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- Hits: 3020
Blocking IR and transparent sub-THz and microwave filters
Sub-THz and microwave and sub-THz filters designed on flexible polymer substrates to shield the influence of background IR radiation noise in sensitive low-temperature detectors. They can be applied for increase operation parameters of highly sensitive low-temperature detector assemblies in facilities like VLBI Global Observing Systems .
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- Hits: 2990
Functional selective coatings blocking radiation in the infrared and passing in the microwave spectral range
Purpose - can be used as elements of filtering devices for:
- decrease of an object detection in IR spectral range;
- assurance of high level of desired informative signal in radio-frequency (2-36 GHz) and sub-THz spectral ranges (65+-10, 140+-1, 270+-10 GHz, the losses in these spectral ranges are <= 0.06-0.2 dB (<=1.4-4.6 %) at thicknesses of nanostructured AlN coatings ~1-3 µm);
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- Hits: 3890
Low-cost self-assembling technology for nano-electro-mechanical systems and ultra-fast emission source nanodevices
№11 Department of Electron probe methods of structural and elemental analysis of semiconductor materials and systems
A. Klimovskaya
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- Hits: 4137
Crystals of optical Germanium
№34 Development Division and fluctuation analysis of semiconductor materials and structures
G.S. Pekar
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- Hits: 3796
The method of doping and purification of crystals by electric drift
№3 The department of photoelectric phenomena
I.V. Markevich, N.O. Korsunska, L.V. Borkovska, L.Yu. Khomenkova
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- Hits: 4496
ZnO, CdS, CdSe and CdTe bulk crystals
№3 The department of photoelectric phenomena
B.M. Bulakh
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- Hits: 3972
Technology for porous silicon production
№3 The department of photoelectric phenomena
B.M. Bulakh, L.Yu. Khomenkova
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- Hits: 3908
Technology bonding for sapphires units
Special Design and Technology Bureau with Pilot Production ISP NASU
Volodymyr Maslov
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- Hits: 4029
Semiconductor silicon carbide technology
Special Design and Technology Bureau with Pilot Production ISP NASU
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- Hits: 3861
Silicon carbide mirror
Special Design and Technology Bureau with Pilot Production ISP NASU
Volodymyr Maslov
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- Hits: 4071
SILICON CARBIDE for semiconductor and ceramics
Special Design and Technology Bureau with Pilot Production ISP NASU
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- Hits: 4446
Усовершенствованная технология производства точных оптических призм внешнего отображения
№27 Отдел физико-технологических основ сенсорного материаловедения
В.П. Маслов
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- Hits: 4319
Sensors based on 2D macroporous silicon structures with surface-active nanocoatings
№20 Department of photonic semiconductor structures
L.A. Karachevtseva, F.F. Sizov, Yu.V. Goltvyansky , K.P. Konin, O.J. Stronska , K.A. Parshin , O.A. Lytvynenko
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- Hits: 3630
Технология изготовления светоизлучающих кремниевых наноструктур
№14 Отдел фотохимических явлений в полупроводниках
И.З. Индутный
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- Hits: 4186
Method of doping chalcogenide semiconductor materials for thermoelectric energy converters
№ 17 Department for Problems of Defect Formation and Nonequilibrium Processes in Complex Semiconductors
A.I. Vlasenko, V.A. Gnatyuk, S.N. Levytskyi, M.I. Boiko, M.P. Kyselyuk, Ts.A. Krys’kov, A.A. Krys’kov
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- Hits: 4104
Two-dimensional photonic macroporous silicon structures
№20 Department of photonic semiconductor structures
L.A. Karachevtseva, O.A. Lytvynenko, A.E. Glushko
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- Hits: 3702
Highly effective adsorptive material for the gases of the type CH4, H2
№40 Thin-film electroluminescent Department of display units
V.E. Rodіonov
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- Hits: 4081
Реєструючі середовища на основі ХСН для виготовлення голограмних оптичних, кіноформних, дифракційних елементів, оптичних захисних елементів та оптичних дисків
№10 Відділ оптичних та оптоелектронних реєструючих середовищ
С.О. Костюкевич, О.В.Стронський
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- Hits: 3766
Method of doping and purification of II-VI crystals
№3 The department of photoelectric phenomena
M.K. Sheinkman, I.V. Markevich, N.O. Korsunska, L.Yu. Khomenkova, L.V. Borkovska
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- Hits: 3915
Композитные тонкопленочные материалы для хеморезисторов и технология их изготовления
№16 Відділ оптоелектронних функціональних перетворювачів
Д.А.Гринько, А.Л. Кукла
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- Hits: 3758
Технологія виготовлення світловипромінюючих кремнієвих наноструктур
№14 Відділ фотохімічних явищ в напівпровідниках
І.З. Індутний
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