Інститут фізики напівпровідників імені В.Є. Лашкарьова Національної академії наук України


Silicon carbide mirror

Special Design and Technology Bureau with Pilot Production ISP NASU
Volodymyr Maslov


This solution can be applied in optical industry for telescopes mirrors manufacturing.
A mirror is manufactured from two materials with the similar coefficient of thermal expansion: Si ( lower details) and glass-ceramic ( top optical layer).
The offered technical solution has following advantages:
-    high quality of optical surface;
-    ecologically clear manufactures technologies;
-    opportunity of manufacturing large-sized  mirrors;
-    simplicity of manufacturing due to opportunity of  traditional optical manufacturing equipment applying;
-    relatively low cost in comparison with analogues due to opportunity of mirror base manufacturing with  powder-like metallurgy method.
Diameter of mirror - 150 mm and thickness - 30 mm. Quality of optical surface N=1÷3, ΔN=5, RZ=0.05÷0.025