V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


Department of Physics and Technology of low-dimensional systems


Head Corresponding Member
of National academy of science of Ukraine,
Prof. Fedir F. Sizov

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F.F.Sizov Personal Page


In the department - 30 employees.


Sergey Plyatsko
Plyatsko Sergiy
seniour researcher
tel. (int.) 5-77
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Golenkov Alexander
Golenkov Olexandr
seniour researcher
tel. (int.) 2-65
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Gumenjuk-Sichevska Joanna
Gumenjuk-Sichevska Joanna
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
senior researcher
tel. (int.) 3-65
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          This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Apatska Mariia
Apatska Mariia
tel. 525-54-61, int. 4-16, 4-68
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Igor Lisuyk
Lysiuk Ihor
tel. (int.) 2-76, 3-65
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Ruslana Udovithkaya
Udovitska Ruslana
junior researcher
tel. (int.) 2-32, 3-32
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Rada Savkina
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
senior researcher
+38-096-217-0054 (mobile)
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Alex Smirnov
Smirnov Oleksiy
senior researcher
tel. (int.) 2-32, 3-32
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Andreeva Kateryna
Andreeva Kateryna
tel. 525-54-61, int. 4-68, 2-76
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Shevchik-Shekera Anna
Shevchik-Shekera Anna
tel. 525-62-96, int. 4-04
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Katerina Svejentsova
Svezhentsova Kateryna
tel. 525-54-61, int. 4-68, 2-10
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Dmytruk Nadiia
Dmytruk Nadiia
tel. 525-54-61, 525-59-52, int. 4-68, 4-72
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Evgeni Melejyk
Melezhik Evgen
junior researcher
tel. 525-62-96, int. 4-04
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Rashkovetsky Lubomyr
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Mykola Kovbasa
Junior Research 
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Lab. №8-1. Laboratory of Photonic Semiconductor Structures

Head of the  LaboratoryKarachevtseva Liudmyla

Lab. №8-2. Laboratory of Physics and Technology for the Formation of Semiconductors Structures

Head of the  Laboratory Zinoviia Tsybrii

Lab. №8-3. Laboratory of Microcircuitry radiation detectors

Head of the Laboratory Reva Volodymyr 


Fields of research

The main directions of scientific and technical activity:

  • Modeling, manufacture and research of the bolometers on hot surfaces for detecting THz radiation.
  • Theoretical and experimental research of silicon FETs as THz detectors.
  • Theoretical and experimental investigations of high­sensitive CCD and EMCCD detectors.
  • Development of technologies for creating multiple radiation detectors.
  • Development and application of the heterostructures growth technology for THz detectors.
  • Theoretical and experimental study of the heterostructures properties applied to detectors of terahertz radiation.

The department is working on the development and research of the highly sensitive photodetectors based on the emCCD. As a result of pursue researches, there were found the main physical and technological limitations, which determinative the working process of the detectors.

The development of designs and techniques of the emCCD detectors manufacturing with format 576x288, 512x512 were conducted.

Now we are working on the development of the detectors with 1024х1024 format.

Scientific archievements

Diploma for active participation
in the presentation of research and development works
of target research program "Research and development
on the problems of increasing defense and security of State"

download full-size Diploma image




Bolometrs on the hot carries for detection of THz radiation

  • An analytical model of tunneling field transistor which takes into consideration the changes in the spectrum of quantization of energy carriers and gate capacity, as well as the probability changing of tunneling along the p-n junction.
  • Manufactured FET prototype based on narrow-gap semiconductor CdxHg1-xTe and investigated its ability in detecting the frequency range of 70-140 GHz at temperatures 77 ÷ 300 K.
  • The hybrid detectors manufacturing technology based on fused silica substrates with thickness ~ 200 mkm (with small loss in the frequency in the range 50-150 GHz) had been developed.
  • Tests have shown that NEP of detectors based on the hot-carriers bolometer at the frequency range 128-144 GHz can reach 2,6x10-10 W/Hz1/2 (calculated antenna gain G ≈ 9 dBi). NEP similar scheme with a Schottky diode was about 5,7x10-10 W/Hz1/2 in the same frequency range.

