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V.Ye. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics (ISP), NAS of Ukraine, was founded in 1960 on the basis of several departments and laboratories of the Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of UkrSSR pursuant to the Decree of the Council of Ministers of UkrSSR from 3 September, 1960, №1449 “On organization of the Institute of Semiconductors within the Academy of Sciences of UkrSSR” and the corresponding resolution of the Presidium of National Academy of UkrSSR from 7 October, 1960.
The determinative factor was as follows: at that time, two scientific schools were at the Institute of Physics, and they were working in the area of physics of non-equilibrium processes in semiconductors and theory of semiconductors. These schools were headed by Prof. V.Ye. Lashkaryov, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of UkrSSR and Doctor of Sciences (Phys&Math), Prof. S.I. Pekar, respectively. Among the instituted by NASU prizes named after prominent Ukrainian scientists, there are, in particular, Lashkaryov and Pekar Prizes.
A significant contribution to foundation and organization of further activity of the Institute was made by the first heads of the research departments and laboratories established in 1960-1961: Dr of Sci (Phys&Math) M.F. Deigen, Cand of Sci (Phys&Math) M.P. Lysytsa, Dr of Sci (Phys&Math). Prof. V.I. Lyashenko, Cand of Sci (Chem) I.B. Mizetskaya, Cand of Sci (Phys&Math) O.G. Miselyuk, Cand of Sci (Phys&Math) L.I. Dacenko, Cand of Sci (Phys&Math) E.I. Rashba, Cand of Sci (Tech) S.V. Svechnikov, Cand of Sci (Phys&Math) O.V. Snitko, Cand of Sci (Phys&Math) G.A. Fedorus.
The Institute of Semiconductors was renamed for the Institute of Semiconductor Physics in accordance with the Decree of Presidium of Academy of Sciences of Ukraine №353 of 30 December, 1992. The Institute gained the name by V.Ye. Lashkaryov according to the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 714-r from 25.12. 2002 and the respective resolution of NASU № 6 from 04.02.2003.
V.E. Lashkaryov (1903-1974), Academician of the Academy of Sciences of UkrSSR, was the first Director of the Institute (1960 -1970). From 1970 till 1990, the Institute was headed by O.V. Snitko, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of UkrSSR (1928-1990). S.V. Svechnikov, Academician of NASU, headed the Institute from 1991 till 2003. From 2003 till 2014, the Institute was headed by V.F. Machulin, Academician of NASU. Since 2014 the Institute is headed by Academician of the NAS of Ukraine Alexander E. Belyaev. There are many outstanding Ukrainian scientists worked and work now at the Institute. Among them, there are seven academicians of NASU: V.Ye. Lashkaryov (1903-1974), M.P. Lysytsa (1921-2012), S.I. Pekar (1917-1985), S.V. Svechnikov (1926-2017), O.V. Snitko (1928-1990), V.F. Machulin (1951-2014); O.Ye. Belyaev. 13 Corresponding Members of NASU: M.Ya. Valakh, Ye.F. Venger, M.F. Deigen (1918-1985), V.P. Kladko, V.O. Kochelap, V.S. Lysenko, V.G. Litovchenko (1931-2021), B.O. Nesterenko (1938-2003), P.F. Oleksenko (1940-2021), F.F. Sizov, V.M. Sorokin, K.B.Tolpygo (1916-1998), M.K. Sheinkman (1929-2009); 82 Doctors of Sciences (including 51 Professors); 212 Candidates of Sciences.
Researches and developments are being performed by eight scientific divisions. These are as follows: Division of Theoretical Problems, Division of Photoelectronics, Division of Optoelectronics, Division of Semiconductor Optics, Division of Surface Physics and Microelectronics, Division of Physico -Technological Problems in Semiconductor Infrared Engineering, Division of Technologies and Materials of Sensor Engineering, Division of Structural and Elemental Analysis of Semiconductor Materials and Systems. These divisions include research subdivisions: thirty departments and five laboratories headed mainly by Doctors of Sciences.
The Institute of Semiconductor Physics is engaged in fruitful scientific and scientific-technical cooperation with a number of universities and scientific centers of USA, Great Britain, France, Italy, Spain, Israel, Japan, Germany, China and other countries, as well as maintains close scientific relations with the leading scientific institutions of the Baltic States and other countries-members of the Union of Independent States.
The collection “Optoelectronics and semiconductor technique” is issued, and the journal “Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics” is published and distributed at its full volume in English by the Institute.
A significant attention is being given to educating and training junior researchers. There are postgraduate courses and doctorate at the Institute. There are also specialized Academic Councils on defending theses for confering the Doctor of Sciences degree (by the following specialties: 01.04.10 – physics of semiconductors and dielectrics; 01.04.18 – physics and chemistry of surface; 05.12.20 – optoelectronic systems) and Candidate of Sciences degree (by the specialties: 01.04.01 - physics of devices, elements and systems; 01.04.07 – physics of solids; 05.27.01 – solid electronics; 05.27.06 – technology, equipment and production of electron technique). Training the junior scientific staff is provided through postgraduate courses (by the following specialties: 01.04.07 - physics of solids; 01.04.10 – physics of semiconductors and dielectrics; 05.12.20 – optoelectronic systems; 05.27.01 – solid electronics; 05.27.06 – technology, equipment and production of electron technique) and doctoral studies (by the following specialties: 01.04.10 – physics of semiconductors and dielectrics).
There are scientific meetings, at which scientific reports of the leading Ukrainian and foreign scientists as well as materials of doctoral theses are heard. Courses of lectures read by leading Ukrainian scientists are organized at the Institute for junior researches. The Council of junior researchers works at the Institute. Hearings to the junior researches reports named by V. Lashkaryov are regularly held here.
Attracting gifted young scientists for both working and postgraduate studying to the institute is contributed by the following advantages available at the Institute: leading scientists of the Institute read courses of lectures at the most prestigious national universities (Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, National Technical University “Kyiv Politechnical Institute”); student groups always have opportunities at the Institute for bachelor, master, practical, undergraduate and graduate training supervised by highly qualified scientists and specialists (Candidates and Doctors of Sciences), part of graduators stay at the Institute; scientists of the Institute take active part in open days held by higher educational institutions of Ukraine.
A self-sustained Special Design &Technology Bureau with pilot production line (SDTB with PP line) works at the V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics (ISP). The Institute actively applies new forms for organization of scientific researches and application of their results. Thus, there are the following organizations and departments working at the Institute:
- Technological Park “Semiconductor Technologies and Materials, Optoelectronics and Sensor Engineering”;
- Center for collective use of devices of NASU “Diagnostics of semiconductor materials, structures and device systems;
- Testing laboratory of protective holographic elements (certificate of ISO 9001);
- Central testing laboratory of semiconductor materials science (accreditation certificate of the All-Ukrainian State Research and Production Centre for Standardization, Metrology and Certification from 28 December, 2001, № ПТ-0400/01);
- Centre for testing photo-conversion devices and photovoltaic arrays (accreditation certificate of the State Committee of Ukraine for Technical Regulation and Consumer Policy from 20 April, 2003, № 0327/03-pt);
- Centre for testing and diagnosing semiconductor light sources and lighting systems based on these sources.