V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


Department of Electrical and galvanomagnetic properties of semiconductors

Head of department
Academician of NAS of Ukraine,
Prof. Dr. Alexander Belyaev
tel.: +380 44 525-40-20, int.4-48
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Babich s
Dr. Vilik Babich
Deputy Head of department,
Principal Researcher
tel. +380 44 525-12-28, int.2-11
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Prof. Dr. Yaroslav Olikh
Leading Researcher
tel. +380 44 525-62-56, int.5-56
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Aleinikov s

Dr. Andrii Alyenikov
Senior Researcher
tel. +380 44 525-83-14, int.4-73

e-mail:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Prof. Dr. Svetlana Vitusevich
Senior Researcher
tel. +380 44 525-83-14, int. 2-75,
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Kazantseva s
Dr. Zoya Kazantseva
Senior Researcher
tel. +380 44 525-97-98, int.4-96
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Koshets s
Dr. Ihor Koshets
Senior Researcher
tel. +380 44 525-97-98, int.2-43
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Rengevich s
Dr. Olena Shynkarenko
Senior Researcher
e-mail:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

naumov av1 s
Dr. Andrii Naumov
Scientific Researcher
tel. +380 44 525-83-14, int.2-75 / 4-73
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

tymochko s
Dr. Mykola Tymochko
Scientific Researcher
tel. +380 44 525-62-56, int.3-11
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

Sheka s
Galina Sheka 
Scientific researcher
tel. 5-86,
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raicheva s
Valentina Raicheva
Junior Researcher
tel. +380 44 525-83-14, int.2-75
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Golenischeva s
Raisa Golenischeva
Junior Researcher
tel. +380 44 525-12-28, int.2-11
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Zakharenko s
Oksana Zakharenko
Junior Researcher
tel. +380 44 525-61-86, int.3-05
e-mail:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Iaroslav Gritsayenko
Junior Researcher
tel. +380 44 525-61-96, int.3-12
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Yurii Lashchuk
Junior Researcher
tel. (+38044) 525-83-14, 2-75,
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Yashin s
Eduard Yashin
engineer 1st cat.
tel. 5-43

Temperature sensors group

Shwarts Yu s

Dr. Yurii Shwarts
leading researcher
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Shwarts M s

Dr. Marina Shwarts
senior researcher

Borblik s

Dr. Vitalii Borblik
senior researcher
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Laboratory №33:  Laboratory of physical and technological problems of solid-state microwave electronics

Head of Laboratory Raisa Konakova


Field of research

The main research topics of the department:

  • Electrical and galvanomagnetic properties of semiconductors and semiconductor nanostructures;
  • Acoustic-electron relaxation spectroscopy of complex impurity nano-defects in semiconductor materials and heterostructures;
  • Biosensorics.

 Our current research is focused on:

  • Investigation of galvanomagnetic phenomena in quantum-sized semiconductor systems (RTD-, HEMT-, FET-type heterostructures based on group-III nitrides, arsenides and Silicone), that appear in strong magnetic and electric fields at wide temperature range.

  • Inter-defect interactions study in Silicon single crystals grown by different methods (Czochralsky method, non-crucible zone-melting (NCZM),  NCZM with electron-beam zone melting) and with different doping and impurities (oxygen, carbon, ect.) under different external factors (magnetic fields, elastic and plastic deformations, thermal treatment, radiation, ect.)

  • Investigations of interaction of volume and surface waves with micro- and nano-sized objects located near or on the surface. Studies of solid state surface structure basing on space distribution of scattered light intensity, its polarization properties. Dynamic studies according light scattering data of colloidal micro- and nano-sized particles structure under external fields. Application elastic light scattering for control of surface state of semiconductor wafers, optical surfaces like metal mirrors and others.


  • Studying a magnetotransport in single barrier AlGaN/GaN heterostructures with different quantum localization all factors that affect the effective mass of two-dimensional electron gas were determined, and a refined value is deduced to be equal to (0.2±0.01)m0.
  • The strong dependence of overheating temperature in the channel on buffer thickness was shown for gateless AlGaN/GaN (TLM) heterostructures grown on sapphire with different thicknesses of the GaN buffer layer. It was demonstrated that the noise spectra can be used to determine the activation energy of the traps of the AlGaN/GaN heterostructures at room temperature. 
  • Recovering of atomic surface structure reconstruction of silicon wafers according space distribution of scattered light;
  • Discovered effect of giant enhancement of surface plasmon polariton scattering;
  • Obtaining one of the first data deals with scattering of surface and volume waves by metal nanoparticles;
  • Elaborated methods for distinguishing between topographic scattering by surface relief and scattering by non-topographic sources like structure defects, inclusions of other chemical components etc. Such kind of scattering not only demonstrated, but parameters of sources of non-topographic defects were determined.