Research field silicon transistors as THz detectors

  • Drain-gate and drain leakage characteristics of silicon FETs with different geometric dimensions of electronic channels had experimentally determined, their sensitivity to terahertz radiation were defined, equivalent circuit plasmon transistor as terahertz radiation detector for connection to an external system registration were presented.
  • It was found that under terahertz radiation between the source and drain plasmon transistor has been formed voltage source, which has a constant component. Internal resistance of the voltage source it equals to transistor channel resistance and depends on the gate voltage.
  • Experimental booths for measure the sensitivity of plasmon transistors depending on the modulation frequency terahertz radiation and measuring the amplitude and phase frequency characteristics of operational amplifiers were developed.
  • Gate threshold voltage and subthreshold voltage switch, which are the main characteristics of the FET , which operates on a switch mode, were investigated.
  • The model for connection the increasing of the gate threshold voltage with decreasing film thickness of silicon with increasing energy of the electrons in the channel, which creates quantization were developed.
  • An image objects which are arranged in a transparent millimeter (and not transparent in visible) range of obstacles, such as paper, plasterboard, etc. were obtained.

Technology of the creation multiple radiation detectors

  • Requirements for production technology of terahertz / submillimeter radiation multicomponent detectors were defined.
  • Readout circuit architecture development which allows to receive images in real time were developed.
  • The block diagram of the multicomponent detector terahertz / submillimeter range were developed and held its calculations.
  • The design and topology of 8-element terahertz / submillimeter radiation receiver based on MOS nanotransistor were developed.
  • For multielement detector of the focal plane array terahertz spectrum were performed a self-consistent simulation of antenna patterns and investigated conditions obtain inhomogeneous parameters of individual detectors.
  • It was shown that multiple array parameters should be homogeneous by papametters and able to harmonize with the input lens in the case with the thin substrate (much less than the standard thickness for CMOS technology) and low dielectric constant. Under these conditions, multiple array will work as a focal plane array and is suitable for creating a vision of THz spectrum.

Growth technology of the heterostructures which used in THz detector

  • The technology of forming semiconductor films based on semiconductor type II-VI and IV-VI by molecular epitaxy "hot wall". There were established the temperature-time modes of growth, in which allow to minimize deviation of the film thickness.
  • The method of growing A2B6 (CdTe, CdZnTe) and A4B6 (PbTe) thin films were developed.
  • The technology of growing semiconductor compounds with laser erosion flows were developed. This technology allows to carry out the epitaxial growth at the temperature T = 300K and receive structurally perfect films of IV-VI group semiconductors with low concentration of free carriers.
  • Films which were obtained from doped sources (due to the implementation congruent spraying material), they are characterized by conductivity type and concentration of charge carriers in accordance with nature and its impurity concentration in the source.

Theoretical and experimental study of the heterostructures properties used in terahertz radiation detectors

  • The dependence of mobility two-dimensional electron gas in the quantum well CdTe/HgCdTe/CdTe with inverted band structure at a temperature of nitric structure parameters were numerically simulated.
  • There were an ellipsometric study of the natural oxide film on the single-crystal cadmium telluride surface.
  • It was found that the interacting process of cleaved facet of single-crystal CdTe with atmospheric air consists of two stages suggested hypothesis that the inner layer of the film is unoccupied of tellurium, and the external film is cadmium oxide, or tellurium, or its mixture There were determined that in the field of CdHgTe radiation disordering is going compression / stretching surface region epitaxial layer of mercury-cadmium-tellurium and it cause creation of the new layer with distinguishing properties from the matrix.
  • Using the complex of the electrophysical, photovoltaic, optical and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) was investigated the properties of impurities and intrinsic defects depending on their concentration and installed activation energy and charge state of impurities. It was established for the first time that the concentration region being semi-insulating state of the system PbTe: Ga, its nature is composed in compensate of the vacancies for metallic components and because of deep levels in the band gap, also it was showen that Mn and Eu are presented in the lattice on interstitials in two-charge condition.

