
Descriptions of the system:
- Velocity of measurement is in a real time, time of unit measurement is no more 20 s;
- Possibility of simultaneous measurement of densities of many gases in a wide spectral range;
- The device is compact, mobile and requires a minimum of service;
- Automatic software.
Authors of the development:
A.I.Liptuga, PhD, Head of Laboratory, Phone: +38(044)525-63-61, E -mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
5. Devises for measurement of physical and chemical values
Application areas:
- Medical diagnostics.
It is possible to do a contactless and intrusionless detection of inflammations, blood circulation anomalies and other pathologies, particularly in oncology (breast cancer, thyroid gland cancer), traumatology, gynecology, post-operation complications control, etc.
- Ecological monitoring.
Control of tubing, detection of places of flowing-out hot water from utilities, fire-hazardous objects, early detection of forest and underground fires.
- In building.
Detection of buildings thermal losses, analysis of heating services, detection of reinforcement position and protective layer in ferroconcrete structures, cracks and places of water infiltration in plaster, quality control of roof’s covering, building materials during manufacturing, etc.
Technical specifications of the thermal imager:
FPA configuration | Monolithic HgCdTe detector |
Number of photodiode elements | 128 (2×64) |
Photosensitive element area | 30 mkm |
Cooling method | By liquid nitrogen, 78 K |
Temperature resolution of photodetector at T = 300 C | <= 80 mK |
Spectral range | 2-12 μm |
Field of view: Horizontal Vertical | 0,24 radian 0,18 radian |
Instantaneous field of view: Horizontal Vertical | 1,5 mradian 1,5 mradian |
Frame frequency | 50 Hz |
Distance from object | 0,5–100 m |
Line supply | ~ 220 (12) V |
Nitrogen refill cycle time | equal or more than 4 hours |
Dimensions | 350x125x180 mm |
Weight | 3,5 kg |
Authors of the development:
F.F.Sizov, Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine Dr.Sc, Prof., Head of Department No. 38, Phone: +38(044)525-62-96, e -mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
V.V. Zabudsky, PhD, Phone /Fax: +38(044)525-18-10, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
5.2 Surface plasmon resonance spectrometer PLASMON 6
The most used applications:
- Realization of real time biokinetic, immunosensing and biosensing techniques;
- Studies of adsorption, corrosion, electrochemical reactions;
- Thin organic and inorganic film characterization and refractive index measurements;
- Gas and liquid composition detection and chemo sensor applications.
Fields of application:
- Veterinary medicine;
- Medicine;
- Biotechnology;
- Food industry;
- Ecological monitoring;
- Customs supervision.
Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) is a unique optical surface sensing technique that is responsive to refractive index changes that occur within the vicinity of a sensor surface. Thus, SPR can be used to monitor any physical phenomenon which alters the refractive index at the surface and has grown into a versatile technique used in variety of applications. Of special interest is its potential for biosensing techniques.
The PLASMON-6 is a computer-controlled SPR spectrometer that implements the Kretschmann prism arrangement. A 45 nm film of gold is deposited onto a glass slide which is brought into optical contact with the prism using refractive index matching fluid. This gold film forms the sensor surface where the surface plasmons are excited using a polarized light emitted by a semiconductor laser (wave length = 670nm). The laser light is launched into the rotating ATR prism where it can couple with the surface mode to yield the surface plasmons. Excitation of plasmons is evidenced by a resonant dip in the reflectance of the gold film under the correct coupling conditions.
The angular dependence of this intensity (the resonance curve) reflects variation of the SPR coupling level and represents the sensor output. Its shape, especially position of the resonant dip, allows for the refractive index and the thickness of the layer coated upon the gold film to be elucidated. Surface plasmons are confined to the plane of the gold film, producing evanescent electromagnetic field. It extends over ~1 μm from the surface that makes this technique essentially surface-sensitive.
Depend on modification device has one or two optical channels. Second channel can be used as measuring or reference. Modification of the instrument destined for electrochemical applications features additional ADC input and software means for recording of voltamperograms simultaneously with the optical signal.
System Specifications:
Refractive index measurement range | 1.0 – 1.5 |
Detection limit of refractive index variation | 0.00005 |
Angle-of-incidence setting precision | 10 angular sec |
Maximum angular scan | 17o |
Total measurement time of a single resonant curve | 3 sec |
Maximum time resolution of kinetics measurements: | <= 3 sec |
Maximum time resolution for Tracing measurement mode | 1 sec |
Maximum time resolution for Slope measurement mode | 0.2 sec |
Number of optical channels | 2 |
Light source | GaAs laser (wave length = 650 nm) |
Additional ADC input (optional) | ±5V |
Overall dimensions of the measurement unit | 215x130x100 mm |
Weight | 2.5 kg |
Computer connect | COM port, USB |
Control and data processing software | Windows - 95/98/ME/XP |
- Replaceable ATR prisms (1.51 <= n <= 1.64) for measurements in gaseous and liquid phases;
- Refractive index matched glass substrates (1.51 <= n <= 1.64) with plasmonsupporting layer (vacuum-deposited 45 nm thick gold thin film);
- Replaceable sample cells of different volume.
Authors of the development:
Yu.V.Ushenin, tel.: +38(044) 525-31-23, e
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A.V.Samoylov, tel.: +38(44) 525-57-43, e
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5.3 multichannel optoelectronic spectrometer based on surface plasmon resonance (SPR) «Plasmon-8»
Function: the device is designed to determine the optical properties of nano-sized dielectric structures and changes in these properties caused by biomolecular interactions in changing the chemical composition of the medium.