  • The method of using acoustic waves in the process of ionic doping is proposed and developed. The method of formation of superfluous p-n transitions with the use of implantation from an in situ ultrasound processing is patented (Patent US 6.358.823.31);
  • Novel acoustoelectronic methods of complex impurity defects investigation in semiconductor materials and heterostructures (acoustic goniometer, dynamic acoustochol, thermoacoustic annealing, relaxation spectroscopy) are developed;
  • Elaborated method of surface structure reconstruction from space distribution of elastically scattered light;
  • Elaborated and realized experimental setups for serial (Rassvet setup) and parallel (Ellipsograph setup) measurements of half sphere distribution of scattered light;
  • Elaborated method and realized measurements of the map of surface roughness in the sub-nanometer r.m.s. roughness range (setup Ellipsograph);
  • Elaborated method and realized measurements of a microstructure of a scattered light in the vicinity of scattering centers (Microscatterometer setup).


- cryostats with superconducting solenoid (magnetic fields up to 8 T) and electromagnet (magnetic fields up to 1.5 T) with temperatures 1.8 – 300 К. Set of devices (Keithley 2601 SMU, Keithley 7001 Switch, Keithley 2000 Multimeter, Keitthley 2230-30-1 triple channel power supply) for electrophysical (I-V) and magnetotransport measurements (Hall and SdH);

kryostat and Keithley




Rassvet Setup is constructed for studies of half sphere distribution of scattered light.


Method of measurements: serial with surface and volume waves excitation.


Laser sources: wavelength, nm: 632.8, 670; with linear P, S or circular polarizations.


Dynamical range of scattered intensity registration: 8 orders of magnitude.


Angular resolution, min: 0.4


Photo receiver: PMT with computer controlled sensitivity switch, selective microvoltmeter and digital lock-in detection; dynamical range: 8 orders of magnitude.


Minimal value of measured surface r.m.s. roughness, nm: 0.04.


Time of whole half sphere measurements, h: 3-4.

      rassvet s




Ellipsograph setup is constructed for parallel measurements of half sphere distribution of elastically scattered surface and volume waves.


Time of whole half sphere measurements, sec.: 2 with SBIG CCD Camera. With another kind of CCD camera this time can be part of second. Exposition CCD camera time, sec: 0.04 … 10. Temperature difference of CCD sensor, °C: <20. Dynamical range of CCD sensor, bits: 16. Automatic software control of CCD camera exposition time is realized.


Ellipsograph setup has possibility to measure surface r.m.s. roughness map


Size of the r.m.s. roughness map, mm: till 20x20 mm2


r.m.s. roughness tangential resolution, nm: 0.03.


r.m.s. roughness lateral resolution, mm: 80.



Ellipsograph pano3 s




Microscatterometer setup is constructed for study space distribution of scattered light, surface waves in the proximity of scattering surface structures, defects. Study is realized by obtaining 3D, 4D distributions of scattered light.


Setup is based on Carl Zeiss BK-70/50 microscope.


3D structures are realized by record of set of 2D images with different height of image plane positions and consequent analysis of 3D structure.


4D structures are realized as set of 3D structures recorded with different values of angle of incidence of light exciting scattering.


Microscatterometer setup is realizing automatic analysis each of image frame during exposition and correcting of exposition time for optimal presentation of recorded distribution of scattered light.

      Microscattering s




  • Joint German – Ukrainian BMBF project 01DK13016 “Device Inspiring Research and Technology Demonstration and Assessments for High-Speed and Low-Energy Nanowire Transistors” (2013 - 2016)
  • DAAD research fellowship A/14/02428 “Electron transport properties of nanoscale quantum heterostructures based on III-nitride semiconductors for electronic biosensor applications” (2014)
  • Young scientists grant (from National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine) “Study of electron, mixed plasmon-phonon excitations and structural properties in nitride nanostructures at nonequilibrium conditions” (2011-2012)