Innovative developments



Portable thermal imager
for the medical diagnostics
and non-destructive control
of buildings and infrastructure

Usage in the medical diagnostics
The imager allows one to carry contactless and radiation-less diagnostics of inflammatory processes and pathologies. Such diagnostics can be used in oncology (for example, mammary cancer or thyroid cancer), traumatology and postoperative controls of inflammation, gynecology, blood circulation anomalies etc.

Usage in ecological monitoring
Control of pipelines, detection of hot water leakage from heating systems and fire hazard objects, early detection of forest and underground fires, fighting forest fires, environmental monitoring of thermal pollution, detection of heat currents in the water.

Usage in building inductry
Fixing the heat losses of buildings, monitoring of heating systems, determination of the location of reinforcement and protective layer in concrete blocks, detection of cracks and water infiltrations in plaster, roofing quality control, quality control of building materials at manufacturing stage and more.

Usage – in power industry
Control of power lines, control of thermal processes in electrical equipment at substations and high-voltage lines, the control of contact connections, insulation fault detection. Diagnostics of power transformers, gate switches, commutator brushes of electric machines, circuit breakers and other current loaded nodes.

Usage – in transport
Tire covers testing, testing of glass which is electrically heated for cars and aircraft, aircraft aerodynamics research and quality control of brake pads, temperature control in paving and more.


Other developments of the division

  • There was developed the technological roadmap of production of multi-element infrared photodetectors. This roadmap includes the creation of metal and semiconductor layers, creation of contact areas and windows by the photolithography, ion implantation and hybrid composing of photodetection devices. The final stage of roadmap is the packaging of photodetection devices.

  • There were developed the samples of multielement long-wavelength (γ ≈ 8-12 mkm) infrared photodetectors. These photodetectors have limiting characteristics (detectivity 7*1010 cm1Hz1/2/W). Preliminary information processing is carried by silicon readout microschemes which are located in the focal plane of cryogenically cooled photodetection devices.

  • There are developed the glue compositions which are characterized by enhanced mechanical strength and high heat transfer coefficient at nitrogen temperatures. These compositions are used to mount photodetection modules in cryostat.

  • The method for positioning and ultrasonic welding of the “raster-readout circuit” was developed and implemented. This method provides the minimization of thermomechanical strains in conjunctions.

  • The method of processing of experimental data from the ellipsometry measurements is developed and improved.

  • Non-destructive method of sono-thermo-visualization of defects is developed. This method also provides the possibility of sono-excitation of internal sources of infrared radiation which are located near extended defects and the possibility of generation of nonequilibrium carriers in the solid solutions of narrow-gap A2B6 and A3B5 semiconductors.

  • Full-optical method of signal operation is also developed. It is based on the effect of nonlinear shift of photonic zone. This method is designed for the creation of full-optical adder. Also there is developed the device for logical OR, AND, XOR schemes (both in R- and T- setups). Also we developed the new principle of the formation of the image which is based on the projection of rays via the channels with absorptive walls. This principle can be used for channel-imaging microscopy and telescopy.

  • Novel thermal imager for contactless medical diagnostics and ecological monitoring is developed. The imager is certified by Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine. The imager is used in two clinics of Kyiv.

  • Automated setups for the attestation of integrated readout circuits and infrared photodetectors are developed.


Probe installation for measuring electro-physical (current-voltage) characteristics of matrixes of photodetectors


Vacuum unit for deposition of metallic contacts WUP-5M. The unit is equipped by magnetron module


Photolithography equipment «Lada-Elektronika»




Contactless interference 3D profiler «Micron-Alpha»


Installation of vacuum deposition by the "hot-wall method". This equipment allows one to deposit thin films of A2B6 (CdTe, CdZnTe) and A4B6 (PbTe, PbSnTe, SnTe) materials. The thickness of such films can be varied from 5 nm to 3 mkm.


