V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


Udovytska R.S., Smirnov A.B., Savkina R.K. // Proc. SPIE, Advances in Optical Thin Films VI, Vol.10691, 106911H (2018).

Tetyorkin V.V., Sukach A.V., Tkachuk A.I., Kravetskii M.Yu., Voroschenko A.T. // VIII Ukrainian scientific conference on physics of semiconductors (USCPS-8), Ukraine, Uzhhorod, Т.1, С.221–222 (2018).

Beketov G.V., Shynkarenko O.V., Yukhymchuk V.O. // 6th Nanotechnology and nanomaterials (NANO-2018), Ukraine, Kyiv, P.765 (2018).

Tkachuk A.I., Sukach A.V., Tetyorkin V.V., Trotsenko S.P. // VIII Ukrainian scientific conference on physics of semiconductors (USCPS-8), Ukraine, Uzhhorod, Т.1, С.219–220 (2018).

Tkachuk A.I., Sukach A.V., Tetyorkin V.V. // 8th International Scientific and Technical Conference ”Sensor Electronics and Microsystem Technologies” (SEMST-8), Ukraine, Odessa, P.93 (2018).