Fields of application: Veterinary medicine; Medicine; Biotechnology; Food industry; Ecological monitoring.
Technical characteristics:
Working environment - gaseous or aqueous solutions | |
Detection limit of refractive index variation | 0.00003 |
Time of one scan 8 - channels | <= 30 s |
Number of channels simultaneously investigated | 8, if necessary, can be increased to 32 |
Light source | GaAs laser, 650 nm |
Computer connect | USB |
The device is used in research institutions of Ukraine, in particular:
- The Danilo Zabolotny Institute of Microbiology and Virology NAS of Ukraine developed a test system for rapid diagnosis of diseases caused by virus Epstein-Barr by simultaneously testing several different imunoprob in a multichannel SPR system
- The Institute of Neurosurgery named after A.P.Romodanov AMS of Ukraine - to develop methods of early diagnosis of cerebral gliomas of different degrees of malignancy of human
Authors of the development:
Y. V. Ushenin, A. V. Samoylov
Phones: +38(044)525-31-23, +38(044)525-57-43
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5.4 Analyzer of water-alcohol solutions
Purpose. The device is intended for express diagnostics of type and admixtures in water-alcohol drinks with large content of alcohol and it can be used in manufactories on the vodka-cognac drinks production, in sanitary control services, on a custom.
Description. A type and quality of water-alcohol solutions is explored by the method of dielectric spectroscopy through measuring of frequency characteristics of components of complex conductivity of solution. The device works on principle of impedance spectrometer and provides measuring of total impedance and phase change of the analyzed solution in the frequency range of 5 Hz to 150 kHz through digital filtration (discrete Fourier transformation). Obtained values of active and reactive components of solution resistance have been recounted in parameters of dielectric permeability and their relation.
Basic technical characteristics:
- range of work frequencies – 0.5 Hz ÷ 150 kHz with step of 1 Hz;
- maximally possible rejection of fundamental frequency – ±1 %;
- maximally permissible error of determination of active and reactive constituents of impedance - ±20 % for minimum frequency, ±10 % for maximum frequency;
- connecting of sample block through coaxial cables;
- connection with PC by interface RS232 or USB;
- voltage supply – constant ±12 V or ±9 V;
- maximal consumable current – 0.5 A;
- size - 300x300x70 mm;
- weight - no more 0.5 kg.
Advantages of device compared to existent analogues are the original method and algorithm of measuring and analysis, portability and small price.
Intellectual property: Vertsymacha Y.I., Kukla A.L., Pavluchenko .S., Savchenko G.P. Patent of Ukraine on the useful model «Method of determination of types of vodka and cognac drinks», UA 19620 G01N 33/14, submit. 14.07.2006, publ. 15.12.2006, Bull. 12.
Authors of the development:
A.S. Pavluchenko, research assistant, Phone: +38(044) 525-56-26, Fax: +38(044) 525-18 27 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
A.L.Kukla, PhD, Head of Department 16, Phone: +38(044)525-23-32, Fax: +38(044)525-18-27 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
nstrument for biochemical analysis of aqueous solutions ISPT-2
Purpose. xpress analysis of aqueous solutions biochemistry and recognition of particular chemical species, including the toxic ones (heavy metal ions, chlorine and organophosphorus pesticides). The device can be used for analysis of waste and technical waters, food products (vegetables, fruit, drinks) on general toxicity and content of separate toxic matters (formaldehyde, hypochloride, cyanides, nitrates), agricultural products on content of pesticides, herbicides.
Description. Instrument operation is based on simultaneous potentiometric examination of variety of ion-sensitive membranes connected to the surface of solid-state transducers and forming of multidimensional response signal toward an analyzed medium by the “electronic tongue” principle. For recognition of species in solution an array of electrochemical sensors based on ion-selective field-effect transistors with pH-sensitive layer of silicon nitride is used. Operation of multisensor consists in measurement of surface potential change at the electrolyte – sensitive membrane – transistor gate interface simultaneously for each sensor element of the array with subsequent processing of the measured data by special mathematical methods and forming of the unique chemical image of analyzed substance.
Basic technical characteristics:
Number of channels | 12 (2 x 6) |
Flow-system volume | 200 μl |
Single measurement duration | 0.1 sec |
Working temperature range | 0-40 0 C |
Time needed for biochemical analysis | <10 min |
Automatic analyte injection at flow speed of | 5..200 μl/min |
Serial interface | RS 232 |
Software platform | Win 9X, DOS |
Power supply | 12 V / 0.2 A |
Estimation of novelty. Similar analytical sensory devices, from our data, nowhere produced serially. Device advantages are multichannel, open of construction; presence of easy access to the sensory cells and rapid change of sensitive membranes, low cost.
Intellectual property. A.A.Soldatkin, E.A.Nazarenko, A.S.Pavluchenko, A.L.Kukla, V.M.Archipova, S.V.Dzyadevich, A.P.Soldatkin, A.V.E l’ska. Patent of Ukraine on the useful model «Multibiosensor for determination of toxic substances concentrations in aqueous solutions», UA 27284 G01N33/02, submit. 08.06.2007, publ. 25.10.2007, Bull. 17.
Introduction of devices. In Institutes of biochemistry and molecular biology and genetics of NAS of Ukraine for the biochemical analysis of matters.
