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Academician O.E. Belyaev, Director of V.E. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics of NAS of Ukraine. V.E. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics of NAS of Ukraine- 58 years in the National Academy of Science of Ukraine
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V.P. Kostylyov, A.V. Sachenko. Semiconductor photovoltaics: сurrent state and actual directions of research
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V.I. Chegel, A.M. Lopatynskyi. Molecular plasmonics – a novel research field in materials science and sensing. Applications and theoretical background (review) | 38 |
A.V. Sukach, V.V. Tetyorkin, A.I. Tkachuk, S.P. Trotsenko. InAs photodiodes (Review. Part IV)
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L.V. Zavyalova, G.S. Svechnikov, N.N. Roshchina, B.A. Snopok. Preparation and characterization of АІ-VІІІВVІ semiconductor films and the functional structures based on them: features and capabilities of the CVD method using dithiocarbamates
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L.O. Revutska, Z.L. Denisova, A.V. Stronski. Application of spin-coated chalcogenide films: manufacturing, properties, applicationS (review) |
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V.Morozhenko. Transmission, reflection and thermal radiation of magneto-optical resonator structures in the infrared spectral range: research and application (review)
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V.S. Kretulis, I.E. Minakova, P.F. Oleksenko, V.M. Sorokin. Optoelectronic neflometric meter of the atmospheric environment meteoparameters
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K.V. Michailovska, В.А. Dan’ko, O.Y. Gudymenko, V.P. Klad’ko, I.Z. Indutnyi, P.E. Shepeliavyi, M.V. Sopinskyy. Photoluminescence properties of silicon nanoparticlesinmultilayered (SiOx-SiOy)n structures with porousinsulatinglayers
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V.P. Veleschuk, A.I. Vlasenko, Z.K. Vlasenko, D.N. Khmil’, O.M. Kamuz, S.G. Nedilko, V.P. Scherbatsky, D.V. Gnatyuk, V.V. Borshch, M.P. Kisselyuk. The mechanisms of the appearance of visible parasitic luminescence in the ultraviolet LED’s 365 nm
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V.P. Maslov, A.V. Sukach, V.V. Tetyorkin, M.Yu. Kravetskii, N.V. Kachur, Ye.F. Venger, A.T. Voroschenko, I.G. Lutsishin, I.M. Matiyuk, A.V. Fedorenko. Peculiarities of manufacture, electrical and photoelectrical properties of diffusion Gep-i-n- photodiodes |
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Ya.M. Olikh, M.D. Tymochko, M.I. Ilashchuk. relaxation factors of acoustic conductivity in CdTe
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K.S. Dremliuzhenko, O.A. Kapush, S.D. Boruk,* D.V. Korbutyak. Properties of highly dispersed cadmium telluride systems obtained by electrospray method
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K.V. Kostyukevych, Yu.M. Shirshov, R.V. Khristosenko, A.V. Samoylov, Yu.V. Ushenin, S.A.Kostyukevych, A.A. Koptiukh. Angular spectrum peculiarities of surface plasmon-polariton resonance under investigation of latex water suspension in the Kretschmanngeometry
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A. Meshalkin, A.P. Paiuk, L.A. Revutska, E. Achimova, A.V. Stronski, A. Prisakar, G. Triduh, V. Abashkin, A. Korchevoy, V.Yu. Goroneskul. Direct surface-relief grating recording using selenium layers
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V.F. Onyshchenko, M.I. Karas’. Relaxation of photoconductivity in macroporous silicon
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G.PMalanych, V.M. Tomashik. Formation of polished surface of PbTe and Pb1-xSnxTe semiconductor plates
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G.V. Dorozinsky, H.V. Dorozinska, V.P. Maslov. Features of refractometric characteristics of surface plasmon resonance of motor oils for use
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N.I. Karas, V.F. Onyshchenko. Monopolar photoconductivity of the inversion layer and “slow”-surface levels in the structures of macroporous and monocrystalline silicon in condition of strong surface lighting
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I.E. Matyash, I.A. Minaіlova, O.N. Mishchuk, B.K. Serdega. Component analysis of phonon spectra dychroidism in uniaxially deformed silicon crystal
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Information for authors of «Optoelectronics and Semiconductor Technics»
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