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A.V. Vasin, A.V. Rusavsky, D.V. Kysil, S. Prucnal, Yu.P. Piryatinsky, S.P. Starik, Iu. Nasieka, V.V. Strelchuk, V.S. Lysenko, A.N. Nazarov // Journal of Luminescence, 2017, v.191, pt.B, pp.102-106
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A. Vasin, I. Verovsky, V. Tyortykh, Y. Bolbukh, D. Kisel, G. Rudko, Y. Gule, Y. Piryatinsky, S. Starik, A. Nazarov, V. Lysenko // Journal of Nano Research, – 2016. - v.39. - pp. 80-88.
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- Hits: 7362
V. Ievtukh, A. Nazarov // Journal of Nano Research, – 2016. - v.39. - pp. 134-15.
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- Hits: 7474
T. Rudenko, S. Barraud, Y. M. Georgiev, V. Lysenko, A. Nazarov // Journal of Nano Research, – 2016. - v.39. - pp. 17-33.
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