Authors of the development:
A.L.Kukla, PhD, Head of Department 16, Phone: +38(044)525-23-32, Fax: +38(044)525-18-27, E-mail:
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A.S.Pavluchenko, research assistant, Phone: +38(044)525-56-26, Fax: +38(044)525-18-27, E-mail:
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5.9 Leucoplasm-2 - Express-analyser of the viral diseases
- Real-time analysis;
- Reliability;
- Universality;
- Autonomous;
- Easy to use;
- Compact design;
- Low prime cost and operating costs;
- Possibility computer connect via USB or COM port;
- Direct analysis without additional reagents;
- Analysis without blood test only used a drop of milk.
Express-analyser of the viral diseases LEUCOPLASM-2 is the result of ten-year experience of V.Lashkatyov Institute of Semiconductor Physics The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in field of development of biological and chemical sensors. LEUCOPLASM-2 is the latest from the designed by ISP NAS of Ukraine a number of biosensors based on surface plasmon resonance phenomenon.
The Principle of operation of express-analyser of the viral diseases LEUCOPLASM-2 is based on registration of specific interaction between molecules of analite selective sensitive layer deposited on to surface of the surface chip.
LEUCOPLASM-2 is designed to diagnostics of viral diseases in the veterinary medicine. LEUCOPLASM-2 is alternative to the usual more prolonged and expensive tools. Due to own dvantages LEUCOPLASM-2 enable to carry out permanent monitoring of cattle condition. Autonomous and serviceability allow using express-analyser on cattle-breeding farm and regional veterinary laboratories.
Fields of application:
- Veterinary;
- Medicine;
- Biotechnology;
- Food industry;
- Ecology monitoring;
- Customs control.
Express-analyzer of the viral diseases LEUCOPLASM-2 has been designed under project concerned with development of optical biosensor to detecting of leucosis of cattle. But due to own peculiarity design, the biosensor should be easy modificated to solve other veterinary problem.
Authors of the development:
Yu.V.Ushenin, Phone: +38(044) 525-31-23, E-mail:
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A.V.Samoylov, Phone: +38(044) 525-57-43, E-mail:
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5.10 Somatic cells detector ASK-1
Purpose: analysis of the whole milk quality by determination of the somatic cells quantity in milk.
Field of application: diary industry, diary products manufacturing covered by the State Standard of Ukraine 3662-97 «Whole cow’s milk. Requirements on purchasing».
Principle of operation is based on determination of relative viscosity according to requirements of State Standard 23453-90 «Milk. Methods for determination of somatic cells quantity».
Technical characteristics:
Measurement range | 90...1500 thous. cells/cm3 |
Analyzed sample outflow duration (relative viscosity) | 8.0...99.9 sec |
Relative error limit | ± 5 % |
Power supply | 220 V, 50 Hz AC |
Digital indication of measurement results; | |
Work in semi-automatic mode; | |
Overall dimensions | 290×130×190 mm, |
Mixer unit | 130×65×65 mm |
Weight | 4 kg |
ASK-1 by results of approbation at the Central State veterinary medicine laboratory is recommended to utilization in the regional veterinary laboratories and diary industry (Letter of State Department of veterinary medicine No. 15-1-2-5/3463 from 24.12.2003.).
Authors of the development:
E.P. Matzas, PhD, A.S. Pavluchenko, Phones: +38(044)525-40-20, +38(044)525-55-50 Fax: +38(044)525-83-42
5.11 Mini spectrometer of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR)
For applications in:
- Bio-medicine – from the studies of free radicals to the structures of proteins and individual genes;
- Medicine – as an express-analyzer for diagnostics and a dosimeter;
- Physics, Chemistry, Biology – personal research instrument;
- Geology and Paleontology – substance’s dating in the fields conditions;
- Foods industry – quality control of beer, quantitative estimations of nitrites and nitrates in vegetables, fruits, meet products, milk and cheese;
- Ecology – monitoring of environment (estimations of soot and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in aerosols of the urban and in-door air, and in home dust);
- Education – every studying laboratory in above areas will be able to teach their students about unique properties of EPR method and its applications.
Development of a new mini-spectrometer for EPR is based on original constructive solutions by using modern radio-element base. Main author’s contribution is a new resonator which usage in the given spectrometer let us to use the magnet with a narrow gap between the poles that therefore lowered the weight and the dimensions of the spectrometer in comparison with commercially available. This device is easier in use (connectable to any PC or laptop), economical and simplicity of its construction, and, the main point is that it is 10 to 100 times cheaper (depends on the model) than the other existing. Because of its functional characteristics, constructive material and components, application fields of a new mini-spectrometer have significantly expanded.
Main technical and economical characteristics of a new mini spectrometer of EPR:
Frequency | 9.6 GHz |
Magnetic Field | 0 – 350 mT |
Modulation Frequency | 100 kHz |
Ferroelectric resonator: | |
Mode | TE01-delta |
Quality | 5000 |
Sample Diameter | 1 mm |
Power supply | 120/240 V AC (60/50 Hz), ±12 V DC (optional battery, 3 working hours) |
Weight | 2 kg |
Sizes | 12x12x17 cm3 |
Price for this development is about 1.5 million UAH
This is a first mini spectrometer of EPR equipped with a ferroelectric resonator. US patent was issued for this development: I.N. Geifman, I.S. Golovina. Magnetic resonance spectrometer. US Patent 7,268,549B2. September 11, 2007. Prototype or computer presentation.
Authors of the development:
I.N.Geifman, Dr.Sc,Leading Scientific Fellow, Phone:+38(044)525-85 82, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I.S.Golovina, PhD, Senior Scientific Fellow, Phone: +38(044)525-85-82, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
MW Bridge is designed for the coherent ESE spectrometer (Scientific industry).
