V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


Materials Technology Laboratory for Optoelectronics


Head of laboratory

Stanislav V. Shutov

Ph.D., Senior researcher

tel: 0552-51-54-57

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Vasyl O. Krasnov

Senior researcher, Ph.D., Senior researcher

tel: 0552-51-54-57

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Olexander I. Maronchuk

Junior researcher

tel: 0552-515457

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Sergiy Yu. Yerochin


tel: 0552-515457

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Vadym V. Tsybulenko

Junior researcher

tel: 0552-515457

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Oleksiy M. Demens'kiy

Junior researcher

tel: 0552-515457

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Mykola O. Samoylov

Leading engineer

tel: 0552-515457

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Oleksiy V. Yevdokimov


tel: 0552-515457

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Field of Research

 Fields of scientific and engineering research

  1. Development of physical and technical as well as material science fundamentals of technology of wide bandgap polytype SiC-4H structures and other wide bandgap semiconductor structures.
  2. Development and investigations of physical and technical methods of obtaining of semiconductor device structures for low-dimensional systems of information processing and transfer.
  3. Development of a new method of liquid-phase epitaxy for obtaining of experimental samples of photovoltaic convertor structures based on solid solutions of III-V compounds


Principal results and achievements

Fundamentals of the system of automated control and adjustment of ingots diameter of semiconductor and metal alloys were developed. The system is intended to be a part of processing lines of single crystal pulling, such as solar-grade silicon, III-V and II-VI compounds as well as wires and sheets of nonferrous metals and alloys.

Pilot technology of fabrication of TPV-convertor device structures was developed. The technology is based on utilizing of inexpensive methods of vacuum-thermal deposition with subsequent recrystallization in the temperature gradient. A phenomenological model of the process of obtaining of binary and multicomponent III-V-based layers on GaSb substrate was worked out. The model allowed to elaborate technical requirements to the experimental equipment. Experimental samples of single- and polycrystalline structures on GaSb substrate were obtained.

Scientific grounds of the method of obtaining of thin and ultrathin films as well as periodic layers from a liquid phase were developed. The experimental installation allowing to achieve simultaneously the short-time overcooling at the growth interface and short-time contact between a solution-melt and a working substrate was developed and manufactured. The growth process is controlled by electromagnetic field. An experimental check of the installation was carried out in the technological process of Ge layer growing over GaAs working substrate from Ga-Ge solution-melt.

The technique of obtaining of GaP diode epitaxial structures (p+-n type) from a liquid phase was developed. Experimental samples of thermal sensors based on these structures were fabricated. Thermometric and current-voltage characteristics of the samples were measured. Basic technical and electro-physical parameters of the sensors were determined.

The head of laboratory, senior researcher S. V. Shutov is a permanent member of scientific and coordination council of Southern scientific centre of National academy of science of Ukraine and Ministry of education of Ukraine. Also he is a member of editorial board of international journal "Applied Physics Research" (Published by Canadian Centre of Science and Education).


Equipment and installations

  •      Apparatus for liquid-phase epitaxy "Epos" with horizontal and vertical reactor arrangement;
  •      Experimental installation of liquid-phase epitaxy with crystallization process control by electromagnetic field;
  •      Photolithography processing line;
  •      Apparatus for thermal vacuum deposition;
  •      Installation for photoluminescence characterization based on spectrometers SDL-1 and lasers LG-75, LGN-502
  •      Spectrophotometer SF-26
  •      Automated system for analysis of luminescent characteristics based on MDR-2
  •      Computer-based system of current-voltage, capacitance-voltage characterization and analysis
  •      Common physical and chemical equipment (optical microscopes, scribers, scales, drying chambers, thermostats, ovens, fume hoods and etc.)




Participation in government and international projects and programs

State target scientific and technical program "Development and creation of sensor high-end products during 2008-2012"


N1.4.5/23 "Development and creation of thermophotovoltaic generators" (completed)

N1.4.10/23 "Development and creation of methods for control of geometric size of products of high-temperature metallurgic processes" (completed)
