V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


Multifunction automated measuring-analytical complex for control, attestations and researches of the optron devices AВКПОС

№12 Department of Physics of optoelectronic devices
  P.F. Oleksenko, V.S Kretulis, I.E. Minakova

005 005 2
Original appearance of AВКПОС complex              Example of transfer characteristic on screen of AВКПОС’s virtual digital oscillograph

The developed complex is intended for the operative metrological providing of mass-production and development of wide nomenclature optron devices (sensors) and is the automated measuring device of virtual type, realized by program methods on the basis of the personal computer with the use of hardware support. The flexible program shell of collection, storage, transformation, analysis, visual presentation and supervision of measuring information is the key element of the system.
In a complex the service functions of set of blocks of programmable direct and pulse current and voltage generators for control operation, industrial tester-multimeter, current transmission coefficient meter, small current meter, digital pulse ammeter, time-interval meter, digital storage oscillograph are compatible and realized.
A complex provides high-quality implementation of operative control operations and wide range measuring of basic static and dynamic parameters of optronics devices with the arbitrary choice operating parameters and normative standards (see table).
For the purpose of arrangement and organization of mass-production collaboration with the industrial enterprises of instrument-making industry of Ukraine is possible.
Application  spheres  of  the  AВКПОС complex
•    realization of attestation and certifications of optron devices at their input and output control on the enterprises of producer and consumer;
•    operative control at optron device production and certification of discrete optron light emitter  and photocell structures;
•    use of complex as a measuring-analytical tool at the decision of research tasks of new optron devices development.
Technical and economic parameters of the АВКПОС complex         

Parameter Operation range or measuring limit Discreti-zation step Error
no more
1 Input voltage (1÷5) V   ±0,5 %
2 Leakage current (3∙10-9÷10-4) A   ±5 %
3 Isolation resistance (107÷1011) Ohm   ±5 %
4 Static  transmission current coefficient (0,3÷3000) %   ±1 %
5 Rise time and on time of output current

(10-6÷4·10-5) s;

(10-6÷3·10-7) s

  ±5 %;
it is not normalized
6 Fall time and off time of output current (10-6÷10-4) s;
(10-6÷3·10-7) s
  ±5 %;
it is not normalized
7 Input direct current (10-3 ÷2·10-2) A  0,1 mA ± 0,3 %
8 Output inverse voltage from two programmable sources (1÷25) V
(10÷100) V
0,5 V
1 V
± 0,3 %
Pulse input current
 - pulse amplitude
 - pulse time
 - pulse decay time 


(5∙10-3÷10-1) A
(3∙10-6÷2∙10-4)  s
≤3∙10-8  s
1 mA
1 μs
± 4 %
± 2 %
10 Single measuring average time of the of parameter
optron device (component structure)
1  s
Visualization of transfer characteristic, sweep
(with the arbitrary choice of  amount of count in screen)
0,1 μs
12 Alternating-current (220 V) consumption power
 (without computer),  no more
16   W
13 Small production  cost price (reference) $  960

On the aggregate of the attained technical and economic  parameters the automated measuring-analytical АВКПОС complex has not direct analogues in the countries of SNG, as the known measuring devices ИСПО-3M, ИСПОЛК-2, 14-ТКС-200-001  (Russia) are strictly specialized, intended for measuring only static group parameters of optron devices. On comparison with these measuring devices the developed complex АВКПОС provides considerably more wide range of the measuring modes and high degree of their discretization during setting; possibility of control and measuring of dynamic parameters with visualization of transfer characteristic; broadening of static parameters measuring limits with the simultaneous improvement of their quality; high productivity, improved ergonomics parameters.
The АВКПОС complex is attested by State metrological service (certificate № 06-273 from 24.12.2007)