Інститут фізики напівпровідників імені В.Є. Лашкарьова Національної академії наук України


Technology bonding for sapphires units

Special Design and Technology Bureau with Pilot Production ISP NASU
Volodymyr Maslov

019019 2

Wares of sapphire of ZAT "Tehnocristal"

Cementing and without cementing processes of precision units of optic-electronic devices which work in the wide range of temperatures.
In the course of project:

  • Adherence of glues and solders is improved by means previous causing of vacuum coating.
  • Technology of chemical treatment of surface is developed to the sapphire for deleting of the layer broken by mechanical operation.
  • The composite structure of «glass-sapphire» (porthole «Sapphire»). Firmness portholes to influencing of dust is developed, hardness and durability of construction is advanced in 2 times in comparison with glass portholes.

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Microstructure of the sapphire before chemical treatment.    Microstructure of the sapphire after chemical treatment.