The application area includes:
- Relaxation Time measurements;
- Field-Swept Echo Spectroscopy;
- Spin-Echo Envelope Modulation;
- Spin-Echo ENDOR spectroscopy (optimized for Davies and Mims pulse sequences).
Spin-echo experiment is in exciting of the spin system with a high power pulse of MW energy and then measuring the emission signal that is referred to as spin echo signal - the response of the spin system on pulse excitation. Q-band Pulse MW Bridge representing a transmitter-receiver module (TRM) designed for ESE spectrometer operation. The main part of the transmitter module is the two-stage pulse amplifier which provides signal amplification in output up to 23-24 W with input power of 30-40 mW (gain factor 25-27 dB) and operates on the principle of external synchronization. The operating mode of the two-stage coherent MW generator is a serial burst of pulses. The output power of the pulse amplifier can be attenuated by a high power attenuator (0-40 dB) inserted after it.
Gunn diode is used as a master oscillator. Its output power of 100 mW is split into two parts. One part of the signal is served as a driving signal for transmitter module and the second part delivers to the reference arm to balance mixer of receiver module providing the coherent detection of the ESE signal. The direct amplification scheme is selected for receiver module including balance mixer based on Shottky diode and phase-lock detector, attenuators, phase shifter, low noise amplifier (LNA) protected from pulse signals by limiter and switch. The switch is controlled by TTL pulse. LNA noise figure is no more 3dB. For the evaluation of pulse characteristics two monitor signals could be picked up through amplitude detector: one just before the pulse amplifier to observe its output pulses and a second one before the protect PIN diode to monitor the pulses reflected from the probehead. The MW Bridge is optimized for standard Davies and Mims pulse ENDOR experiment and equipped with Frequency Counter to measure the operating frequency of Gunn diode.
- Power in pulse up to 15 W;
- Burst of pulse: 1- 3;
- Duration pulse: 10-300 ns;
- Phase deviation within and between pulses: <= 50 for 100 ns and <= 150 for 300 ns
- Frequency repetition of pulse burst: 100 Hz-1 kHz.
The advantage of the MW Bridge, designed for the coherent ESE spectrometer, over available one in the world is a low cost, simple operation mode, optimal output power, minimal pulse duration. The low cost of the MW Bridge, is ensured by utilization of the pulse IMPATT diodes designed for amplification of the mw pulses instead of high cost TWT amplifiers. Simple operation mode of MW Bridge is ensured by selection of direct amplification scheme for receiver module. 15 W output power and minimal pulse duration ranging between 10 - 100 ns is achieved by design of two-stage pulse coherent generator. For comparison, the MW output power of MW Bridge in commercially available Bruker ELEXSYS E 580 Q-band spectrometer has value of one order lower than that in suggested MW Bridge (1 W).
Authors of the development:
E.N. Kalabukhova, Dr.Sc, Prof., Fax: +38(044)489-17-04, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , http://www.geocities.com/kalabukhova/
S.N. Lukin, Dr.Sc, ruff., Phone:+38(044)525-62-97
A.A.Sitnikov, junior scientist, Phone: +38(044)525-61-82
5.13 Fast-operating dosimeter of gamma-radiation
Destination: for radiation-ecological monitoring in environment.
Comparison of characteristics of the developed device with those of abroad analogue:
Parameter | Unit | Developed device | PM-1401 analogue (Belarus) |
Range for exposure dose power measurements | mkSv/h | 0.10 – 1000.00 | 0.10-0.50 |
Energy range for gamma radiation measurements | MeV | 0.02 – 1.0 | 0.05 – 1.0 |
Signalling time | s | 2 | 2 |
Device weight | kg | 0.25 | 0.40 |
Power supply | Type AA accumulators | 2 | 4 |
Price | USD | 600 (expected) | 1230 |
Authors of the development:
D.V.Korbutyak, Dr.Sc, Prof., Head of the Department 47, Phone:+38(044)525-59-44, Fax:+38(044)525-63-91, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
L.A.Demchyna, Senior Researcher, PhD, Phone:+38(044)525-63-91, Fax:+38(044)525-63-91, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
V.M.Ermakov, Senior Researcher, PhD, Phone:+38(044)525-63-91, Fax:+38(044)525-63-91, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
5.14 Measuring device of power of ultraviolet radiation
Setting: in medicine and biology is monitoring of UV radiation power of different origin (natural (like Sun’s) and from artificial sources) and dynamics of its time-history for a prophylaxis infectiously - viruses, laser- and electrophototherapy, physical therapy procedures, sterilizations of medical equipment, aging control of artificial sources in the process of their exploitation and controlling of level of dangerous for a human health of sun radiation in a climatology sanatorium-medical establishments.
Basic parameters of measuring device of UV radiation power:
Spectral range: | |
UV-A, nm | 320 – 400 |
UV-B, nm | 290 – 320 |
UV-C, nm | 200 - 290 |
Dynamic range, mW/cm2 | 4·10-5 - 4·101 |
Non-linearity of power measurement, % | less than or equal to 6 |
Temperature coefficient of photocurrent (-60 to +60 0C ), %/0C | less than or equal to 0,2 |
Mass, kg | 0,4 |
Authors of the development:
V.M.Komashchenko, Dr.Sc, Head of 4th Department, Phone: +38(044)525-62-00, E -mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
5.15 Рortable meter «Рhoton-3» for measurement solar cell and photovoltaic module parameters
Portable meter «Photon-3» is intended for photovoltaic characterization of solar cells and photovoltaic modules having peak electrical power up to 200 Watt in standard stationary illumination conditions (AM1.5, AM0, natural or artificial sunlight). It is developed for utilization in a Centre of solar cell and photovoltaic panel testing V.E. Lashkaryov ISP NAS of Ukraine. Area of application - terrestrial and space photovoltaic power engineering.
