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A.N. Lukianov, N.I. Klyui, Bo Sha, M.G. Dusheiko, V.B. Lozinskii, A.I. Liptuga, V.P. Kasatkin,Bingbing Liu //Optical Materials 88 (2019) 445-450.
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- Hits: 2890
Ryabchikov, Y.V., Lukianov, A., Oliinyk, B. et al.// Appl. Phys. A 125, 630 (2019).
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- Hits: 2907
A.M. Lukianov, N.I. Klyui,V.B. Lozinskii, S.V. Sapon, L.V. Rashkovetskyi, V.P. Temchenko, M.G. Dusheiko, V.I. Gorbulik // Materialsof ХVIIInternationalConferencePHYSICSANDTECHNOLOGYOFTHINFILMSANDNANOSYSTEMSdedicatedtomemoryProfessorDmytroFreik (ICPTTFN-ХVII), 20-25 May 2019 ext.: thesis. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2019. - P. 14.
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A.M. Lukianov, N.I. Klyui, V.B. Lozinskii, M.G. Dusheiko, L.V. Avksentyeva, V.P. Kasatkin, O.P. Slepkin // Materials of ХVII International Conference PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY OF THIN FILMS AND NANOSYSTEMS dedicated to memory Professor Dmytro Freik (ICPTTFN-ХVII), 20-25 May 2019 ext .: thesis. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2019. - P. 97
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- Hits: 11886
Nickolai Klyui, Volodymyr Temchenko, Olexii Sliepkin. Igor Zatovsky,Liana Tsabiy. Volodymyr // 978-1-7281-2830-6/19, Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE 9thInternational Conference onNanomaterials: Applications & Properties(NAP-2019), Odesa, Ukraine, September 15–20, 2019, P.02BA04-1-02BA04-3.
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