V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


Colorimetric detector of gas mixtures KD-1

№16 Department of optoelectronic functional transducers
A.L. Kukla, V.Yu. Khoryzhenko

03232 2

Purpose: The device is intended for detection and analysis of gas mixtures in analyzed air probes and in an environment and it can be used in technological processes on a manufactory, for diagnostics of diseases in medicine, in pharmacology and perfume production, for the ecological monitoring.

Description: Chemical sensor optoelectronic system for the analysis of composition of gas mixtures on the basis of interference transducer with registration of R,G,B – components of light, reflected from the surface of the thin adsorption layer of the color-painted sensitive material and CCD camera for registration of constituents of light.
Operation of colorimetric optical instrument is based on the comparative analysis of color characteristics of signals, obtained as a result of interference of white light on the thin layer of the painted sensitive material both in absence of the analyzed gas and after its action. Recording of color parameters of sensitive layer under gas influence is provided by values of R,G,B - components of the reflected light. The library of such characteristics (chemical images) with using of statistical methods of recognition allows to identify a presence of that or other matter in the analyzed probe.

Basic technical characteristics:
-    field of image                                1 mkm - 2 sm
-    spatial separate ability                            0.5 mkm
-    maximum number of registered colors                    106
-    number of optical channels                        1 – 20
-    light sensitivity                                1–50 Lux
-    template size                                20×20 mm
-    type / temperature of light source                     LED/6500 К
-    frame capture                                15–30 fps
-    threshold sensitivity of gas detection                    10-300 ppm
-    size                                    250×145×200 mm

Estimation of novelty: similar developments are not present in Ukraine; original sensitive layers and methods of processing of images are used in a device.

Intellectual property: Khoryzhenko V.Yu., Shirshov Yu.M., Kostyukevych K.V., Samoylova I.A., Christosenko R.V. Patent of Ukraine “Colorimetric interference detector substances in a probe”, № 56652 А, publ. 15.05.2003.
Khoryzhenko V.Yu., Vahula А.А., Kostyukevych K.V., Kukla O.L., Samoylova I.A. Invention application “Colorimetric detector for analysis of components of gas and aqueous mixtures”, № а200607880 from 14.07.2006.