V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


O.B. Smirnov, Savkina R.K., "Structured Silicon Surface via Cavitation Processing for the Photovoltaic and Biomedical Application" / Chapter 24 in Springer Proceedings in Physics, 2016, Vol. 183, pp. 291-303, ISBN: 978-3-319-30736-7.
O.B. Smirnov, M.L.Sadovnikova, R.K.Savkina, S.A. Mulenko, S. Kryvyi, N. Stefan, "Structural and magnetoresistive properties of nanometric films based on iron and chromium oxides on the Si substrate" / Nanoscale research letters. - 2016.-Vol. 11: 467, DOI: 10.1186/s11671-016-1684-2.
O.B. Smirnov, T Kryshtab, R.K.Savkina, M. Kladkevich, V. Samoylov, "Multi‐band radiation detector based on HgCdTe heterostructure" / Phys. Status Solidi (c).-2016.- Vol.13, № 7-9.- P. 639-642.
O.B. Smirnov, A.I. Gudymenko, V.P. Kladko, A.A Korchovyi, A.S. Nikolenko, Savkina R.K., Stara T.R., Strelchuk V.V., "Silicon Substrate Strained and Structured via Cavitation Effect for Photovoltaic and Biomedical Application" / Nanoscale research letters. - 2016.-Vol. 11: 183, DOI: 10.1186/s11671-016-1400-2.
F.F. Sizov, Z.F. Tsybrii, V.V. Zabudsky, M.V. Sakhno, A.V. Shevchik-Shekera, S.Ye. Dukhnin, A.G. Golenkov, E. Dieguez, S.A. Dvoretsky, “Detection of IR and sub/THz radiation using MCT thin layer structures: design of the chip, optical elements and antenna pattern” / SPQEO, V. 19, N 2, P. 149-155, 2016, doi: 10.15407/spqeo19.02.149.