Functional features of the meter:
- Determination of the current and voltage values in proper points of the cell/module I-V characteristic under illumination.
- Measurement of energetic illumination density at the surface of solar cell/ module.
- Measurement of an environmental temperature in the region of photovoltaic cell/module arrangement.
- Definition of a short circuit current, open circuit voltage, output electrical power, photovoltaic cell/module efficiency.
- Processing and representation the results of testing at the surface of built-in matrix LCD- screen.
Technical specification:
- Measurement ranges of voltage, generated by a cell/module - 0... 1V, 0... 10V, 0... 20V, 0... 50V.
- Measurement ranges of current, flowing through a cell/module - 0... 0.25 A, 0... 1А, 0... 4А.
- Measurement process duration – up to 4 seconds.
- Properly sized device dimensions - 250х160х90 mm.
Relative reduced errors of measurement results:
- Current strength value < ±1.5 %;
- Voltage value < ±0.3 %;
- Maximal electrical power value < ±2.0 %;
- Fill-factor value < ±3.0 %.
- Efficiency value < ± 5.0 %.
The performance of innovation project related to industrial manufacturing of designed meter is expedient.
Authors of the development:
V. P.Kostylyov, Dr.Sc, Head of Department 41, Phone: +38(044) 525-57-88, E-mail:
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A. P. Gorban, Dr.Sci, Prof.
5.16 High-sensitivity laser vibrometer
USES. Dynamic properties research of various objects (continuous surface, ensemble of nano- microparticles, biological objects).
Specifications of laser vibrometer:
№ | Specifications | Value |
1. | Wavelength | 632,8 nm |
2. | CW power | 1 mW |
3. | Energy sensitivity | 2·10-17 W/Hz |
4. | Noise level | 0,01 nm for 0 Hz < F < 10 KHz ≤ 10 |
5. | Dimensions Mass | Sensor Head 41х30х14 cm Power Supply 20,5х18х7,5 cm Sensor Head 12 kg, Power Supply 2 kg |
Authors of the development:
Yu. G. Serozhkin, Dep. №27, Phone: +38 (044)525-63-61 Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
5.17 Supersensible laser tensometer
Destination: The measurement space distribution and value of internal stress in transparent and non-transparent materials and structures.
The internal strain and enclosed external stress leads to deformation of materials and occurrence anisotropy of its dielectric properties. The interaction of polarized electromagnetic radiation with the deformed materials generally characterizes by amplitude and phase anisotropy. The value of change of polarization state contains the information about properties of researched object. Function of submitted device is based on methods of modulation-polarization spectroscopy. This device allows carrying out the complete Stocs- polarimetric analysis of radiation, which interacted (transmission or reflection) with a sample. The application of polarization modulation for realization of analysis of polarization state considerably raises of detectivity of offered tensometеr.
Technical parameters:
Wavelength of scanning radiation, micron | 0.63, 1.15; |
Spatial resolution, micron | 3; |
Sensitivity in relation to value of anisotropy, ∆n/n0 | 10-10; |
Sensitivity in relation to a polarization state, rad. | 2π·10-7; |
Sensitivity in relation to value of a mechanical stresses, bar | 10-3; |
Frequency of modulation, кHz | 50; |
Supply voltage of modulator at modulation rate δ0 = π/2, V | 40-50. |
Authors of the development:
B.К.Serdega, Dr.Sc, Phone: +38(044) 525-57-78, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
5.18 One Pulse Laser micro marking System
Functions. Security inscription, jewelry marking, marking small size component.
Writing resolution | 5 micrometer |
Processing time for one mark | ≤ 10 nanosecond |
Pulse repetion rate | 15 Hz |
Type mask | Liquid crystal |
HWD | 700х400х400 mm |
Authors of the development:
Y. V.Oryeshko, Dep. № 27, Phone: +38(044)525-63-61, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
5.19 DPSS laser with intracavity Q-switch-doubler element
Functions. Vibrometry, scientific research, distance measuring.
Specification | |
Output power, mWt | 30 - 100 |
Wavelength, nm | 533 |
Beam diameter, mm | 0.5 |
Mode | TEMoo 95 % |
Pulse duration, ns | < 30 |
Pulse repletion rate, kHz | 1-150 |
Modulation system | electrooptic |
Polarization ratio | > 100:1 |
Pulse energy | Up to 1 mJ |
Authors of the development:
Y.V.Oryeshko, Dep. 27, Phone:+38(044) 525-63-61, Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
5.20 The machine tool for faultless oriented slicing
The machine tool is intended for faultless slicing of semiconductors and metals and can be used in the semi-conductor industry in technological lines of processing of boles, and also for equipment of research and factory laboratories.
The machine tool can be used for oriented slicing without introducing additional structural defects. Applied cutting process based on chemical or electrochemical etching only, thus it eliminate any mechanical damage of crystal to slice.
The machine tool used thin thread or wire saw immersed with etchant or electrolyte to deliver an active agent into the cutting area and remove dissolution products out of it. The machine tool is equipped with control system supplying automatic feed of work piece on the thread with monitoring small pressure contact between thread and work piece.
- Absence of additional structural defects on a cut surface.
- Low roughness of a surface of a cut and high efficiency of operation at use of the optimized etching compositions for cutting.
