V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


Scientific developments

1. Methods and technologies of taking semiconductor materials and structures, including nanometers materials

1.1 Nanostructures, formatted by laser technology on the semiconductor surfaces

1.2 Sensitive layers of chemical sensors with gold nanoparticles

1.3 Technology of light-emitting silicon nanostructures formation

1.4 Sensors based on 2D macroporous silicon structures with surface-active nanocoatings

1.5 Modelling of the nanowire growth mediated by catalyst particles

1.6 Method of laser-induced surface doping and formation of pn junction in high resistivity Cd(Zn)Te crystals

1.7 Crystals of optical germanium: ingots and elements for infra-red optics

1.8 Technology of growth of high homogeneous chalcogenide semiconductor materials for thermoelectric energy converters (thermo-generators thermopiles, thermo-refrigerators)

1.9 Inorganic photoresist

1.10 Registering media on the base of ChVS for the fabrication of the holographic optical, kinoform and diffraction elements, optical protective elements and optical disks

1.11 Composite thin film materials for chemoresistors and their production technology

1.12 Highly effective adsorptive material for the gases of the type CH4, H2

1.13 Method of doping and purification of II-VI crystals

1.14 Method of modification of characteristics of II-VI lightemitting quantum well heterostructures

1.15 Method of recording of biocomplexes

2. Elements and devises of photo and optical electronics

2.1 Creation sensory diodes structures on the basis of crystals CdTe for devices of detecting x-ray and γ-ray radiations that of systems of visualization

2.2 Development and fabrication of radiation-stable detectors of gamma-radiation based on CdTe and CdZnTe monocrystals

2.3 Photosynthesis-active irradiation sensor

2.4 Radioisotope power sources

2.5 Development and manufacturing of semiconductor linear sensors for multifunction low doze X-ray vehicles

2.6 Wideband and selective UV sensors

2.7 Sensor to angle of incidence or wavelength of light or to refractive index of surrounding media on the basis of Surface Plasmon -Polariton Resonance

2.8 Development of thermal detector elements based on two-dimensional photonic silicon structures

2.9 Photodetector of laser radiation

2.10 Cooled infrared photodetector

2.11 Semiconductor cooled infrared photodetector

2.12 Noncooled photodetector of irradiation

2.13. LWIR photodetector for thermal imagers

2.14 Рhotovoltaic panel for space satellites

2.15 Solar cells for ground-based portative electronic package and means of mobile communication

2.16 Solar power station ses-sa1-250

2.17 Silicon LEDs for middle and far IR (3 − 12 µm)

2.18 Multichannel optical rotating connector

2.19 Оptoelectronic «rotation angle-data» encoder

2.20 Optoelectronic high-voltage switcher

2.21 High-reliability intellectual liquid-crystal screens

2.22 Silicon carbide mirror

2.23 Development of manufacturing techniques of precision optical prisms of external reflection

2.24 The supply unit for electroluminescent lamps BPL-80

3. Elements and devises of microelectronics

3.1 Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) structures and CMOS IC -BA86P

3.2 Indium phosphide Gunn diode

3.3 Diode Temperature Sensors DTS-100

3.4 Ge-on-GaAs film resistance thermometers

3.5 Dual function sensors

3.6 Silicon pressure sensors with separating diaphragm

3.7 Silicon pressure sensors the IPT type

3.8 Switching elements with memory

4. Measure methods and units

4.1 Set of nanoprobe diagnostic methods for advanced technologies

4.2 A technique for determination the chemical composition and strain in semiconductor silicon-germanium structures

4.3 Nondestructive express-method of acoustic emission control for stability and steadity to external influences of functional materials and structures

4.4 Acoustic emission express-method of reliability control of semiconductors light-emitting structures

4.5 Acoustic method of melting threshold determination of the semiconductors at a pulse laser irradiation

4.6 Diffractometer for measurements x-ray acoustic resonant

4.7 Methods and devices of polarization-modulation spectroscopy

4.8 Express system of an estimation and warning of antropogeneous ejections in atmosphere of the Earth

5. Devises for measurement of physical and chemical values

5.1 Thermal imager

5.2 Surface plasmon resonance spectrometer PLASMON 6

5.3 multichannel optoelectronic spectrometer based on surface plasmon resonance (SPR) «Plasmon-8»

5.4 Analyzer of water-alcohol solutions IM-1

5.5 nstrument for biochemical analysis of aqueous solutions ISPT-2

5.9 Leucoplasm-2 - Express-analyser of the viral diseases

5.10 Somatic cells detector ASK-1

5.11 Mini spectrometer of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR)

5.12 Pulse Microwave (MW) Bridge for a Q-band Electron Spin-Echo (ESE) Spectrometers equipped with Frequency Counter

5.13 Fast-operating dosimeter of gamma-radiation

5.14 Measuring device of power of ultraviolet radiation

5.15 Рortable meter «Рhoton-3» for measurement solar cell and photovoltaic module parameters

5.16 High-sensitivity laser vibrometer

5.17 Supersensible laser tensometer

5.18 One Pulse Laser micro marking System

5.19 DPSS laser with intracavity Q-switch-doubler element

5.20 The machine tool for faultless oriented slicing

5.21 Optoelectronic blocks for ammonia leak detector

5.22 Multielement optoelectronic gas analyzer

6. Measuring complexes for semiconductor materials, systems and devices units diagnostics

6.1 Collective diagnostic center of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine at the V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics of NASU «Diagnostics of semiconductor materials, structures and devices»

«Diagnostics of semiconductor materials, structures and devices»
6.2 Laboratory «Raman and Luminescence submicron spectroscopy»

«Diagnostics of semiconductor materials, structures and devices»

«Diagnostics of semiconductor materials, structures and devices»
6.4 Laboratory of «Express electrical characterization of semiconductor materials, structures and nanoscaled devices»

«Diagnostics of semiconductor materials, structures and devices»
6.5 Laboratory «High-resolution X-ray diffraction»

6.6 Equipment for light-flash characterization of photovoltaic modules

6.7 Multifunction automated measuring-analytical complex for control, attestations and researches of the optron devices AVKPOS
