V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


Multichannel Optical Rotary Joint

№5 Department of Physics and Optoelectronics technical bases   
V.N. Shapar


Multichannel optical rotary joint  is intended for the non-contact transfer of the analog and digital signals from the rotating objects to the stationary  and is the optical analog of the electric current-collecting device.

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1- rotating part;  2- stationary part;
3- compensator;  4- gear;
5 -7 – input fiber optic array;
8 - 10 – output fiber optic array.

Designed for the non-contacting transferring broadband digital signals to and from rotating body.
Compensation of the optical beams rotating is the basic principle of given connector.


▪ wide angle azimuth field of view scanning systems in visible and IR
▪ radar antenna equipment
▪ different optical communication system for the sensor data signals coupling between members      free to rotate with respect to each other


number of optical channels *      up to 20
insertion optical loss **                                                                     3-10 dB
crosstalk                                                                                       less then - 60dB
channel bandwidth                                                                          at less 300 Mb/s
optical signal amplitude modulation with rotating process                 less then 15%
rotational speed                                                                             up to 200/s
temperature range                                                                        -50 C0 to +80 C0
diameter                                                                                       130 mm
overall length                                                                                  180 mm

* dictated by the user
** insertion loss is influenced by the type of light sources, detectors and fiber optic link


▪ low signal losses
▪ easily and effectively screened from electrical noise and interference
▪ possibility of combining digital optical channel with analog or VHF channels at the expence of free region presence
▪ relatively easy-to-produce transformer
▪ compact

 The design and size of connector frame is influenced by its application within a network and by environmental factors.