- Possibility of regulation of modes of cutting.
- Possibility of readjustment of the machine tool in multistring chemical and abrasive variants.
In faultless technologies the machine tool can be applied to cutting of substances which give in to dissolution in liquid environments. At change of equipment the machine tool easily is recustomized for multistring chemical slicing, and also for abrasive string slicing and dicing. In an abrasive variant the control feed system provides controllable small pressure of a thread on the work piece.
The device is tested at cutting of semi-conductor crystals (CdTe, CdHgTe, Ge, Si, GaAs, InSb, InAs, CdZnTe, PbTe, PbSnTe, HgTe, Bi2Te3), alkaline crystals and some metals.
Diameter of a cut crystal, mm | to 50 |
The maximum length of an ingot, mm | 300 |
The size of a cut plate, mm | 40 x 50 |
Diameter of a string, mm | 0.03-0.5 |
Quantity of strings, piece | 1-3 |
Speed of movement of strings, m/s | 0.1-1 |
Force of a thread pressure, N | 0.01-0.1 |
The broken layer on a surface of samples after are sharp (in a variant chemical are sharp) is absent.
Authors of the development:
V.M.Tomashik, Prof., Head of the Department №26, Phone: +38(044) 525- 57- 55, Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Z.F.Tomashik, PhD, Senior Researcher Worker, Phone: +38(044) 525 -57 -55, Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
A.V.Fomin, PhD, Leading Researcher Worker, Phone: +38(044)525- 61- 69, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
5.21 Optoelectronic blocks for ammonia leak detector
Purpose: detection of ammonia presence in environment and leakage in highways of ammonia transportation.
Principle: highly sensitive colorimetric one-element tape/film sensor realize the comparative analysis of color characteristics of sensitive layer which changes coloring under action of ammonia. As its concentration exceeds a defined threshold sensor gives out the signal of alarm.
Basic technical parameters of device:
image field | up to 2 cm |
maximal number of registration colors: | 10E6 |
number of optical channels | 1 |
light sensitivity | 1–50 lux |
maximal sample size | 15 х 15 mm |
lighter type/temperature | USB LED/6500 К |
frequency of picture area capture | 15–30 shot/s |
threshold sensitivity of registration | <1 ppm |
size of optical block: | a) for tape carrier 70 х 110 mm |
b) for films 47 х 55 mm |
Authors of the development:
V.Yu. Khorushenko, A.L. Kukla, Phones: +38(044)525-23-32, +38(044)525-59-55, Fax: +38(044) 525-18-27, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
5.22 Multielement optoelectronic gas analyzer
Purpose: detection and analysis of different gas mixtures in analyzed samples of air and gas environment.
Principle: colorimetric multi-element sensor that realize comparative analysis of color characteristics of images, obtained from a thin interference - coloring sensitive layer to and after interaction with analyzed matter.
Basic technical parameters of device:
image field | from 1 mkm to 2 cm |
spatial resolution capacity | 0,5 mkm |
maximal number of registration colors | 10E6 |
number of optical channels | 1–20 |
light sensitivity | 1–50 lux |
maximal sample size | 20 х 20 mm |
lighter type/temperature | LED/6500 К |
frequency of picture area capture | 15–30 shot/s |
threshold sensitivity of gas registration | 10-300 ppm |
device size | 250х145х200 mm |
Authors of the development:
V.Yu. Khorushenko, A.L. Kukla, Phones: +38(044) 525-23-32, +38(044) 525-59-55, Fax: +38(044) 525-18-27, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
6. Measuring complexes for semiconductor materials, systems and devices units diagnostics
Research and diagnostic laboratories:
- «Raman spectroscopy of submicron-luminescent»;
- «High-resolution X-ray diffractometry»;
- «Scanning probe microscopy»;
- «Analytical complex for semiconductor materials and nano-devices express control».
Main activities:
- support state, regional and international projects and programs of research teams;
- diagnostic support of high technology and high-tech industry;
- scientific and methodological support of student’s research, postgraduates and postdoctoral students;
- an integrated approach to solving tasks of fundamental, interdisciplinary and applied researches for science and industry.
Scientific and Technical Council:
- Vice- dir., chairman of the Council Corresponding ember of NAS of Ukraine, Prof.Belyaev A.E.
- Head of Diagnostic Center, Prof. Prokopenko I.V.
- Head of Department, orresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine, Prof. Valach M. Ja.
- Heads of Laboratories: Prof. Kladko V.P., Dr. Strelchuk V.V., Prof. Nazarov A.N., Dr.Lytvyn P.M.
41, Prospekt Nauki, 03028, Kyiv, web: www.microscopy.org.ua, Tel. / Fax: +38 (044) 525-44- 49, 525-57-55, 525-62-40, 525-61-77, 525-59-40
Laboratory equipment:
- triple spectrometer Horiba Jobin-Yvon T64000 (200÷1700 nm )(France);
- confocal microscope UV-Visible-NIR Olympus BX41 (Japan);
- XYZ motorized stage with step 0,1 mkm (Germany);
- HeCd laser, Ar-Kr laser Stabilite 2018-RM Spectra Physics 2.5W (USA);
- optical microcryostat RC102-CFM (3.5 ÷ 325 ) (CIA CRYO Industries, USA);
- microthermometric cell Linkam Scientific Instruments THMS600 (78 ÷ 900K).
- Raman and luminescence microanalyze of the radioactive properties of the structure, chemical composition, electron and phonon excitations in the solid, physicochemical characteristic of the semiconductors and nanostructures for modern micro-, nano- and optoelectronics with submicron spatial resolution.
