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И.Е. Матяш, И.А. Минайлова, О.Н. Мищук, Б.К. Сердега // Оптика и спектроскопия, Т.123, №6, С.877–885 (2017)
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M.O. Stetsenko, S.P. Rudenko, L.S. Maksimenko, B.K. Serdega, O. Pluсhery, S.V. Snegir // Nanoscale Research Letters, V.12:348, DOI:10.1186/s11671-017-2107-8 (2017)
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I.A. Minailova, I.Ye. Matyash, B.K. Serdega, M.O. Stetsenko, L.S. Maksimenko, S.P. Rudenko // Book of papers of IEEE international young scientists forum on applied physics and engineering (YSF-2017), 17-20 october, Lviv, Ukraine, P.84-87 (2017)
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Maksym O. Stetsenko, Igor E. Matyash, Svitlana P. Rudenko, Irina.A. Minailova, Lidiya S. Maksimenko, Boris K. Serdega // Book of papers of IEEE international young scientists forum on applied physics and engineering (YSF-2017), 17-20 october, Lviv, Ukraine, P.100-103 (2017)
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V. Grinevich, L. Filevska, V. Smyntyna, S. Rudenko, M. Stetsenko, L.Maksimenko, B. Serdega // OSA Conference Proceedings: Frontiers in Optics,18–21 September, Washington, D.C., United States, DOI:10.1364/FIO.2017.JTu2A.99 (2017)
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