V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine



Moisey Kivovych Sheinkman is an outstanding Ukrainian scientist in physics of semiconductors, photo-electronics, and optoelectronic materials science, one of the founders (together with Academician V.Ye. Lashkaryov) of the domestic school in physics of non-equilibrium processes in semiconductors as well as optoelectronics.

Corresponding Member of NASU (1988), Doctor of Sciences (Phys&Math) (1969), Professor (1972), Head of the Division of Photo-electronics of V.Ye. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics (from 1974), Honored worker of science and technique of Ukraine (2000), Laureate of the State Prize of UkrSSR in science and technique (1981), Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR in science and technique (1984), Laureate of the Ukrainian State Prize in science and technique (1995), Laureate of the International Eshbah Fund Prize to Outstanding Foreign Scientist (1991, USA), awarded the Order of Merit of the third level (2000), awarded with the medals: For Valiant Labor (1970), in commemoration of the 1500th anniversary of the city of Kiev (1982), and the medal Veteran of Labor (1985).

Sheinkman Moisey Kivovych was born on November 18, 1929 in the city of Kyiv in the family of employee. In 1947 – 1952, M.K. Sheinkman studied at the Faculty of Physics of the Shevchenko Kiev State University, which he graduated with honor. In 1952-1955, he worked at an enterprise of the Soviet Defense Ministry, Novosibirsk, where he managed to rise from an ordinary engineer to laboratory head in quite a short period of time. From 1955 to 1958, M.K. Sheinkman took his postgraduate courses at ISP, NASU. The scientist defended his Candidate dissertation devoted to mechanisms of photoconductivity in CdS crystals in 1959 at ISP, NASU and got the degree of Cand of Sci (Phys&Math). His further scientific activity till the last years of his life was related with the Institute. From 1960 to 1968, M.K. Sheinkman occupied the position of the leading researcher at ISP. The scientist defended his Doctor thesis devoted to non-equilibrium electron processes in semiconductors, including electron-stimulated defects reactions in 1969 at Ioffe Physical and Technical Institute, and got the degree of Dr of Sci (Phys&Math). The title of his doctor thesis was “Non-equilibrium electron processes in semiconductors, including electron-stimulated reactions of defects”. From 1968 up to 1974, M.K. Sheinkman headed the Department of Photoelectrical Phenomena in Semiconductors. Between 1974 and 2009, he headed the Department of Photoelectronics of ISP, NASU.

M.K. Sheinkman’s diversified activity has got a number of fundamental physical results, in particular: discovery of new radiationless recombination; foundation of a new field of physics of solids, electron-atom stimulated processes, leading to degradation and aging of devices and various photoelectric light detectors; development of new methods for investigating photoconductivity and luminescence. Fluctuation processes in non-linear photoconductors were investigated. The nature of super-Poisson fluctuations was explained, and a number of significant results were obtained when investigating ferroelectrics-semiconductors.

His most significant works in this field are as follows:

Long-term relaxation and residual conduction in semiconductors (in Russian, 1976), Auger processes with energy transfer to the bound charge carriers in multi-valley semiconductors (1984), The mechanisms of electron-enhanced defect reactions in semiconductors (USA,1990), Non-equilibrium processes in semiconductors (in Russian, 1981), Photochemical processes in semiconductors (in Russian, 1986), Ultrasound Stimulated Defect Reactions in Semiconductors in Defect Interaction and Clustering in Semiconductors (Switzerland, 2002), Semiconductor Ultrasound Treatment in Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (USA, 1999), Mobile point defects in wide bandgap II-IV semiconductors as a factor of their instability in New Developments in Condensed Matter Physics (USA, 2006), The scientific heritage of M.K. Sheinkman is widely known among the world scientific community. As a prominent scientist, M.K. Sheinkman was invited to report to the Higher Technical University, Karl-Marks Schtadt (The Democratic Republic of Germany, 1976), the University of Tokyo (Japan, 1989), the Northeastern University, Evanston (USA, 1991), the VII University of Paris (Paris, 1995). M.K. Sheinkman took the floor at different scientific conferences of high international level for many times. He was repeatedly elected as a member to organizational committees of international conferences, and headed organizational committees of many scientific conferences in Ukraine and the USSR. M.K. Sheinkman was an excellent teacher. For many years he read lectures at the Faculty of Radiophysics of the Shevchenko Kiev National University. The scientist reported at the L’viv, Uzhhorod, Chernivtsy, Odessa National Universities, as well as at numerous Russian Universities. Energetic and highly educated, with a great sense of humor, he had a talent of getting dry technical material across to an audience by turning it into a fascinating story. His disciples work in higher educational institutions, at enterprises, companies and scientific research institutions of Ukraine, Russia, the USA, Japan, Mexica, Sweden. M.K. Sheinkman was engaged in significant and active scientific and organizational work. The scientist was a member of the editorial boards of the scientific journals: Fizika i tekhnika poluprovodnikov; Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics and Optoelectronics. He also was a reviewer of a number of scientific publications for many years. M.K. Sheinkman headed specialized Scientific Council for defending candidate theses.

For all the period of his scientific activity, starting from 1953, M.K. Sheinkman published more than 540 scientific works, including 3 monographs and 35 author’s certificates. 16 Doctors of sciences and 49 Candidates of sciences were trained by him.