- Raman and luminescence 2D-3D spatial mapping: strain and chemical composition, temperature (thermography); concentration and carrier mobility; optical irradiation of nanostructures;
- Optical low temperature investigations of the phonon, plasmon-phonon and electron excitations, radioactive recombination of the charge carrier in the condense systems.
Laboratory staff:
Strelchuk Viktor Vasylyovych – Dr.Sc, Leading Researcher, Head of Laboratory, tel.: +38(044)
525-62-40, e-mail:
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Kolomys Alexander Fedorovych – PhD, researcher, e-mail:
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Bryksa Vadym Petrovych – PhD, junior researcher, e-mail:
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Nikolenko Andriy Sergiyovych – PhD, researcher, e-mail:
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- scanning probe microscope NanoScope IIIa Dimension 3000tm (Veeco Inc);
- optical microscope NU-2E (Carl Zeiss);
- scanning electron microscope REM-101E (SELMI);
- X-ray spectrometer SPRUT (Ukrrentgen);
- profilometers.
- atomic force microscopy and spectroscopy;
- magnetic and electrostatic microscopy;
- conductive and capacitance microscopy;
- tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy (at ambient conditions);
- nanoindentation and mapping of elastic surface properties;
- elements of nanolithography and nanomanipulations.
Examples of application:
- systemic research of growth processes in multilayer semiconductor structures with variations nanostructural elements: quantum dots, wires, rings, "quantum dots molecules", etc.
- Conductive atomic force microscopy in combination with the capacitance microscopy and electrostatic one are the basis of semiconductor structures electronic properties diagnostics at the nanoscale. Methods of conductive atomic force microscopy, combining the advantages of tunneling and atomic force microscopy, allow the characterization of electrical properties of nanostructures with nanometer resolution.
- Developed in our laboratory the ultrasonic assisted nanomnipulation method in conjunction with the mechanical and electrochemical scanning probe nanolithography is a flexible tool for creating prototypes of advanced devices such as, nanobiosensors and nanoelectro-mechanical devices.
Laboratory staff:
Lytvyn Petro Maryanovych – PhD, senior researcher, Head of Laboratory, Tel. / Fax: +38
(044) 525-59-40, e-mail:
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Oxana Stepanivna Lytvyn – PhD, senior researcher, e-mail:
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Korchevoi Andrey Adamovich – PhD, researcher, e-mail:
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Rjabchenko Yuriy Alexandrovych – Leading engineer, e-mail:
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- Agilent 4284A Precision LCR Meter;
- Agilent 4156C Precision Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer;
- Computer-based temperature controller;
- Optical material microscope Axioscop 2 MAT mot ( arl Zeiss, Germany);
- Set of objectives: EC "Epiplan-Neofluar 10x¬-150x¬;
- Motorized scaned stand (65x55 millimeters);
- Digital camera with high resolution AxioCam MRc Rev.2;
- Licenced softwere Axiovision 4.2.
- thermally activated current spectroscopy (T = 80 – 350K);
- admittance spectroscopy in wide range of frequency (20 - 1x¬106 Hz);
- C-V, G-V and I-V characteristics (V = ±100 Volt);
- C-frequency and G-frequency characteristics;
- Pulsed I-V characteristics;
- Possibility to carry out measurements on devices possessed up to 6 contacts (4 high resolution source monitor units, HRSMU, 2 voltage monitor units, VMU, and 1 pulse monitor unit, PMU).
Example of application:
Electrical characterization of semiconductor heterostructures with different levels of complexity and metal-dielectric-semiconductor structures; study of semiconductor devices directly on wafers; bias-thermal stress study of semiconductor structures and devices. Study of charge trapping parameters (trap density, energy distribution, capture cross-section) in semiconductor-insulator interface and in space charge region of semiconductor devices. Determination of the mechanisms of charge transfer and trapping in semiconductor and dielectric layers (including nanosized thickness). Determination of carrier charge mobility in channel of field-effect transistors (including nanoscaled channels). Study of single electron devices (including single electron memory devices).
Laboratory staff:
Oleksiy M. Nazarov – Prof., Dr.Sc, Head of Laboratory, tel./fax: +38 (044) 525-61-77, e-
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Yuri V. Gomeniuk – PhD, senior researcher, e-mail:
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Yuri Y. Gomeniuk – PhD, student, e-mail:
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Laboratory equipment:
High-resolution X-ray diffractometer X'Pert PRO MRD (Netherlands) with X-optical components for application in standard coplanar diffraction geometry, glancing diffraction geometry and reflectometry.
- Determination of the concentration of 2-component solid solutions and the residual elastic deformations in GeSi; InGaAs; GaAsN epitaxial layers.
- X-ray diffraction determination of the parameters of epitaxial structures. Layer thickness, composition, superlattice period.
- Measurement of crystallites structural parameters in amorphous and crystal matrices, in particular Si in SiOx.
- X-ray reflectometry determination of the parameters of multilayer mirrors. Layer thickness, period and dispersion.