Stand for imaging at mm and sub-mm spectral bands


Stand for measuring electrical parameters of integrated circuits. It is also applicable for measureing such parameters for readout circuits which are used in multicomponent radiation detectors


Atomic force microscope "Femtoscan"




The typical view of the measurement lab



Grant projects Department is involved in

2013 year

  • №:11/13-N «Physical processes of detection of THz / millimeter range radiation with field nano-transistors»
  • №:ІІІ-07-11 «Research, development and diagnostics of semiconductor devises of microwave and infrared nanophotoelectronics». Target program of Physics and Astronomy section of NAS of Ukraine
  • №:ІІІ-10-12 (applied program) «Development of the technologies of photovoltaic and thin film structures for photoelectronics and desorption mass-spectrometry». Target program of Physics and Astronomy section of NAS of Ukraine
  • №:ІІІ-41-12 «Physical and technological aspects of creation of modern semiconductor materials and functional structures for nano- and opto-electronics». Target program of Physics and Astronomy section of NAS of Ukraine

2012 year

  • №:ІІІ-07-11 «Research, development and diagnostics of semiconductor devises of microwave and infrared nanophotoelectronics». Target program of Physics and Astronomy section of NAS of Ukraine
  • №:ІІІ-10-12 (applied program) «Development of modern semiconductor materials and structures for opto-, micro- and sensor electronics». Target program of Physics and Astronomy section of NAS of Ukraine.
  • №:ІІІ-41-12 «Physical and technological aspects of creation of modern semiconductor materials and functional structures for nano- and opto-electronics». Target program of Physics and Astronomy section of NAS of Ukraine.

2011 year

  • №:ІІІ-07-11 «Research, development and diagnostics of semiconductor devises of microwave and infrared nanophotoelectronics». Sectoral theme of Physics and Astronomy section of NAS of Ukraine
  • №:III-10-09 (applied program) „ New principles, methods and technologies of production, study and characterization of semiconductor materials and structures. Creation of elemental base of prospective semiconductor electronics which are based on well-known and new physical phenomena”. Program of Physics and Astronomy section of NAS of Ukraine
  • №:41 „Physical and technological aspects of creation and characterization of semiconductor materials and functional structures of modern electronics”. Sectoral theme of Physics and Astronomy section of NAS of Ukraine
  • №:3 "Ultra high-speed transistors with controlled avalanche impact ionization and interband tunneling". The contest of joint scientific projects of NAS of Ukraine and CNRS
  • №:53 “ІІ stage. Numerical modeling of the work of silicon MOS and MCT MDS nanotransistors under THz irradiation. Determination of electrical characteristics of input devices of readout integrated circuits”. This theme is the part of scientific program „Physical processes of detection of THz / submillimeter radiation with field nanotransistors” of Complex Target Program of NAS of Ukraine «Fundamental problems of nanostructured systems, nanomaterials, nanotechnologies».

2007 – 2010 years

  • №:41 „Physical and technological aspects of creation and characterization of semiconductor materials and functional structures of modern electronics”. Sectoral theme of NAS of Ukraine.


Exhibitions where Department took part in 2015


20.10.-22.10.2015 the developments of Department 38 (infrared thermal imager; THz / sub-THz detectors; masking and filtering coatings for infrared and sub-THz spectral bands) were presented at the special session «Developments of NAS of Ukraine for the defence and industry sectors of the State». Ths session took plase at the International special exhibition «LABCompLEX. Analytics. Laboratory. Biotechnologies. HI-TECH» (20.10.-22.10.2015 р., Kyiv, «KyivExpoPlasa» complex).


22.09-25.09.2015 these develolments were presented at ХII International specialized excibition «Weapons and Secirity – 2015» (22.09-25.09.2015). During the session «Prospectives of scientific and technological supply of defence and industry sectors of Ukraine» the talk «Masking and filtering thin films of nanostructures composites for infrared and sub-THz spectral bands» of authors F.F.Sizov, E.M.Rudenko, Z.F.Tsybrii, K.V.Svezhentsova, O.G.Golenkov, M.V.Vyichuk, I.V.Korotash, A.P.Shapovalov, D.Yu.Polotskiy, V.O.Bilogolovskiy, L.Osypov was presented.