Laboratory staff:
Kladko Vasyl Petrovych – Dr.Sc, Professor, Head of Laboratory, tel: +38(044)525-57-55, e-
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, http://www.x-ray.net.ua
Kuchuk Andrian Volodymyrovych – PhD, researcher, e-mail:
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Yefanov Oleksandr Mykolayovych – PhD, researcher, e-mail:
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Slobodian Mykola Vasylyovych – PhD, researcher, e-mail:
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6.6 Equipment for light-flash
characterization of photovoltaic modules
Light-flash equipment is intended for photo-technical characterization of photovoltaic modules having peak electrical power up to 320 Watt in standard (AM0, AM1.5) illumination conditions, including natural solar and pulse artificial sunlight. Equipment is developed in the Centre of solar cell and photovoltaic panel testing V. Lashkaryov ISP NAS of Ukraine and has no analogues in Ukraine. Area of application - terrestrial and space photovoltaic power engineering.
Component parts of equipment
- Pulse sunlight simulator fabricated on the base of low-pressure flash xenon lamp.
- Automated system performing measurements and electronic treatment of the PV module parameters.
- Data-transmitter unit for determination energetic illumination density and environmental temperature in the region of photovoltaic module arrangement.
- Software for high-speed module test management and mathematical processing of the received results.
- Personal computer, printer.
Functional features of equipment
Equipment performs during single light
- Determination of current and voltage values in proper points of the illuminated PV module I-V curve.
- Measurement temporary instability of energetic illumination density at the surface of PV module.
- Measurement spatial distribution of energetic illumination density within the surface of PV module.
- Determination of an environmental temperature in the region of PV module arrangement.
- Processing measurement results, definition and representation basic PV module parameters.
Technical parameters of equipment
- Ranges of measured voltage, generated by a module - 0... 40V;
- Ranges of measured current, generated by a module - 0... 4 A, 0... 8 A;
- Duration of the measurement process - <= 4 ms;
- Energetic illumination density within the surface of PV module - <= 1500 W/m2;
Relative reduced measurement errors
- Current strength value - ±1.0 %;
- Voltage value - ±0.3 %;
- Maximal electrical power value - ±2.0 %;
- Fill-factor value - ±3.0 %;
- Efficiency value - ± 5.0 %;
Authors of the development:
A. P. Gorban, Dr.Sc, Prof.
The developed complex is intended for the operative metrological providing of massproduction and development of wide nomenclature optron devices (sensors) and is the automated measuring device of virtual type, realized by program methods on the basis of the personal computer with the use of hardware support. The flexible program shell of collection, storage, transformation, analysis, visual presentation and supervision of measuring information is the key element of the system.
In a complex the service functions of set of blocks of programmable direct and pulse current and voltage generators for control operation, industrial tester-multimeter, current transmission coefficient meter, small current meter, digital pulse ammeter, time-interval meter, digital storage oscillograph are compatible and realized.
A complex provides high-quality implementation of operative control operations and wide range measuring of basic static and dynamic parameters of optronics devices with the arbitrary choice operating parameters and normative standards (see table).
For the purpose of arrangement and organization of mass-production collaboration with the industrial enterprises of instrument-making industry of Ukraine is possible.
Application spheres of the AVKPOS complex
- Realization of attestation and certifications of optron devices at their input and output control on the enterprises of producer and consumer;
- Operative control at optron device production and certification of discrete optron light emitter and photocell structures;
- Use of complex as a measuring-analytical tool at the decision of research tasks of new optron devices development.
Technical and economic parameters of the AVKPOS complex
Parameter | Operation range or measuring limitDiscreti -zation step | Error measuring, no more | |
Input voltage | (1÷5) V | ±0,5 % | |
Leakage current | (3·10-9÷10-4) A | ±5 % | |
Isolation resistance | (107÷1011) Ohm | ±5 % | |
Static transmission current coefficient | (0,3÷3000) % | ±1 % | |
Rise time and on time of output current | (10-6÷4×10-5) s; (10-6÷3×10-7) s | ±5 %; it is not normalized | |
Fall time and off time of output current | (10-6÷10-4) s; (10-6÷3×10-7) s | ±5 %; it is not normalized | |
Input direct current | (10-3 ÷2×10-2) A | 0,1 mA | ± 0,3 % |
Output inverse voltage from two programmable sources | (1÷25) V (10÷100) V | 0,5 V 1 V | ± 0,3 % |
Pulse input current - pulse amplitude - pulse time - pulse decay time |
(5·10-3÷10-1) A (3·10-6÷2·10-4) s <= 3·10-8 s |
1 mA 1 μs |
± 4 % ± 2 % |
Single measuring average time of the of parameter optron device (component structure) = 1 s | |||
Visualization of transfer characteristic, sweep = 0,1 μs (with the arbitrary choice of amount of count in screen) | |||
Alternating-current (220 V) consumption power (without computer), no more 16 W | |||
Small production cost price (reference) - $ 960 |
On the aggregate of the attained technical and economic parameters the automated measuring-analytical AVKPOS complex has not direct analogues in the countries of SNG, as the known measuring devices ISPO-3M, ISPOLK-2, 14-TKS -200-001 (Russia) are strictly specialized, intended for measuring only static group parameters of optron devices. On comparison with these measuring devices the developed complex AVKPOS provides considerably more wide range of the measuring modes and high degree of their discretization during setting; possibility of control and measuring of dynamic parameters with visualization of transfer characteristic; broadening of static parameters measuring limits with the simultaneous improvement of their quality; high productivity, improved ergonomics parameters.
The AVKPOS complex is attested by State metrological service (certificate No. 06-273 from 24.12.2007).
Authors of the development:
P.F.Oleksenko, Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine, Prof., Head of Department No. 12, Phone: +38(044) 525-63-50, e-mail:
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W.S.Kretulis, Phone: +38(044)525-63-50
I.E.Minakova, Phone: +38(044)525-57-33
Fax: +38 (044) 525-57-33,
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